HomeMy WebLinkAbout9-12-1991 CHPC MINUTES .,' � �
Meeting of September 12, 1991
Present: Chairm�n Chuck R�ndolph, N�th�lle C�ates, P'I��delin�
Buckendarf , Art. Honey, Bi 1 1 Gicti III , Carol. Bur�anlc. Denni �
C:raoks, Teri Ottens and City C�uncil representati��� El�ine
Car��enter .
The September 12, 19y1 meetina of t.he Historic Preser�✓ati���n
Commission was called to order in the City Hall Confererice I?�����m
by i�hairman Chuck I�andolph at 7:U5 p.m.
CI�7d 1 Y"ITld17 F�ando l ph began the meet i nq by we l cc�mi ng riew Corruni ss i oner
Caro1 Buz�b��nk arld new Coiinci 1 representative, E1ain� Car
anc3. prt�vided a brief c�v�i vi�w of the rurr t;xska an��
responsibilities of the Historic Pre"erv�atiori C'ornmissic�n.
The fiz�st item on the agenda wa� the d.raft. of the 1992 Gr�ant
Pro�usal. L�ennis reviewed t.hP rc�nt�nt of tY,e propased projer_t
which included appr�oyimately orie dozen l�iistoi site �.ui�vF�ys
�1c�nc� Bl�in� Stre�t ancl preparzt.ic�n of z n��mination to t.he
Natioiial Hi�tc�ric Register for c�ne }iistoric cite on Clev�land
Bc»i 1 evard .
Dennis further inciicated that t.h� grznt ap�licatian prc�pcszl was
discussed in c�t7c�pt with the Stat� I F'reservation Uffic��
ancl was viewed, on a preliminary b.�sis, as a viable pYG:jP�'t.
Tl was san�ie discus��ion on tt�e cantent of tl7e �s propo.�a[
�r►ci a numl�er minor chanctes an�1 r were reconunen��.eci. Tl�nce
ir the additianal statement that th� mat�z�ial will ��e u��d.
ir�� con�ide.ring the rECOrru�nenciation c�f a local }11S t��r - ic district
fc�i the area, mor�e fler.ibilit}r for the selec.tion of
recc�nnais�,ance level and intensive level sites and the inclusic�n
of statenient that the tw� sit.es alr�ady surv�yed on Blairie �Strer�t.
would not be repeated.
There was als� ��iscussion of pot�ntial czndidat�s for nomin�t.icrn
to the National Historic R�gistez� and tlie crit�r u�ed in
pr�e�arir�ct a s�_tcr_essful nornination. EiuY�t. C'l�velancl Boulevard
�it.ea wet .li�ted. Conunissinn member � ac�i�r�c� tc� r�_�view t:h� eic�t�t.
��r��perties bef�re the next rne�ting and be prepax to narrc�w t.t�e
field ��f c�ndidates. Dennis also infox�mPr� tt�f� �;'on�rnissic>n �h::�t.
Eli�a}�eth Eqleston, Stat.e Histor�ian. s! be irivited to aktcr
one �f tt��e upc�ming meei�ings in ��rdei� to pr sc�me ey;�.
and input irito the final selection.
The r�ex.t it.erri e�f C�.ISCUSS1017 was t�1e draft letter of appi ec: ia± ion
which is tc� b� s?nt to owriers of pro�erties thzt. wer�e involvet� in
i�he 1991 praiect. which �.s to iricltade a corriplirnentar�y cr vf t.tiF�
survey c��te and ir►fc�rrnati��n. Bill Gigray III presented the etraft
l ette� and it was unanim��us ly acc���ted by tl�ie inetribei"s c�f t.t���
There was s�rne discussion on a few rni��cell�,neou, iterris. ClnA
sugqestion wa� the pc�s�,ir�i 1 ity c�f a Fia �toric� F'rrse�:
CarnrnissiGn lett?rl with th� tr de��Gt. as the principzl l�yc�.
"� f
� ', . �
U�liniti; lI�CilCdt@CI t.l��at he wc�uld follc�w up vn that item. C YIZIY"II1ZIl
Fic1l�t�.G1�1'1 ]:'C tr1B 1C3E,'d Ot lI7rUY'iTic3� �C�UCdt:1011c31
e;:�eriences for the Commis�iari and also the possibility or
x eviewitig thP matez ials, pl7otoqra�Yis ai�ici sl ic�e.s of �ast site
surveys and prUjacts. Also, t.he fc�rthcarninU R/UL�AT study wa,
ciiscu�sed. Teri Catter�5 inciicated ta the Con�n7i�sic�r�� member:> tl►at.
a time has Y�e.en e�tablishecl for the R/UDAT fiearn t� meet zncl
inter with t.he Histc�ric Preservation c:.'otYUnis�iori.
witr, no further business, the meeting was acijourned at 9:30 p.m.
to Thursday, Uctober� 3, 1991 at. 7:00 p.rn. in t.l►e C'v�.�r�c:il
C'c�nfer�ence Ra�m.
F'rep�.r�d ��y.
/ � ��
Pennis Cr���?ks. L�irertc�r
Planning and Zaning
DC'/s lm