HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-6-1991 CHPC MINUTES �� • •
Meetinq of June 6, 1991
Present: Chairman ChllCk Randolph, Nathe??e Oates, Madeline
: Buckendorr and Dennis Crooks.
The meeting of the Historic Preservation Comr.:ission ot June 6,
1�91 was called to order in the City Hall Conterznce Room by
Chairman Chuck Randolph at 7:00 p.m.
The first item of business involved the minutes from April 11,
1991. The m�nutes wer� unanimously accepted without chan�e by
the Commission members.
The following item involved property at 16�� Fairview and a
request trom the owner Gilbert Hafen. NLr. Hafen expressed
interest in qreparing a nomination for the National Historic
Register and was seeking some assistance andior riirection from
- the Commission on how to proceed. After some discussion, it was
concluded that it was not apprc�priate for the Commission to
actuaily �repare the appiicatian for nomination. Raiher, such a
task would be the res�on�ibiiity of the property owner. The
prop?rty ��wn�r, in turn. could 'nire an historic consultant to '
heip prepare tl nomination if desired. The Hist��ric
Pr�e.�ervation Commission also liscussed the �os�ibility of '�
financiai assistance in c�rtain cases if funds or grants were to '
be available.
The next agenda item was a report on the potential demoliti�n of
a residence at 1303 Arlington. After some discussion, the
Commission directed the staft to perform a brief historic survey
on the site and to take some blac�c and wnite photos of the
buildings and th� property.
Dennis next reported tne Id�ho Preservation Council workshop held
in Boise on iUiay 15, 1991. The theme of the worxshop was historic
_ preservatian and tne costs associ�ted with historic buildinq
rehabilitation. Four speciric Hoise case studies were examined
and visited.
Dennis also informed the Commission that historic consultant,
Susan Stacy, had started the site survey and expected to complete
the proJect in approximately 30 days.
�.lso discussed was a iand use survey oi th� rESidential
<~ - ne icthborho��d a 1 ong D�ar�born , Everett ancl Fi 1 lmore between Twe 1 f th
�nd Twentieth Avenues. T}ze survey revealed over ninety i90)
per�ent ��t iand uses to r_onsist or single family residences.
Tnere was some discussion anout whether or not such data might
support a changa in zoning fr�m R-2 {Medium �ensity Residential)
to R-1 (Single Family Residential) and whether an R-1 �one would
help to stabilize the nEiahborhood and help preserve the historic
intectrity of the area.
i • •
T'ner? was a�3di�_i�nai discussi�n cancerninc� �he �ieveland and
' Eclaine corridor, t'r:� mi:ceci c'r�aracter of tne ar�a and wha�
passible measurea might b� ta�:en to help impNove and stabi?i�e
�he arPa .
Finally there was mentian ot the Tr�in Depot and tne success of
the Caldweii riic�h School Art Exhibit which was held at that �
�"�� With no further business, the meeting was ad�ourned at 9:00 p.m.
Prepared by,
�� D?nnis Crooks, Director
�°'' Planning and Zoning
NOTE: Sinc� the first Thursday of the month falls on Jul_y 4,
Chairmar. Randolph elected to cancel the July meeting. The next
meeting af the nistaric Preservation Commission will be held on
August 1, ;991 at 7:00 p.m.
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