` � Monday October 23, 2006
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I.. Call to Order, Declaration of a Quorum. Called to Order at 6:00 PM by Chair Elaine
Carpenter I
II. Roll Call Present: Elaine Carpenter Chairman, Chuck Randolph, Elaine Leppert, Jan
Boles, Anita Shore, Lorene Oates, Gina Lujack, City Staff Brian Billingsley and City Council
Liaison, Rick Wells.
Absent: Steve Maughan,
III Approval of Agenda. Agenda was revised to add The Hat under Old Business and
Change the Certificate of Appropriateness Interview CA-92-06 to Actions Since Last Meeting.
Moved to Approve Anita Shore. Second Chuck R. Motion Passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes
August 28, 2006 Motion to approve, Chuck R. Second Jan B. Motion passed.
September 25, 2006 Motion to approve, Elaine L. Second Chuck R. Motion passed.
V. Certificate of Appropriateness Interview
� CA-91-06 John Roeder 1515 Dearborn (Building Addition) John & Kristy were sworn
in. John explained their desired project. The enlargement of the balance of windows etc. He
passed around pictures of the house. Brian explained the set back requirements to the Roeders.
Chuck moved to approve as explained in the drawings and pictures as long as all set back
requirements are met. Anita S. seconded. Motion passed.
VI. Audience Participation - None
VII. Actions Since Last Meeting
Chuck R reported this was a problem month for roofs.
Maria Chavez 1222 Blaine (Re-Roo� Chuck Re reported that this was an easy to justify
re-roof. This application met the previously established criteria. New architectural shingles. He
has approved this.
Richard Hogg 1919 Cleveland (Re-Roo� Harold Tucker house. This application met
the previously established criteria. New architectural shingles. This has been finished with
Chuck R. approval.
John Slovick 1808 Cleveland (Re-Roof} This house has cedar shingles which still
appear good and they are time appropriate. They could possibly be saved with oil. Chuck
• thought we should encourage them to try to save this roof.
Chuck also reported that the house at 1615 Cleveland has had the shingles removed with
no Building' Permit. Apparently, Tom had previously approved the C of A. The owners
continued with the project. There was a gap in communication here.
• Christian Science Academy 623 South 16th AV (Trim Work) The windows have been
approved. Elaine C said they plan to put wood back under the windows and around the door.
Chuck R moved we approve there application with the understanding that the wood trim be
replaced with wood. Elaine L seconded. Motion passed
CA-92-06 Agustin Torres 1209 Blaine (Re-Roo� 1Nloved to VI This'was not signed at
first as there was a problem identifying the shingles. It was later signed and is now in progress.
It was noted that if we can replace Tom E. with a building contractor or an architect, it
would really help us make decisions. Elaine C. said we really need to retairi an interest in the
approval of new roofs. Gina L suggested we mail a letter to all the roofing contractors.
Elaine L moved we approve the administrative approval of roof C of A. Anita Shore
seconded. Motion passed.
There was a discussion on "shadow lines" from set backs. Apparently this has come up
several times. At one time Planning & Zoning were exploring setting codes with this in mind.
Has anything ever been done regarding this? Brian B was unaware of anything being done. i
III. Old Business
� 1. Historic District Signage Chuck R. Anita S volunteered her husband, James, to
assist Chuck install the signs.
2 Blaine/Cleveland Curbs Lorene O and Chuck R Tabled until next meeting.
There was a short discussion regarding the canopy of trees. Maybe after the new curbs and
streets are done we should look into making this one of our projects.
3 City Council Workshop/Ordinance Update/Community Meeting Elaine C.)
Elaine C said she felt our ideas were pretty well received. Chuck R, Elaine C, Jan B and Brian
will go over the draft to insure the changes we want are done. We will need to have a
Community meeting to be set later.
4 Trolley Tracks Rick W said he thought this was to be re-bid as the original bid
was over budget. He is asking for clarification on this. Is the bid for the curb project or the
bridge over the interstate? Idaho Transportation Department is in charge of this. At this tine
there are no assurances that the tracks can be saved. We wish to appoint Steve M to do research
on this.
5. The Hat The Board of Realtors have written a check and at 3:30 p.m. November 1,
2006 Elaine C and the Board of Realtors will present the check to Bob Hoover of the Albertson
College of Idaho. Lorene O suggested this would be a nice site for a section of the tracks.
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1 CLG 2007 Grant Elaine C There was an explanation of our budget
• mailed in our packets.
2 Administrative C of A Approvals Chuck R recommended we continue at last
through the end of this year to expedite Certificate of Appropriateness on roofs. He would like
to be able to call at least one or two others to share information with.
3. There was a discussion about Code Enforcement. Could we invite a Code
Enforcement Officer to our next meeting? Elaine L volunteered to invite someone.
4. Rick W ask for input on the look for the new City Hall. He would like it to look
like the Old City HaIL
X For the Good of the Commission
Steinhaus Open House - October 28th 1-4 pm 1811 Cleveland
Train Depot Dedication - October 28th 2-5 pm 3 P.M. Ribbon Cutting 'I
Clock Tower on Main Street Mill Thank you to Bob Jenkins for this 'Jan reported they
removed the top of the silo. The clock is set and running.
• George L. Crookham Papers - Jan Last February Crookham Company made the AC of I
the custodians of about 200 Steunenberg documents. These are now available for viewing on the
A C of I website. Jan B passed around a poster of the Depot 1906 to 2006
We each shared a memory of our friend and Mentor Tom Ensley. He will be greatly
Adjournment. Next meeting will be November 27.
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