August 28, 2006
Caldwell Police Department, 110 s 5th AV - Community Room '
I. Call to Order � v�
II. Roll Call Present: Elaine Carpenter Chairman, Chuck Randolph, Elaine Leppert, Jan
Boles, Anita Shore, Lorene Oates, Steve Maughan, City Staff Brian Billingsley and City Council
Liaison, Rick Wells
Absent: Tom Ensley, and Gina Lujack.
III Approval of Agenda. Motion to approve with addition, Anita Shore/ second Chuck
Randolph. Motion passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve, Chuck Randolph/ second Anita Shore. Motion
V. Certificate of Appropriateness Interview Mike & Donna McKinney, 1520 Dearborn
Street (addition, windows, and landscaping features). Mike McKinney told us that hew
has spoken to City Hall and they told him he needs a C of A. He explained that the back half of
the house is a new addition., He would match the garage to the house. Jan B�ask if there was a
garage there previously and Mike was unsure. The back portion of the lot is all gravel. The
• room over the garage would match roof line of the house. Mike is willing to cooperate with our
recommendations. The fencing is an improvement. Chuck said we have a few questions.
Would the roof of the garage exceed the roof of the house? Answer was "no". Did it meet set
back measurements? If the garage was attached to the house the requirements are different than
if it was detached. There was also a question about the pergola - the proposed size? Mike
reported that they proposed a glass slider and windows to match the others in the house. The
pergola would give good access 'from the garage to the house. He is not opposed to a detached
garage if that is necessary. He could shorten the garage if necessary to meet Set Back. Jan said
if it weren't attached he wouldn't need the connecting section of roof line. Steve felt a detached
garage would be more time period appropriate. The pergola would offer protection to and from
the garage and offer a certain amount of shade. Chuck felt that we could approve He felt that
lattice would be more time period appropriate than Plexiglas for the pergola. Steve moved we
approve a detached garage with a roof line to match the house, siding and windows to match the
house. Recommendation of French doors instead of a glass slider and lattice or open roof on the
pergola. Elaine L. seconded. Motion passed.
VI. Audience Participation Melody Upshaw was speaking to us about the house located at
1213 Cleveland owned by Leila Branch. The house needs a new roof. All of the old shingles on
the house and garage need to be removed and replaced. Elaine explained they would need a
building permit. Chuck R moved we approve the replacement with architectural shingles. Jan B
seconded. Motion passed.
� Rick W said he is looking for past use history of the train depot area. There is what
appears to be a foundation in the area and what appears to be coal dust. He is trying to resolve
the prior use of this area. There was some discussion of past use - freight etc. Elaine L
suggested he speak to Madeline Buckendorf, who has done research on the railroad depot.
VII. Actions Si,��e Last Meeting Louise Rhoades roof. Chuck R reported the C of A has '
been signed. He reviewed a couple of others. One in the 1700 block of Cleveland. They were in ',
the process of reroofing. Chuck and Brian B reviewed this and approved it with the use of '
• architectural shingles and signed it off. Second was at 16th and Blaine They were in the ',
process of reroofing without a permit or a C of A. We need to act on this kind of thing and not
just let it side by. ,
VIII. Old Business I
l.Historic District Signage - Chuck R Chuck reported he has talked to the City Sign II �,
person, who is not very cooperative. He said it would require drilling hole in the new signs and �'
replacing them. We might be able to accomplish these ourselves. Steve M volunteered to help. ,
2 Steunenberg Award - Elaine L and Anita (1811 Cleveland) Anita passed around her
draft copy of the award. There was a discussion on wording. We want to present this award ',
September 25 at our regular meeting. '
3 The Hat - Jan B/Gina L. ACofI is unsure as to whether they wish to� move the "Hat". �''
Jan B has been requested to attend the Board of Realtors meeting. We are rrioving ahead with �
this project. I,
4 Indian Creek Festival - 9/16 After a discussion of how many would be available for I
this weekend and lack of plans for our part Chuck R moved we pass on this for this year. Jan B
seconded. Motion passed.
• 5 Blaine/Cleveland Curbs - Lorene and Chuck. Chuck R did not get a schedule to drive
around and look at this with Gordon Law. Maybe next month.
6 CLG Grant - Elaine L. reported this has been sent to Debbie Geyer to be submitted.
Elaine C reported the financial end of this. We should be able to finish the Oregon Trail Project
next year.
7 Cleveland "Lean To" - Elaine C reported that it was "Gone". Scott Maxwell had been
out to visit with the owners and nit has been removed.
8 Student housing in historic district. Chuck R said that Brian B followed up on this
since the last meeting. One of the houses in the 1500 block of Blaine had a�prior permit that
didn't transfer to the new owner. The house at 1510 is now for rent - not as a rooming house.
Brian said when they ask for a Special Use Permit, he will send them to us.
9 Depot Bricks - Jan B reported that the master student working on this has been
unavailable. We have the documentation on computer file of every brick. They are not very
well indexed. He will check into the cost to get a hard copy of this.
10 Web Page. Brian will try to take care of updating this, as it is outdated.
• • i
• 1 Renew Canyon County Historic Society Membership Last year we did a"Sustaining I ,
M e m b e r s h i p f o r $ 5 0. 0 0. C h u c k R m o v e d w e r e n e w t h e s a m e. E l a i n e L s e c o n d e d. M o t i o n
2 Meeting Location The City would be able to purchase a tape recorder if we want to
move back to the Library. Elaine L thought if we meet on Monday we could meet there.
Everyone here was comfortable with the fourth Monday of the month at the Library.
X For the Good of the Commission
1 Larry Jones Retirement Gina L is representing us at the party tonight. Jan passed ''
around a letter for each of us to sign.
2 Book Signing - Jan. Carol MacGregor is hosting a book signing for her new book
about Boise, September 17, at her home on Warm Springs Avenue in Boise.
XI. Adjournment Chuck R moved and Steve M seconded we adjourn. Motion passed.
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