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February 16, 2005
� Caldwell City Hall
i. Call to Order
Elaine Carpenter, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Members Present: Elaine Carpenter, Chairperson, Jan Boles, Anita Shore, Elaine
Leppert, Tom Ensiey, Lorene Oates, Chuck Randolph, Betty Jo Keller and City Council
Liaison Rick Wells.
Members Absent: Steve Maughan and Josephine Masar.
City Staff: Jacqueline Hernandez and Wendy Kirkpatrick.
III. Approval of Agenda
MOTION/Anita Shore SECOND/Betty Jo Keller. Accept the agenda with noted
changes. Carried.
IV. Approval of Minutes
MOTION/Tom Ensley SECOND/Anita Shore. Accept minutes of January 19, 2005, with
noted changes. Carried.
V. Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews
VI. Actions Since Last Meeting
Elaine Carpenter reminded the HP Commission of the e-mail she sent previously with
concerns of the demolition of the Ada County Courthouse building. Elaine requested
the HP Commission contact a House member and voice their opinion to keep the
building from being demolished.
VII. Old Business
A. Historic Sites Committee
The Historic Sites Committee needed clarity of the information needed to
complete the project. The HS Committee is to create a list of local areas,
buildings and sites that are deemed historically significant. It was mentioned any
property on the list needs to be on a register to confirm the historic significance.
Wendy Kirkpatrick informed the HP Commission the Comprehensive Plan is
currently being updated. The compiled list of historic significant sites will need to
be included in the Comprehensive Plan. Wendy noted the information collected
would be included in future staff reports and would reflect under findings during
B. Friends of the Depot
• VIII. New Business v
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Betty Jo Keller invited the community to have a meeting, 4 peopie attended the
� meeting. Betty Jo announced September 16"' would be the ribbon cutting and
. October 1 begins the Depot renovation.
C. Steunenberg Event
Jan Boles informed the HP Commission the signage installed in the Steunenbe�g
Local Historic District last year by the City Street Department was improperly
installed; he was informed the posts that were used should have been break
away posts. Jan spoke with Gary Vance a# Superior signs about the break away
posts; Gary mentioned that City code did not mention break away posts.
Jan is working to set up a booth for the Indian Creek Festival. Mr. Crookham can
include his video and disptay. The display wiil include pictures of the 1905 time,
along with information about the chain of events that happened in the country
around that time. Mr. Crookham offered his support given time in advance for
preparation. Chuck Randolph suggested a banner of the Statue that is focated in
Boise be displayed during the Indian Creek Festival. Elaine Carpenter
mentioned there should be a center point for this occasion and for future events.
Discussion followed of individuals that could be interviewed and resources that
could be uti(ized. Bob Bushnell has agreed to be interviewed for Bill Crookham's
tape interview collection.
D. Text Amendments Progress
Diane Kushlan has done texi changes on the Comprehensive Plan. The HP
Commission needs to review the changes, especially the hearing process
E. Idaho Magazine
There was no update.
F. Conservation District Discussion
There was no update.
G. Michael Frank Metal Roof Update
There was no update; the HP Commission is awaiting response from Mark Hilty,
City Attorney.
H. CLG Conference/Preservation Idaho Conference/National Meeting, Portland
There will be no conference this year due to State fund budget. There will be a
National meeting held in Portland, Oregon fr�m 9/27/05 — 10/2/05, if anyone is
interested notify Elaine Carpenter.
I. Canyon County Historic Society: Alternate Delegate
No update from Elaine Leppert due to work schedule. Anita Shore will be an
alternate for the Canyon County Historic Society, representing the HP
VIII. New Business
HPC meeting 2/16/05
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• inferview a person he knows who can relate stories of historic interest.
HPC meeting 2/16/05
A. Adding Members to our Commission
• It was noted that when the bylaws are changed Jan Boles will become an
alternate and there will be two (2) other alternates that could be appointed.
B. Reactive work with AC of I Hat repairs
ident Hoover from the Alberston Cotle e about
Elaine Carpenter spoke with Pres g,
the AC of I Hat repairs. Jan Boles will contact Steve Maughn to see when the
College may be ready to proceed with the project_
C. Curb, Gutter � Water box Discussion (Between Cleveland Btvd 8 Blaine
Gordon Law, City Engineer, would like to add�ess the HP Commission in regards
to the upgrade repairs scheduled for the Cleveland Blvd and Blaine Street. The
City wilt be installing new curb � gutter, removing the irrigation boxes and
replacing them with ada pipe. These project plans have been completed and the
Engineering Department is requesting feedback or objections to this project. The
HP Commission would like the tracks located on the Northeast comer of 20�" &
Cleveland Btvd be kept exposed.
Discussion followed, Concerns arose about the C of A process, the restoration of
the canopy and the street elevation issues. Elaine Carpenter agreed everyone
needs to go through the current process for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
Wendy Kirkpatrick will speak to Gordon Law about the elevation issues on the
curbs. Paul Nelson, City Forester, needs to tour the district and mark the trees
that have created issues.
• D. Historical Design Guidelines
Tom Ensley reviewed the changes Diane Kushlan made to the Historical Design
Guidelines for downtown. Tom mentioned to the HP Commission needs to create
a boundary for major buildings on Main Street. Tom explained to the HP
Commission the importance of establishing a historical district in the downtown.
SHIPO informed the HP Commission that there were not enough buildings to call
the downtown an Historic District. Tom suggested the Core Committee create a
theme for the downtown district by collecting historical events to create a name
for the district.
Discussion followed the HP Commission had comments and concerns of the
downtown design review future process. The HP Commission outlined the
designated area for the downtown district Exhibit HP-1000.
MOTION/Chuck Randolph SECOND/Anita Shore Move to suggest this be '
included to the historical requirements Exhibit HP-1000. Carried. '
IX. For the Good of the Commission
The Steunenberg Historical District Neighborhood Association President Rochelle has
stepped down due to her pregnancy. There are ten (10} people in the Committee,
Chuck Randolph and Lorene Oates will work with the group to help stabilize the
Neighborhood Association. The Commission suggested a Neighborhood Watch
program be organized.
The HP Commission would fike Bill Crookham to contact Dee Child to have a taped
• interview a person he knows who can relate stories af historic interest.
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The location of the HP Commission future meetings wili be held every 3` Wednesday
at the Caidwell Pubiic Library.
. X. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacqueline Hernandez
Recording Secretary
Signed: �c:�.v.�.�. �.�-�.,
Elaine Carpenter, C airperson
Date: �' I L� O S
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