HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-2011 PATHWAY AND BIKE MINUTES . . PATHWAYS AND BIKE ROUTES COMMITTEE MINUTES Meeting of February 15, 2011 @ 7:00 P.M _ .�►f'PR Caldwell Police Department — Community Room � I. Call to Order. Chairperson Mann called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Members Present. Ann Manning, Bill BuckendorF, Bill Gigray III, Cindy Grover, Larry Evans, Mark Pemble, Nick Molenaar, Paul Mann and Rod Garrett. Members Absent. None. Others Present. Brian Billingsley, Planning & Zoning Director, and Ricardo Calderon, Associate Engineer. Others Absent. April Cabello, Planning Technician, Rob Hopper, CC Liaison and Brent Orton, Public Works Director. II. Review and Approval of the Agenda. The Committee did not make any amendments to the agenda. MOTION: Nick M., SECOND: Bill B., MOTION PASSED. III. Approval of Minutes. A. The minutes of January 25, 2011 were presented to the committee. MOTION: Larry E., SECOND: Cindy G., MOTION PASSED. IV. Audience Participation. No audience participation occurred. V. Communications. None. Vl. Committee and Staff Reports. A. Brian B. gave an update on the Safe Routes to School Grant and stated that the Heritage Community Charter School will help with him with and submit the grant appfication to the State by March 1, 2011. Brian said if the City of Caldwell received the grant the city would be notified by June 2011. Brian stated the following items would be funded with the grant money: install 10ft of asphalt, lighting, park benches, fencing and finro call boxes along the Lake Lowell Pafhway between the YMCA and Ustick Road. r�k����e � • �`bll. Old Business. A. Public Pathways Ordinance. Brian B. handed out a copy of the signed Public Pathways ordinance approved at the February 7, 2011 City Council hearing. Bill G. confirmed with staff that any application submitted subsequent to the enactment date of this ordinance has to meet the requirements of the ordinance and that any application submitted before the enactment of the ordinance does not need to meet the requirements of the ordinance. Brian B. confirmed. B. YMCA Pathway Update. Ricardo C. gave an update on the YMCA Pathway and stated that the gravel portion of the pathway is ready for asphalt. Ricardo C. further stated all the previous problems have been resolved and the pathway should be finished by March. C. Update on Amendments to Pathways and Bike Routes Master Plan. Brian B. informed the committee that the amended PBR plan was approved at the February 7, 2011 City Council hearing. Brian B. stated that the Street Department has placed orange markers along the route #1 for the future sign placement and work would begin on routes #1 and #3 in 2011. Brian B. further stated that route #2 is not in the 2011 funding but it will be part of the 2012 funding request and route #3 would start after route #1 is complete. D. FY2012 Budget Recommendations. Brian B. informed the committee that 2012 Budget recommendations should be submitted no later than July because City Council begins their visioning workshops during the summer to review budgets from all departments and decides which programs to fund or cut. Brian B. stated at the last meeting he suggested a budget sub-committee but the PBR committee wanted all PBR Members to work on the budget together. Brian B. suggested to set aside the April or May meeting to work on the 2012 budget and the committee agreed. Bill G. stated he felt the committee as a group should work on the budget and leave the task forces to work on single projects. Bill G. also stated the Public Works and Parks Department should submit a report to the PBR Committee showing current or potential road and street projects. Brian B. stated he has received a report showing which streets are proposed on the pathway plan for bike lanes and restriping so the PBR Committee should include the striping and panting of the bike lanes and signs in the 2012 budget request. Brian B. said the only agenda item for April would be the 2012 budget. VIII. New Business. Q. Indian Creek Pa#hway Master Plan. Brian B. presented an aerial and map of the area for the PBR committee to review. Brian B. introduced Eileen Davidson and explained she will design the proposal to extend the Indian Creek pathway down to the Boise River. The committee discussed different options and landscaping for the proposed pathway extension. 2�1'age _ -'"' Chairperson Mann asked for a motion to approve the concept plan with an alternate plan B for getting over the Indian Creek and Boise River. MOTION: Bill B., SECOND: Nick M., MOTION PASSED. B. Traffic Commission. Brian B. informed the committee that the Traffic Commission Ordinance is being amended and City Council wanted one At- Large member added to the Traffic Commission. Brian B. stated Commissioner Rob Hopper thought it would be a great idea for a member of the PBR Committee to fill the one At-Large Traffic Commission position. Bill G. made a motion for Rod G. to be the At-Large Traffic Commission member and Chair Paul M. to be the alternate At-Large Traffic Commission member. MOTION: Bill G., SECOND: Nick M., MOTION PASSED. C. Location of Future Meetings. Brian B. stated that the Airport Manager offered the Airport Terminal Building for the PBR meetings. Brian B. asked the committee if they would like to move the PBR meetings to the Airport. Chairperson Mann stated he wanted the next meeting in April to be held at the Police Department and the May meeting at the Airport. IX. Adjourn. MOTION: Bill B., SECOND: Larry E., MOTION PASSED. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 p.m. RespectFully submitted by April Cabello, MINUTES A�ROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRPERSON PAUL MANN ON THE DATE N.�TED B LOW. .r � � � l / Paul Mann, Chair Da e � z. ,.✓ � �. � � � / ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, P&Z Director Da e 3�1'a.ge