HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-9-2003 CHPC MINUTES F L HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES • July 9, 2003 Caldwell City Hall I. Call to Order: Jan Boles, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. II. Roll Call: Members Present: Jan Boles, Chairman; Elaine Carpenter, Steve Maughan, Elaine Leppert, Anita Shore, Ken Feaster-Eytchison, Chuck Randolph and Betty Jo Keller. Members Absent: Tom Ensley, Mrs. Masar and Rick Welis City Staff: Jacqueline Hemandez and Debbie Geyer Approval of Agenda: Motion - Steve Maughan; Second - Ken Feaster-Eytchison. Accept the agenda as presented. Passed III. Approval of Minutes I MOTION/Tom Ensley SECOND/Anita Shore. Accept minutes of May 7 2003 with the clarification of the Orchid award be posted on the backs of the Historical District award. VI. New Business � A. Certificate of Appropriateness Interview: Gene Hemenway, applicant, presented his request (CA-8-03) for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Mr. Hemenway stated his request was to split the lot at 1520 Cleveland Blvd. Once the subdivision split was completed the building plans for the triplex would be brought forward for the HP Commission for review. Chairman Boles, explained to Mr. Hemenway he had submitted an incomplete application with no site plan and design for landscaping is needed. These two items were critical in order for Mr. Hemenway to move foreward. Elaine Carpenter commented the application was incomplete and does not agree with the subdivision split of the mentioned lots without building/site plans. Mr. Hemenway reiterated that once the subdivision process is approved building plans for review would be brought forward to the HP Commission for approval. Steve Maughan, commented changes concerning design review standards on the existing building. Elaine Carpenter commented this is a corner lot and changes would be notieeabl�. Design review would be essential to assure the commission of the applicant's intent to upgrade the parcel on #he gateway street. Ronald Blakely, resident at 1605 Dearborn, testified as neutral to the subdivision. Mr. _ _ _ _ Blakley's-s#a#ed- concern_thaf .the_new_(trip.lex�_bu.ild.ing_woulcL.not. resemb.le_the_ _ . _ ____ � existing building. Mr. Blakley did not have objection to the subdivision split. Mr. Hemenway explained it is not the intent of the new property owner that the new building structure reflects the appearance of the existing building. s Terry Maserak, resident at 1602 E. Cleveland, testified as neutral to the application. Mr. Maserak questioned why the applicant is splitting the lot and the intent of future • development. Mr. Hemenway mentioned he would provide plans when appropriate. Mr. Blakely questioned how many apartments would there be in the existing building and in the proposed new complex? Mr. Hemenway state that both buildings would house approximately three to four families. Ken Beauchamp, 1522 Dearborn, testified in favor of splitting the lots and having the applicant move forward with his plans. John Seal, resident at 1515 Cleveland, testified as neutral to the applicant. Mr. Seal expressed concern of the new building structure reflecting the appearance of the existing building. He also had concerns of the amount of landscaping that would be provided. He suggested the HP Commission pay the owner #air property value and demolish the existing building. Chairman Boles, stated the commission is not authorized to make such determinations. A letter of opposition was read by Jacqueline Hernandez provided by William Gigray III, resident of 1523 Dearborn. (Exhibit A) Jan Boles, Chairman, reiterated that he felt the application was incomplete. • Elaine Carpenter commented she felt comfortable with the subdivision split, however was uncomfortable in approving a C of A on the existing building without adequate site plans showing design guidelines. Steve Maughan, commented that since there was no elevation plans provided on the of the existing building, the Commission should not approve a C of A. Chuck Randolph, commented his concerns of no design review plans for the building. Mr. Randolph requested - the applicant return to HPC with the subdivision split, and detailed site plans of the entire project. Debbie Geyer, P&Z staff, informed the Commission that applications are subject to landscape review on properties located on gateway or presentation streets. Gene Hemenway, commented that any minor repairs did not require a C of A. Debbie Geyer, P8Z staff, informed that all building permits require a C of A. MOTION/ Approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for the request of the Subdivision split on 16 & Cleveland. Passed: Unanimous roll call vote. _,_ • _•.�__ . ---- - _. . _.., ����� ����ji th� vuii�i�g p�r���i� ��� m�dific�ti��,:� to the ExES:ing st;�e,ure �:t'5z� Cleveland Blvd until Mr. Hemenway provides a detailed a design site plan with elevation and landscape plans. Passed: Unanimous roli call vote. B. Audience Participation (Elaine Carpenter) ___� - Elaine -Car enter resen#ed a conce t to allow audiet�ce. �rtici ation to make _a_ P P P P P _._ .___ presentation without intervention of the Commission. Item tablec� for further discussion. . , ,, V. Old Business A. Arlington Neighborhood ! Discussion followed concerning the surveying of properties along the Arlington/Mead Avenue area for the purpose of constructing a local residential district. It was stated that several homes have been remodeled into professional offices. It was determined to consider this as a project for 2003-04 CLG funds. B. CLG Grant Money Update Report Jacqueline reported the total of homeowners in the Steunenberg District were 303. The list of realtors/brokers consisted of 60 bringing a total of 363 for the mailing list. The cost per piece would be 0.12 cents for pieces less than 1 oz. The total for bulk mailing would be $43.56. Discussion was held concerning a threefold flyer that will be sent out to the District, owners and brokers. This flyer would reiterate facts about owing property in Steunenberg District and congratulations statement for being a part of the District. There was some concern that realtors are not giving property owners a map of the area and adequate information about the HP District prior to the purchase of property in the District. ACTION: The mailing will be sent prior to August 30, 2003 with CLG funding. C. Recordin� Historical Preservation District on Assessor's role with Canyon County Jacqueline Hernandez reported speaking to Ted Martin from the Canyon County Assessor's office. Ted informed her the project would take approximately a.month. � ACTION: T he c hanges will b e c ompleted b y n ext m onth. J acqueline will k eep t he Commission updated. D. Request to include a$50.00 Fee for Submittal of Certificate of Appropriateness Tabled for future discussion. E. Indian Creek Festival Chairman Boles reported that he is giving full support to Dennis Cannon in conducting a booth at the Stream Celebration festival: More information will be given at the Augus# meeting concerning the brochure and personal needed. V. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. RespectFully submitted, _._ � ._..... > ... --� -Jacqu�lin� , ��rr,����� � _. ..��-- - __. . _.�._ Recording Secretary ATTESTE T : ,, � __ _ Si ed:-- .__ _ _ � � _. _ _ � __ - - _ _- - . _ _ _-- - ; Jan oles, Chairman � D ���D O 3