HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-31-1994 TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES , ' '� ' � - (I�fft.c.e .o�f (2�tt� � xt�tx�.eEr - - # ' 8c r - � r ', .-��..� ����`� ����� �������� N � � � � GORDON N. LAW, P.E. CITY OF CALDWELL City of Caldwell Ma 31 1994 621 Cleveland Blvd. P. O. Box 1177 y � Caldwell, idaho 83605 Caldweii, Idaho 83606-1177 PHONE (2os) 455-3000 BUS. 208/455-3006 FAX (208) 455-3003 Dear Mayor and City Council, The Traffic Commission reviewed the intersection at Kimball and Ustick during their May meeting and determined that the removal of the stop sign on Ustick and making Kimball a tee intersection with a stop sign would be very advantageous to the City. It would not only force the traffic back onto Farmway Rd., but would preserve the Ustick corridor and slow traffic on Kimball. Enclosed is a diagram of the suggested changes. The Commission would appreciate your approval and would ask that you write a letter to the Highway District requesting the changes. Attached is a diagram of the intended changes. V u ours, Mike Gable Chairperson Traffic Commission MG/js . � � I 1 \ N z � � � � � rn c� X \ z � c --� � z � \ c� z � O m \� � m cn � � � O �� � � � I E— _ — \ _�� E— KIMBALL z W � � � c � I � � � o � � � � � � � z �� � � � f O O x z � o � � � C _ �_ KIMBALL _ � '� z —�i � � �c � o � � '� � � � �/� I o �o � �� z D � � /'1 — m d �� m �„ w � O� z� N � m� A . � ' - � �ffTxE �f C2�tt� � x��tx�.e.er , - -# & - ` 1 � ��x.�ZY.c �.�r.�s �tr.e.c#�x , . ., GORDON N. LAW, P.E. May 27, 1994 CITY OF CALDWELL City of Caldwell 621 Cleveland Blvd. P. O. Box 1177 Caldwell, Idaho 83605 Caldwell, Idaho 83606-1 1 77 PHONE (208) 455-3000 BUS. 208/455-3006 FAX (208) 455-3003 Dear Mayor and City Council, The Traffic Commission often gets complaints from citizens concerning speeding problems. While the police department often runs radar, it is not usually possible to get all the areas that the community would like. Attached is a brochure of a portable radar trailer. The trailer can be taken into neighborhoods or high traffic areas and parked for extended periods of time. This device has been proven to be very effective in reducing speed problems by visually reminding people of their speed and of what the speed limit is on that street. The price of this unit is $8,600.00, however, compared to the cost of a policeman running radar it is very cost effective as well as being an excellent public relations tool by being able to be responsive to the concerns of taxpayers. The police department has put this as an addendum to the poZice budget. The Traffic Commission would like to endorse the funding of this instrument for next budget year. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Ver tr y o s, Mike able Chairperson Traffic Commission MG/js Ss Y tem Fea � ; SOLAR CELLS continuously recharge the maintenance-free batteries. An internal controller regulates the amount of current delivered to the batteries, and prevents overcharging. A fully-charged set of batteries powers the system for 72 hours of continuous operation. A battery charger allows for recharg�ng the battenes from a standard 110 VAC source. FOLDING RACK supports the solar panel � and provides for mounhng a standard *--- speed limit sign, which is secured with a • � ; ; single lockable fastener. QUICK-RELEASE � + � FASTENERS secure movable parts into T- �'° � � �. place for quick set-up and take-down. ; ��. � � TRAILER CONSTRUCT'ION is a welded � square tubular frame and 16 gauge steel j outer panels. All metalwork is finished with � ; a durable, graffiti-resistant powder coat '� � � paint. The closed trailer is well-sealed and �` ��-� weatherproof. � �.� � INTERIOR provides storage for signs, � � �� e ui ment, and accessories. SECURIT'Y is . YOUR. �SPEED q p � provided by a locking access door on both � sides of the trailer and optional alarm. � � � . � � � ��, � � � " � ,: � �°��� ��� "' DIGITAL READOUT dis�lays vehicle � �� � ��� ��� °� � speeds on 12" high, reflechve digits, �.� < readable from a distance of 100 yards. ����, During periods of low light, the speed `° � `��` readout is automatically illumutated by .; � fluorescent lighting. � ` N1� { s W � ::x i �__ � �a. � ��- =�� SAFETY GLASS of the type used for �� �;� �. ���� ��,� � windshields protects the radar and display. � �� .. � , � �� �m � ,��'��� TOWING LIGHTS include rear brake, turn � ��� ,: �, L �� =�� � �_ '� �°� �-�-�. �'�'�'�'� ` signals, and license plate. A standard � � � """ °� connector for vehicle hookup is inciuded. ".. � "` _ TORSION-SPRING SUSPENSION system provides for easy towing and m;nimi�es the � effects of road shock. �� � LEVELING JACKS are provided on the �� front and rear, ensuring a firm standing on ''�°� uneven terrain. TRAILER HITCH is removable for safe storage inside the trailer, and prevents an unattended trailer from being towed away. (Trailer shown with optional striping and chrome wheels.) , r , � k", I! , � �' S T �S stem � � � Y , Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer , . , . . 'I didn t realize I was going the radar trailer. SMART comes equipped with Kustom �� SignaLs radar: either a Falcon handheld or a KR-lOSP two- th at fas� piece with remote control. Both are suitable for unattended public awareness campaigns. For enforcement purposes, Kustom recommends the KR-10SP because the readout is Where there is a speed limit, there are mounted just inside the access door, easily seen for safe motorists not paying attention. Day speed monitoring. Positioned on the curb side of the trailer dreaming drivers are a danger in high -11SIC an officer can moxutor and lock speeds, then wave violators over for their citation. accident locations. School zones, COri- Forconduciingtrafficsurveyswhilepromotingspeedawar� struction sites and hospital grounds could ness, hook up the optional Traf�ic Statistics Computer. use some help in promoting voluntary SMART can record the results of its workday, providing com liance. Tha�s wh Kustom Si �g valuable information that can be downloaded to a personal p y gn computer for fi�rther use. offers the SMART system: the gentle reminder for motorists to slow down A Smart Investment However SMART is used, studies show that the average Around-the D1�1� speedtendstoremainlowerforaperiodafterSMARTmoves to another location. In short, SMART provides a greater SMART, which stands for Speed Monitoring Awareness impact on a greater number of motorists, promoting aware- Radar Trailer, is just that: a portable, self-contaixied speed ness and good will. Put a SMART system on the payroll. displayunit. Designedtopromotespeedawareness,SMART Motorists' comments might start sounding more like this: is towed to a site that has experienced frequent speed-related ���� you." problems. After quick and easy set-up--less than 10 minutes, SMART is left on the roadside where it quietly performs its S eed En orcement om the name OU tYUSt: job: display the speeds of oncoming vehicles. p f � y Mounted inside the locked,16 gauge steel trailer is a Kustom KZiStOril SZg'YIGiIS. radar unit clocking speeds. Motorists see their speeds on the 12-inch tall giant digital display from up to 100 yards away. The speed limit sign mounted above the display reminds them to pay attention and ease up on the gas pedal. Public Acceptance Officers have returned to the trailer to find notes taped to it reading: '1'lease bring this to my neighborhood." Citizens are concerned that speed-related accidents will hit too close to home. SMART brings results. Speed awareness goes up and motorists slow down. Collision rates go down. Citizens feel safer. After all, speed limit compliance is about safet�. ����R�$P���. � Built-in Versatility � j r li r lations and to issue warn- � SMART can be used fo pub c e ings and citations. For public relations, agencies can work "' with the media to advertise SMAl2T's location. Interested ��< � motorists can drive by for a cost-free speedometer check. A � positive attitude towards the posted speed limit is created. For those who ignore SMART's warnulg, citations can be � issued to get the point across. Speed enforcement can take place from a patrol vehicle down the street, or curbside from MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Traffic Commission DATE: MAY 31, 1994 RE: Realignment of 21st Ave. with 20th Ave. Signalization of 21st and Blaine is scheduled with the State of Idaho. Gene Enebo said it was not however, full-funded and the City would need to share the costs 50/50. Mike Gable felt putting in the signals would not alleviate the traffic problems and suggested consideration be made to aligning 21st Ave. with 20th Ave.(College). He stressed that this change should not create more traffic on College, but would rather, facilitate getting from point "A" to point "B". Bob Sobba said 21st and Blaine was the worst and most dangerous intersection in town. The Commission agreed that the public should be made as safe as possible. They are requesting Council approval of this alignment. Any questions that the Council may have can be directed to Mike Gable or Rick Fitzsimmons at the Council meeting. Attached is an accident report of the 41 accidents at the 21st and Blaine intersection between 1/1/88 and 12/31/93. /� .......:.................:........... �_::. � '`:���'�''.;;'.»:`''�':.;:::<;'.�' �:>;��:``�<:';''��`� ��::::::�:<`...���;:�:::»�:>'.:��'<.:::=:::`�;=�.;>�:�`><��:�::�:::�'���.>�. }'>�<>>�'`<; ... :.::: ;.:.;::,..;:.:.::;>;.:.::,:;,;.,,;,:::;;; ::....:....::.;>;::::.,.:;;;:;;>:.....,;,::::::.,.::�:,.. :::..:.. .............. : ,:,;:: ::..:.::.;>;: ,,...:;�.:..; ::.::. :.. ::.:..: ��:;=:�;;,>:;<:::::<.> :z:::=<:>::::; ��:;:;;:>:;.:::<::::>';`>; ;.> <;:; _ :•...:::: ::•: ., ::.. ••.. :•::.: •: �:•: :•: :..,:.:.. . _. . . . . � :::::>:::::s:•.:::.:::::::• :•:::.:...,;:• :•:.: �::: �:.::: :•. _:.::.:::: :.... ;. ;.,:,;.y...,-.a::v:'-2>::�:.:: ::'.::::?:'�,::i':::::>'J;;• :...: .......:.. .... .... :•.:::: :w : :::.............:...: :::�.� ::• . .. .. .. .:....:...:T:s:::;:o?:?.:::>::.::`:.:::::..�.n:::::.:::::::::::::::::::..:..:::.:::::.:::_.:::::::::.:::::::.. � .:.::::.:::: ....: . ... . ........ ... ........... . :... . • :::.�::.:.`?�.:':': `:;:o-:::':::::�:::::::�::::SS::::�::::::�:::::�:::::�::::�::.;::::::::�:::.:::�i':�5::::::::x:::.':::>::::::::t:::::';:35::::::�i:::�:�:� :..... ..... .....::........ .�.:..... � ;' '' ::.;. � ::•:.:.:., : .;..:: :: . : . >;:•::n: [ :«:;•::•:..��::.f::...,,..�:.;...:..:,:.......�,�.'.`.':.:i::':;:::ii:::i::�:::::>c.:;<.:::::•:-:�::•�.�.�......:.� :::::.::::::...:.::�::..... � � ..:::. .:��i•r , ...... ::vv: :v: :.:;:.::i :tc;:.:::::::::...�:.:::..� ::::: :.::..:.:::...:::::::.�.: � . ::•. :• :: :.. .. ............ ..... ................ .. . �:::: ::�.:..:::�� ::::::::......::::.::•.�...._......� ..................... ... _ ......:... .:,��'.�,::�>::v ..... ....... ........ ... . .......n.......::.�::::: ...: �: :•:::::..:.:::::.�::: .:.:� :•.�:.�:.:� :.: ::,...:::::::::::::::::: .: ,..� :•::: :•::::::i:::::s:: ...::..::.:� ��:. .......:'. .�;"� �:>' �'�''� ........ .... ....... ..........:::: ... ....:::::.:::::.::......... .;.,-...... `•�• - .'' ........ .......: : ............I : . ........... .........:. ...... ::....:.:::.:::::: � � :v:: v:: :. ;..,,.....:::::::::::::::::.: .:: �: :. � :::•:: .:; :::::::::::::.:•: :::•: :v: ::.:::::::::::::::..:: •: `:v:. �:: :• �. � �::t�.::.::::..... .. ....... :•��?���. 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