NOVEMBER 21, 2000
9:00 A.M.
Those present: Mayor Nancolas; Police Chief, Bob Sobba; Fire Chief, Bruce Allcott;
City Engineer, Gordon Law; Linda James, Communin Development and Betty Jo Keller,
Clerk. Absent: E1Jay Waite, Finance Director.
The Mayor commended everyone for coping well �vith this busy year with a11 of the
changes; noted that the Employee Recognition Dinner was scheduled for December 5�'
and Susan needs to have a count as to how many will be attending, and that runners up
for the Employee of the Yeaz will be receiving $100. He also asked if there was some
way to streamline the system so permits could be issued quicker and inquired as to how
the discussion was going on the secondary accesses.
Linda and Gordon reported on how the Ordinance for the Airport Overlay and etc was
$oing• They were waiting for the City Attorney to discuss whether it should be zones,
districts or etc. The Mayor was to call Brenda Davies for further information.
General discussion included that they would start the remodel job for the upstairs next
: Monday, but the Conference Room was available; Linda reported that she received an
application for a PUD which included 865 lots; the Police Chief stated that they would
have the revised Ordinance and Resolution regazding the Catering Permits; also
suggestion that the Code be amended to only allow porta.ble stands to sell from 8:00 a.m
to 10:00 p.m.
It was decided that a workshop be scheduled regarding the Comp Plan Map with tlie City
Council and the Planning and Zoning C'ommission for 6:00 p.m. just before the Regular
Council Meeting on December 4, 2000. The newspaper to be notified.
The Chief of Police discussed a problem they were having with enclaves of property that
was surrounded by those annexed into the City. It was difficult at times to determine if
the person is in the City Limits or not. This was discussed at some length with the
Mayor suggesting that a Joint Powers Agreement be considered with the County and he
would ask Tim Fleming about this possibility.
In addition, they discussed the Hudgens who would like to be annexed. The City
Attorney had advised the City to meet with them as soon as possible as the City would
need to have a valid reason for not annexing them. l�layor Nancolas asked Betty Jo to
contact the Hudgens and set a time to meet with them.