1:15 p.m.
.ATTENDING: Gordon Law, Bob Sobba, Linda James and Bruce Allcott.
Old Business: All members reported that all assignments from last meeting had been completed.
New Business:
1. Review of signal lights at Kimball and Arthur and Kimball and Main: We discussed the request to
remove these two old signal lights. It was determined that Engineering would first do a traffic study
of the two intersections and compare to the Traffic Manual to see what controls aze warranted.
Action: Gordon to have engineering do the traffic study.
Following the traffic study, the intent will be to then hold a public meeting to receive comments
prior to making a final decision on the removal of the lights. This will include a public notice in the
paper as well as notice to the Downtown Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce.
2. Request by Kris Giltz for crosswalk at 11` and Elgin: This request seems to be appropriate and we
have been informed that this young man would benefit by this being made to be a special event.
Action: Approved, with request for Mayor Nancolas to make the contact and make it special
for Kris.
3. Request for speed bumps on Washington between Logan and Linden; discussed at length, but do not
recommend use of speed bumps. Action: deny this request for speed bumps and increase
enforcement by Caldwell Police Dept. Chief Allcott to write letter.
• 4. Report on 21 and Chicago: Chief Sobba reported that since the left turn lanes have been installed
two months ago, there have been no accidents at that intersection.