HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-2005 TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES r ' Caldwell City Traffic Commission Minutes � November 7th, 2005, 10:30 AM Present: Chairman Gordon Law, Chief Mark Wendelsdort, Chief Sobba Secretary: Tammy Frans Old Business • Head Start request for "School Zone" signage. Chief Wendelsdorf investigated and found most students are dropped off in the Headstart Parking Lot directly in front of the school. The street leading to Headstart is currently 20 mph speed limit and posted "Dead End". Approving the request was not viewed to be advantageous; however, Chief Wendelsdorf proposed approving the request as added safety precaution for the children in attendance. The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to approve Headstart's request. i����o�::�::��rd�tir�:��::�i:"' ::::� Foll �,►.:. : ow up with Street Department to initiate recommendation. 1����:��:`:.+�����>�V� ;»»';:::: :»;;,,:<.`:.; ;;`_ ... ...........:......::.:::: :.:::::::::::. : Notify Headstart New Business 1. Request 4-Way Stop at 10 Avenue & Ustick Road — Daryl Shaul Mr. Shaul requested a 4-Way Stop or a Sjgnal at the above intersection. This intersection has been discussed and investigated previously by the Traffic Commission. As previously • discussed, a 4-Way Stop did not satisfy warrants, does not account for the differences in traffic volume befinreen streets, transfers the delays from Ustick to Tenth and is therefore not recommended. Currently, a Right-turn-lane project is scheduled for West Bound traffic on Ustick Road and a Signal Project is approved by Federal Agency, has not yet been given a construction date but design will commence shortly. The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to have Engineering contact Mr. Shaul and explain to him the projects in place. . � ........... ......:::..... ����o»:::��rd�n::��'r;�» Request Brent Orton send correspondence to Mr. Shaul. 2. Bus Stop Complaint A citizen voiced complaint against the local transit service for stopping in active lanes of traffic on Blaine Street to load and unload passengers. The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to send a copy of the letter to the transit system making them cognizant of the complaint. ?������:.`;��t�f:�����:;� Forward complaint to transit company. 3. Request to improve Marble Front Road — Caldwell Transportation Company Rick Vertrees of Caldwell Transportation Company voiced concern that area development is making it increasingly difficult for buses to maneuver the hill on Marble Front Road. This section of road has been previously discussed and investigated by the Traffic Commission. Results of previous investigation resulted in a determination that there is no record of accidents along this stretch of road and it would require an estimated $750,000 -$1,000,000 to accomplish the request. It was suggested by the Commission to send Mr. Vertrees a letter explaining their findings and noting that the Traffic Commission is taking his request under advisement. �����i�:��::�tl:��rt�':��'�: ; ::»� • ..::::.::::..:::..: :::.�tt�, ;;;�:,;;;: Send a courtesy letter to Mr. Vertrees . a ' ' • 4. Request "No Parking Here to Corner" sign at South 45�' Avenue — Grover Lewers, City Engineering Grover Lewers, City Engineering dept., requests the above signage to improve the ability for traffic to flow into the left turn lane on 45' street at Cleveland Blvd. Currently vehicles park to the corner and obstruct the ability of traffic in motion to utilize the left turn lane as designed. The motion was made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to approve the request �'����!�;��:��±����€::�i Follow up with Gordon from the Street Department to initiate . ... ...... .........:..... ..... .. :...... recommendation. 5. Traffic Control around WVMC. Dr. Bressler wrote the Traffic Commission conceming "lack of traffic control around the hospital". The area indicated in Dr. Bressler's letter was recently addressed in a Traffic Commission meeting. Gordon Law suggested Tammy Frans research previous action taken by the commission and contact Dr. Bressler to better understand his request, then report back to the Commission. ���b�:<;�`aii�i�i"':<�r�ri�<�» Co :: ..:, .: :.. ... .....:: . .:.:: Y::::::.: :.:.«:;;:;.;:: ntact Dr. Bressler. 6. "No Parking" request on East side of 10 Avenue 8� Elm Street intersection — Mrs. Moss. Mrs. Moss, 1823 10` Ave, contacted the Engineering department with complaint of persons parking along her property fronting Elm street to the stop sign. Mrs. Moss is elderly and has difficulty walking. Cars parking along the edge of her property make it difficult for Mrs. Moss to get to public transportation. The area Mrs. Moss refers to is public right-of-way and • available to the public for parking. Traffic Commission noted this as one of a variety of traffic concerns around the hospital. These issues are expected to dissipate once the hospital remodel is complete. Traffic Commission suggested Tammy Frans follow-up with Mrs. Moss and explain the expected temporariness of the issue. ��tioi�::>:"�`��trt�y'�r�ri�:�» Foll .:,.,:::.:.,::::. ,,....:.,:::,:,,....::..,,,.:. ::..::>:: ow up with Mrs. Moss. This concluded the meeting and the meeting was adjourned. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 5 at 10:30 am •