Caldwell City Traffic Commission Minutes °-==----� �.. �
October 6, 2008 10:30 AM
Present: Chairman Osgood, Mayor Nancolas, Chief Allgood, Brian Billingsley, Chief
Secretary: Tammy Frans
Old Business -
No old business
New Business
1. Request for pedestrian cross-walk mid-block at 211 E. Logan (West Valley
Medical Center - David McFadyen)
The above request was made by Mr. McFadyen in the interest of safety for
pedestrians crossing Logan Street in route to West Valley Medical Center. The
Traffic Commission concluded that installing cross-walks at uncontrolled
intersections of classified streets creates a false sense of safety in pedestrians, and
that crosswalks generally should not be installed until signalization is implemented.
The motion was made and Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to forward a
letter indicating the City's willingness to work with West Valley Medical on the
following solutions:
� The City repaint crosswalks at the intersection of Arlington Avenue and
Logan Street
• City approval for installation of a flashing crosswalk to the same standards
as ones located at the YMCA and Jefferson Middle School. Installation of
such a crosswalk would be at the expense of West Valley Medical Center
����'��� ���'+�'Y.CIs�c��d: Tamera Frans to send correspondence to Mr. McFadyen.
The next Traffic Commission Meeting will be November 3, 2008 @ 10:30 in the
Lower conference room at 621 Cleveland Blvd, Community Development
Services Bldg.