HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-2010 TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES _ �
Caldwell Traffic Commission Minutes AP � �� ��
May 3, 2010 10:00 a.m. �G �
Present: Brent Orton, Chief Allgood, Brian Billingsley,
Secretary: Tammy Frans
Traffic commission meetin s will be moved to the Public Works Office at 621 Cleveland at
10:30am. Mayor Nancolas will no longer be in attendance unless needed to make a quorum.
Please submit requests for the Traffic Commission to Tammy Frans.
Old Business
1. Request for "Crosswalks" at Montana and Alder and a"Flashing School Sign" (Ron Fisse)
HAWK crossing is 12K-15K cost. Brent spoke to School District and they don't have the money
for it. A cheaper solar-only model was researched. Monies will be considered in the 2011 budget.
The Street department provided a Cross-walk at the above intersection.
2. Request to post "Watch for Motorcycles" at major intersections. (Corporal C. Finley)
Gordon Reed, Superintendent of the Street Department, reported back that the MUTCD allows
only regulatory signage on STOP signs. Gordon also contacted the State of Idaho and S.T.A.R.
(Motorcycle awareness organization) and they both suggest notices in the paper or campaigns
other than signage. Studies have shown that too much signage confuses drivers and they begin to
ignore all signage. Only pertinent regulatory signs should be erected.
3. Request for "School Bus Loading" sign at the corner of Cambridge & Auburn (Frank
Jackson, 2016 Cambridge St., 454-8565)
Brian Billingsley conducted a site visit and noted that the Bus Stop above is at a fairly busy
intersection. Chief Allgood noted that there is nothing illegal about people driving through a
subdivision as a short-cut. A motion was made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously
to have Brian contact the School district about relocating the stop to a safer location away from
the intersection.
Action: Brian to contact the School District
New Business
1. Request for "Parking Restriction" at the corner of Fairview & Elm (John Blaisdell)
This intersection has been brought to the Traffic Commissions attention on multiple occasions.
Parking is a concern at this location and Brian noted that he witnessed people parking up to the
corner and intruding into the vision triangle. A motion was made and the Traffic Commission
agreed unanimously to paint the curb red to protect the 40' necessary for a Vision Triangle.
Action: Tammy Frans notify Street department of the Traffic Commissions request to paint
the intersection.
2. Request for additional "Speed Limit" signs on Ashton Avenue (Bernice Patzer)
Ms. Patzer came in personally to state that "cars come off of Ustick and speed down Ashton
Avenue like a speedway". For that reason she made the above request.
The determination of the Traffic Commission was to continue regular policy by sending a copy of
the sign policy to Ms. Patzert and a letter explaining that City procedure is for the subdivision/
citizen to purchase signs for the City to install and that the subdivision/ citizen is also responsible
for obtaining written permission from the property owner where the signs will be placed. A
minimum of 3 signs (one at each entrance) would be required for enforcement purposes. The
motion was made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously.
� �' `�'� � Convey Traffic Commissions reply to Ms. Patzer,
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��`�� Chief Allgood will place police officers in the area to check speeds with radar.
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3. Request for "Directional Signs" for the downtown museum and Senior Center (Bob Sobba)
Councilman Sobba asks the above on behalf of the Senior Citizens and of the museum downtown.
Regarding the Senior Citizens directional signage the Traffic Commission felt one sign from each
direction on l O Avenue would be appropriate. The determination of the Traffic Commission was
to continue regular policy by sending a copy of the sign policy to the Senior Citizen Center and a
letter explaining that City procedure is for the Organization to purchase signs for the City to
install. The motion was made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously.
Regarding directional signs to the museum, Chief Allgood is hesitant from the law enforcement
perspective. The Commission agreed to table the request pending additional information. Brian
Billmgsley a�reed to meet further with Councilman Sobba on the matter.
��i�ib�����1�N�a�'"��� :�- Convey Traffic Commissions responses to the Senior Citizen
Center and send a copy of Sign Policy.
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, ,,�, , m ','" ���g�i���� Meet with Councilman Sobba to discuss further.
4. Request from Vision Charter School for temporary striping of a section of Ward Lane for
student pick-up parking.
Vision Charter School submitted a request to strip a section on Ward Lane for student pick-up
parking. After discussion by the Traffic Commission it was agreed that the desired purpose can
and is already legally achieved without additional striping. A motion was made and the Traffic
Commission agreed unanimously to recommend declining the request.
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_, � �t;�x��,,�� Convey Traffic Commissions responses to the Vision Charter
5. Request for "Curb Painting" (Campbell Auto Body Shop)
Campbell Auto Body (CBA) is located at the Dead End of Arthur Street in downtown Caldwell.
CBA parking lot is continually used as a turn-around by drivers. Rather than Curb painting, the
Commission recommended placement of "No Parking" signs on each of the 3 curbs boardering
the dead end. This would allow motorist enough room to turn around on the street. A motion was
made and the Traffic Commission agreed unanimously to the recommendation.
Action: Tammy Frans Convey request for signage to Street department.
The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for June 7th, 2010 at 10:30am.
Meeting to be held at 621 Cleveland, Brent Orton's office