03-08-2001 AIRPORT MINUTES Caldwell Indust�ial Ai�
• 4601 Aviation Way Y
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Phones 208-459-9779 and 208-880-2059
To: All Airport Commission Members
Date: March 9, 2001
From: Curt Hawkins, Airport Manager .� .
Re: March 8, 20Q 1 Commission Meeting
Those present were: Airport Mgr., Curt Hawkins, Commission Chairman: Dr. Roy
McLaughlin, commission members: Bob McGee, Phil Fouts, Phil Reed, Max Barker and
from the Caldwell City Council Mike Gable.
Dr. Roy McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 12:06 PM. The minutes of the
previous meeting were approved. Items from the agenda and others that were discussed
1: Electrical: Cu�t discussed the proposal from The Idaho Power to install a new power
pole, a new transformer and meter basses for hangar rows B, C/D & M/N. Electrical
company's have been called to bid on work not performed by Idaho Power.
Curt also had a chart showing the amount paid by the hangar owners @$0.025
� per square foot versus the actual amount of electricity used. Right now there is a
per year deficit of $3,067.94. In the future we will need to raise the surcharge
amount to pay for actual usage.
2 Building requirements: Ma7c Barker of the building committee discussed the
suggestions far building as passed by the Airport Commission some time ago.
A motion was made, it was voted on and passed by the Airpart Commission to
request the Caldwell City Council adopt the following building standards for private
hangar constn�ction at the Caldwell Industrial Airport.
1. All hangazs to be built to maximum width and depth of leased land. Minimum
lease is for two 25-foot parcels wide ( 50 ft. ) X 50 ft. deep.
2. All hangars to be built with a 2/12-roof pitch & roof line to be parallel to taxi
lanes/ways. The taxi lanes/ways have been paved. Paving of the ramps from the
taxi lanesJways shall be the responsibility of the lessee. Roof height shall be in
conformity with adjacent hangar.
3. Start of construction shall be within one year from signing of the lease and
completion of construction shall be within one year from the beginning of
construction. Private hangars are for aircraft storage. City and state codes and the
Airport "minimum Standards" prohibit commercial work of any kind in private
. hangars.
3 The problem of access to the West Side of hangar row "B" was discussed. It was the
general consensus of the Commission the problem of mud and crossing land leased
by Scott Cryder will not go away until there is solid pavement from the hangar row
"B" to and on the taxiway into Scott's hangar. Tom Lemenager of Toothman Ortin
Engineering discussed the possibility of using pavement from the destruction of old
Aviation Way. „ ,
4. The question of the fuel tanks now leased by Avjet Aviation was brought to the floor.
Curt said the City Attorney is in the process of reviewing the lease and the
Commission at this time needs no further action.
Meeting adjourned at 12:36 PM
• I thought that the Commission would be interested in my notes on the FAA trip
On Wednesday, the 14'�' of February, 2001, we made a trip to Seattle to discuss
protection and expansion of Caldwell Airport with the FAA.
We met with Don Larson, Sandy Simmons, Wade Bryant, Renee Hall, and Bill Watson.
We took with us:
Matt Beebe Canyon County Commissioner
Gordon Law City Engineer
Rick Wells City Council President
George De Ford City Attorney's Office
Garret Nancolis Mayar
Curt Hawkins Airport Manager
Ray Caldwell Airport Commission
This was an important meeting in that the Airport Manager and a member of the Airport
Commission was invited to play a role in a meeting dealing with the future of the airport.
It was a very informative meeting that was well worth the effort.
, The City is doing a pretty good job of protecting the airport. Apparently, recently, the
City found some rules for protecting the airport within half mile of the sides of the
runway and one mile off the ends. I don't know whether they are in the form of
ordnances or proposed Zoning.
We all agreed that 1) the current ordinances or zoning needs to be updated and 2) a larger
area out to a mile or more should have avigation easements, different building codes, and
maybe deeds with aviation disclaimers.
The City should make an effort to notify anyone who wishes to build near the airport that
"they are required to notify the FAA if they plan on building a structure higher than a 1 in
100 slope away from the runway out to 20,000 feeY'.
The Mayor stated that we need to have workshops to decid� our strategy for all of the
The FAA believes that it has a good relationship with Caldw�ll Airport and the City. If
we send detailed questions relative to our plans, they will give their opinion.
The FAA is dead against private facilities and taxiways that have access to the airport
through gates. It is very hard to keep control. The FAA much prefers we work with
� them for funding to develop the airport ourselves. The City needs to develop a policy
pertaining to through the fence operations.
. . r
� We had a sobering discussion with the FAA about the number of studies that need done
(environmental and otherwise) before we can lengthen, widen or strengthen our runway.
The positive is that we are one of very few that has the opportunity to become a regional
airport with real commercial benefit to the City of Caldwell.
In order to expand the airport with FAA funding we would have to prove need (500
major operations per year that would happen if the airport was expanded) and we would
have to be willing to do the necessary studies.
We can qualify for AIP grant money to do development or approach protection. We do
not at this point qualify for noise money (to insulate houses, etc.).
The FAA suggested that we have Kurt join The American Association of Airport
All in all we had a really informative meeting. Most important was our good relationship
with the FAA and the information on what to expect when we want to expand our airport.
Remember that the City of Caldwell cannot justify spending large sums of money to
protect the airport unless we find ways to make the airport a commercial opportunity for
the City of Caldwell
• Ray Caldwell