06-06-2002 AIRPORT MINUTES • MINUTES Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission Ray Caldwell — Chairman 4601-4 Aviation Way Caldwell, ID 83605 Date: June 28, 2002 To: All Airport Commission Members From: Ray Caldwell Subject: June 6, 2002 Minutes Members Present: Ray Caldwell, Ma� Barker, Phil Reed, Ed Downs, Dean Dishmaa, Phil Fouts, Bob McGee, and Rick Wells Invited Guests: Chris Hopper Chris Hopper asked for some guidance on fature power and sewer requirements for the new commercial area at the Southeast end of the Airport. Bob Mcgee, who builds warehouses for Wal Mart, suggested that a UPS distribution warehouse with conveyor systems might require 15Q0 KW at 484 volts. Chris replied that that was not available. City Engineering needs to take a look at what might be the power requirements at the Airport five years from now. It was agreed that further • communication on the power requirements at the Airport would be #hrough Maz Barker. Ray Caldwell commended the Commission for its role in finally getting the City Attorney and Plauning and Zoning to work on the Qrdinances aad thc Zoning aecessary to protect the Airport. A short discussion took place on Mark Hilty's request that the Commissiau come up with a list of appropriate L�nd Use recommendations. Dean Dishman stated that an Airpork Zone had been established years ago by he and Dan Tolly, and that we should make an attempt to find it. Dne to time considerations, it was decided th�t each Commissioner should review the potential Land Uses. A discussion took place on how the Commission should handle the growing list of tasks on its "to do" list. 1. Ordinance protecting the Airport. Z. Upgrade Minimum Standards 3. Upgrade By-Laws for the Airport Commission 4. Landscape Standards 5. Job description for the Airport Manager 6. Begin Application Process for Terminal • Step 1— Feasibility/Design Step 2 — Construction Grant , . • It was suggested tha� the Commission ask Janet Hawazd if she wouid be kind enough to put tog�ther notebooks for the Commission with the background for each of the above subjects. It was decided that the Commission will take on one suhject at a time a.nd complete it. The Commission voted to add operating rules for the Airport. Curt Hawkins asked that the rules be flexible so that changing situations could be easily addressed. Curt agreed to provide a written report on the operating rules currentiy in effect in to the Commission by the 3uly Meeting. We need to safely handle severat diverse groups to include: Airplanes (certificated and experimental); Ultralights, Trikes, and Gyrocopters; Helicopters; Flight Schoots and two Parachute Groups. In the future, we ezpect Ezecutive Jets on a regular basis. Curt asked for Land Use Guidance f�r the Commercial section of the Airport at the Southeast end of the Airport. The subject will go on the Agenda at the earliest possible tirne. Some discussion took place on the need for this item. Apparentiy some individuals would like to erect buitdings in the Commercial Area that are smatter than the land would allow. Our Airport is relatively small from an acreage point of view. We need to insure that the land use yields the largest economic oppartunity for the City and County as possible. It was suggested that we ask Eljay Waite to address the Commissian in the future. . We need to know how the Airport accounting is done. What happens to funds generated by #he Airport? Should it be an Enterprise Zone? Etc? It was unanimously voted to have the Commission's Minutes forwarded to AOPA so they can build a file to help support our Airport. �