12-04-2003 AIRPORT MINUTES ,,, ,�
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Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission
4601-4 Aviation Way
Caldwell, ID 83605
Date: December 10, 2003
TO: Airport Commission Members
Subject: Minutes ofDecember 4, 2003
Guests : Tom Lemenager — Toothman-Orton Engineering Co. (T-O)
Commission members present:
Phil Fouts
Bob McGee
Ed Downs
Ccottie Camdlemier
Airport Manager: Curt Hawl�ns
• 1. Airport Commission called to order by Bob McGee at 12:05 PM.
2. Approved the minutes for November 2003 meeting was approved. Since a
�}uorum was not present this was not a legal meeting. '
3. Tom Lemenager from 'F-O Engineering gave an update on FAA Airport
Improvement Project (AIP) FY 2004 projects for the Caldwell Airport. The
following projects are:
✓ Mid-field taxiway.
✓ Fencing and gates.
✓ Taxiwa_y seal coating.
✓ Property purchase.
4. Discussion on the two airport ordinances. Curt Hawk�ns has been working with
Mark Hilty, city attorne_y. Mark reguested input from Curt on building standards
�or dB no'ise reduction on construction in the airport impact zone.
5. Scottie suggested that we update the portable potties in the private hanger area.
Suggested that the present potties be replaced with potties with dry hand wash.
C�rt Hawkins to talk to ABC Septic on cost, availability, etc.
5. Tabled for the present the reduction of eight commission members to six.
• 7. Meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM. The next airport commission will be January 8°
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2004 at city hall.
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