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Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission V��q
4601-4 Aviation Way
Caldwell, ID 83605
Date: 12/7/06
Time: 12:00 — 1:00 pm
Location: (Caldwell Industrial Airport — Office of Curt Hawkins)
Commission Members Present: Dean Dishman, Hoyt Flemming III, Phil Fouts, Martin Koch,
Bob McGee, Jeff Miller, Mike Reed, Wayne Thiel, Airport Manager — Curt Hawkins, Christine
Heimbigner (City Staf�
Commission Members Absent: Mack Kreizenbeck, Rob Oates
Guests: Tom Lemenager, Jim & Anita Shore
Chairman Bob McGee called the meeting to order at 12:02 PM.
1. Minutes of November 2006 Airport Commission Meeting approved and seconded.
• 2. Curt Hawkins — Presentation of Pla ue to Dean Dishm
9 an.
Dean Dishman was recognized for 30+ years of contributions to the Caldwell Industrial
Airport. Curt (on behalf of the Airport Commission) thanked him for his service on the
Airport Commission and for being the reason that the Caldwell Industrial Airport is in its
present location. Curt also mentioned that Mayor Nancolas wanted to be here and present
the plaque to Dean, but Garrett was out of town.
3. Tom Lemenager - Update
Tom indicated that we are currently waiting on signs from Crouse Hinds and that it would
be 8-10 weeks for the signs to be delivered. Toothman-Orton has written a letter to the
prime contractor and has gone to the FAA for help in speeding up the existing vendor for
the signs (because of the repeated delays experienced with Crouse Hinds). It is Tom's
hope that between the letter to the prime contractor and contact with the FAA the 8-10
week period would be shortened. Once the signs are delivered it will only be a matter of
days to put them in place.
Land Procurement, City has purchased Houston property. Tom reviewed what land is
being applied for.
Terminal Bldg project is related to, but independent from the land procurement. EDA
grant recently failed (which was to have impacted the terminal project). Money will be
• allocated to design the terminal bldg, but not build any structure. It was also noted that
property for terminal bldg has not yet been procured.
The City has applied several times far funding from the EDA, but last week funding was
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again denied, because the EDA group felt that people were not locating near the ai o
because of the airport, rp rt
There was some discussion about FAA fi.inding. It was noted that the FAA would cover
� aprons and airside facilities but not an access road near the location of the new terminal
building. The FAA only pays for one access road to an airport, and they currently claim
Aviation Way as the access road they are funding. One other reason noted that the FAA
was not likely to fund the project is that Linden Road is still open. It was mentioned that
Linden Road was to be rerouted after the extension of the runway, and that the City has not
proved the need for an extension of the runway at this time.
4 • Curt Hawkins — Dishman Place Update
Curt had noticed that the name of a road on a future development map of the airport was
listed as "Future Road". He also noted that another new road had been named after a ty e
of aircraft (Dauntless), but that not many people knew that it was a type of aircraft. Curt
thought it would be a good idea to name roads after the people who had been involved in,
and/or foundational to the Caldwell Industrial Airport. Hence, the "Bob McGee
Commercial Area" was named for Bob McGee, then "Dishman Place" for Dean Dishman.
He let the Commission know that they would need to be thinking of an applicable name for
the next road to be constructed.
There was discussion on Dishman Place, and it was noted that the sewer should be
installed at end of January, with the entire project being completed at the end of March.
Curt thought that because of weather related delays the date for completion might be
pushed out to May or June. When the project is completed, the land in that area could be
leased. The location of the road was pointed out on the Airport Map. It was mentioned
that Dean Dishman would have to come down and cut the ribbon when the project was
• completed.
5. Airport BBQ
Curt noted that the BBQ cost $756.00 to put on. It was stated to be a success, and the ice
cream bar from Shore & Shore was really appreciated. Tom Boyer did a great job
providing cups and coffee, regular, decaffeinated, and a great tasting Irish mocha. The
Rules and Regulations document was reviewed at the meeting during the business portion.
Mack Kreizenbeck was there to oversee this review. Approximately 150 people were
there. Marty Koch and Jeff Miller kept the steaks rolling. It was noted that during the
BBQ there was a break-in near Hangar Nl. It was noted that nothing was taken, as the
perpetrator was discovered and scared (ran) away. It was reported to the police and they
came out.
6 • Minimum Standards
Bob McGee noted that we had gotten back a copy of the Minimum Standards from Mark
Hilty (City Attorney). Mark had changed a couple of words here and there. Next steps
would be to print up copies with Mark's revisions, then get City Council's approval.
7• Plane Damaged
Curt discussed a recent event in which a gentleman reported his hangar door was dented in
and his plane was damaged. About 2 hours after the report, another man came to the scene
and admitted that he had caused the damage.
g• Snow Removal Plan — Curt Hawkins
Curt presented the snow removal plan (via hardcopy) and asked the commission to look it
over to see if they saw the need for any changes.
• Curt noted the need to keep the Ramp area clean. It was requested that snow be dumped in
a designated area away from the hangars rather than near the hangars,
Motion to approve the snow removal plan was made, seconded and approved. Motion
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. �«
It was asked if there is a snow depth that would be required before the snow plan would be
put in place. Curt indicated there was not. He noted that personal judgment comes into
• play. Curt indicated that each storm would be judged individually. It was noted that once
plowing is started it was critical that it be completed. Curt noted that FAA regulations
allow operations in four inches of dry powder or one-half inch of wet snow or slush. Even
though operations are allowed in up to four inches of dry snow, we still need to plow, as
when that snow is packed it becomes too rough for airplane operations and lasts until
spring. Then, if it rains on the packed snow, it becomes rough rutted ice. So in the
decision making process of whether to plow or not, the following are all considered —
temperature, snow depth, dry or wet snow or slush.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 PM.
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