06-12-2007 AIRPORT MINUTES i _r
' Caldwell Industrial Airport Commission
. 4601-4 Aviation Way
Caldwell, ID 83605
Date: July 12 2007
Time: 12:00 — 1:00 pm
Location: (Caldwell Industrial Airport — Office of Curt Hawkins)
Commission Members Present: Bob McGee, Phil Fouts, Myron Tucker, Marty Koch, Mike
Reed, Wayne Thiel, Curt Hawkins, Airport Manager, and Kathy Schara (City Staffl
Commission Members Absent: Rob Oates, Hoyt Fleming, Mack Kreizenbeck, Jeff Miller
Guests: Jim & Anita Shore, Tom Lemenager, Darcy Maag
Chairman Bob McGee called the meeting to order at 12:06 PM.
l. Minutes of June 2007 Airport Commission Meeting
Motion was made and seconded to accept June 2007 Minutes. Motion passed.
2. Future Airshows and How to Handle Them
Curt Hawkins presented the question of whether we want future airshows at Caldwell
• Airport, and if we need them. He mentioned that they have served a purpose in the past;
but we have considerably more traffic now and they interrupt normal operations at the
airport. Curt questioned whether or not we need them anymore. There was discussion
amongst members — Airshows cost airport businesses money when operations have to
shutdown or at least be curtailed. There is also a big liability when one is put on, and a lot
of work is required. Airshows usually come about when an individual comes in and
requests permission to put one on. That individual then does most of the work, but airport
operations are still interrupted. There was question as to whether the goodwill they
accomplish outweighs the negatives.
It was suggested that perhaps there could be a limit of one air show per year. A suggestion
was also made for an "open house" approach - just a display without shutting down the
3. Darcy Maag's Building — Seller of Storage Sheds
Darcy Maag came to the meeting to explain that he has a vendor who would like to sub-
lease his building and land for the use of display of his storage sheds and office space — as
a retail outlet. The vendor promised the land would be kept neat. What the vendor wants
is the good highway visibility. A member questioned whether the allowed signage would
be beneficial from highway visibility. The building and land in question is on the south
side of Aviation Way.
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� ' The question was asked as to how many sheds would be displayed. The vendor told Darcy
� between 8-10 sheds.
� Curt was asked about FAA restrictions. He referenced previous rulings by Sandy of the
FAA. Curt explained that there are two current non-aeronautical businesses operating out
of this airport now, but that is because they have no access to a taxiway. Bob McGee
asked if there was any reference to this issue in "Airport Zone" document.
Tom Lemenager asked Curt if he has ever called Bill Watson directly? Bill Watson
(Sandy's boss) is reasonable and might listen. The suggestion was made that Curt call Bill
Watson directly to ask why this position is being taken on this piece of property, and to
explain the situation with Aviation Way running between the property and the Airport
proper, with no taxiway access.
A member asked what Nampa is doing regarding this issue. Tom L. stated that they are
very strict on this issue. Again the suggestion was made to call Bill Watson.
Curt read Sandy's letter, regarding the mechanic's school. It reiterates the stand regarding
"aviation use".
Marty Koch made a motion for the formation of a sub-committee to research and get a
package together and then present it to Bill Watston. Myron Tucker seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
A member asked a question regarding lease rates that would be applied to the Darcy Maag
• building for such a use. Curt explained that there is a separate commercial non-aviation
rate of $.2432 instead of $.1275. Currently two vendors are paying this rate at the airport:
John Boguslowski & Performance Drywall.
Curt said he was presented with the possibility of a person wanting to store tires in a
hangar in the commercial area, but would occasionally fly an airplane into the airport and
store it in the hangar also. Curt explained that because this hangar has taxiway access, we
are not able to use the hangar for this purpose.
4. Placement of Possible Future New Restrooms
Curt stated that the construction of a new restroom may be put in the proposed budget for
next year -$75,000. He asked members where it should be located. Two possibilities are:
1.) on the end of building, where there is already access to water & sewer, or 2.) in the tie-
down area. It was stated that if spaces in the tie-down area were used the FAA would need
to be reimbursed for their pavement. Another member also brought up that there would be
people walking across an area where aircraft taxi to get to the restrooms. Consensus was
that it would be better to place the restrooms on the end of the building where we already
have water & sewer, no foot traffic impeding airport operations.
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'S. � Follow-up on Tax Assessment Meeting
Myron Tucker commended Hoyt's informative handling of the meeting. It was stated that
• some people got a small adjustment as a result of the meeting, so it was worth the effort.
Myron suggested sending out notices again & having another meeting regarding next
year's taxes.
Marty Koch explained the "trending" process of county tax assessment. He stated that the
explanation at the meeting of the airport's lease structure was probably beneficial to the
Tax Assessor's office. Myron Tucker stated that there would probably be another meeting
in a week or so.
6. Tom Lemenager — Update AIP
Tom passed out a map of the Airport and Huston property that the city bought. He
explained that there would be an FAA reimbursement of $450,000 for Parcel #36A this
year. FAA funds were limited this year to all airports, so total reimbursement of the
purchases did not happen. More funds could be available next year. The question was
asked about the price of Huston property — Tom said just over a million dollars for 35 to 40
acres. More land could be reimbursed in future years, should the city submit to FAA, for
A member asked what the status was on the tail-number collection and funds from that
process. Curt reported that about 140 tail numbers were submitted even though only 100
• were needed. There are in excess of 500 aircraft on the airport, but we stopped collecting
after we had received 140 tail numbers.
Tom L. also stated that some discretionary money may be offered in the future, to reduce
the impact of the limited funds given for reimbursement.
7. Next Airport Commission meeting: Thursday, August 2 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:57 PM.
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