07-06-1989 AIRPORT MINUTES � ! Aviation Commissian Minut�s July 6, 1989 Present: Marty �och, Esth�r Stoddard, R.J. �ing, h'hitney Smith, Paul CalZins, Sandy Straight� J2rry Olson and Rathie Green Mar�y ROC Cc'�Z.�.Eu � iT'i2ct111J t0 E3Y'CZcY'. Jerry Olson reported several persons had contacted him about buil3ing at the airport. They will m�zt with thz commissi�n to e�plain what thEy would Iike to do. I�Ie also r��crted Bill Sterling is interested ir� t3�.r�e lots. Jerry will m��t with Bill's accountant to discuss the leas�. The cam;nission discussed proceuure for lease changes. It was decided if there was ta be a lease change it would firs� have to yo thru Cit;� Council an� th� Commission. Esth�r Stoddard moved and it was secondzd that the commissior� wauld like �c have Bill St�rling as a leasor as all ready approved. Jerry s�at�3 he has nct heard fr�;� Cival Air Fatrol. Ths paperwork is still at headquaters. Thz brochures of the airport don� �y G� if f itr, Mark2tir�� is at th �+Y'iiltcY'S . Th will be finish�d July 12th. Jerry said the property tr,ey h1Vc beerl tryir�g the purchase ;aould bz finaZ ir� a week. The Commissior� discussed what needed to �e don2 to ths property. Trees up to 15 fezt can be moved. The buildings could be put up for au�tion with maney gcing back t� the �rant. Froblem trees ne�d to b2 removed at once. Jerry will work with the Airport Associatior. to get EFA tc develop guidelinzs on what to 3o if there is a hazardous waste spill so that they car� be pas�e3 �n to �WiiciS �f businzsses at the airport. �erry said �ric iccux'i�Cii i12 l ic3S been getting GI"i �i.il2 A1.Y' Fair has been very positive. Esther Stoddard r�ported on th2 A1Y'-A-i �7I.i .�:e sta ��d that they had good support from th2 Military. Th2 Air--A--Fair Committ��, 22ay�r of Ca13we11 ar.d Chamber cf �om.���rc� will write Iett2rs to be sent in a packEt to all participating persor.sll. She also stated that next year a17. co�c�ssion booths will be sent a lzttsr te�ling them that they need to get a permit from the Fiealth Department. Meeting Adjourned.