May 3, 1990
Present: Marty Roch, Bud Kehne, Jack Raymand, Bob McGee, Paul
Collins, Mack Rreizenbeck, Jerry Olson and Kathie Green
The meeting was called to order by Marty Koch. Paul Collins
moved, seconded by Bud Rehne to approve the April minutes as
presented. Motion carried.
Jerry Olson reported:
* The city council has approved to have the airport surveyed by
Jerry Earl.
* The lowest bid received on the sprinkler system was from
Superior Sprinkler for $1400-$1900. It needs to be finished
before the Air-A-Fair. Paul Collins moved, seconded by Bud
Rehne to approve the expenditure for the sprinkler system.
Motion passed.
* The tentative budget has been submitted to the city. A summary
of the budget will be mailed to the commissioners with the
minutes for input of the commission at the next meeting. '
* Chemical spill letters were sent out to hanger lessors. �
* The Renfro lease was approved by the city council
Jerry introduced William Statham and Charles Sudby who are with
the Toothman Orton Engineering Company. They explained that a
pre for grant money needs to be submitted to the
FAA. The pre needs to be finished by the end of the
month and presented to the commission at the next meeting. A sub-
committee will be developed ta work with them to prioritize the
needs of the airport. The money used to develop a pre-
j application is reimbursable. Paul Collins moved, seconded by
Mack Kreizenbeck to employ Toothman Orton Engineering Compa�y to
assist in developing the pre for grant money. Motion
passed. The sub will meet May lOth at 8:00 a.m. at the
George Eldridge reported on the Air-A-Fair. It will be June 24.
The committee is working hard and will have a good show this
year. They are working to get a bridge across the canal. They
will also have helicopter rides and busses from the parking lot.
Mack Rreizenbeck reported he had met with Larry Bledsoe, Nampa
city engineer and airport manager. Marty Roch asked Mack to
write a summary of what he has learned at the Nampa airport so it
could be presented to the city council.
Marty stated work is being done at city hall along the section
line for an access road from highway 20/26 to the airport. A
letter to the Mayor will be drafted showing the commission`s
support of the access road.
The commission will pursue the Baseball Association about
building a baseball field in alkali flats.
Paul Collins moved, seconded by Bud Kehne to adjourn.