HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA-129-09 Donald Lay 1414 Dearborn StHISTORICAL DISTRICT ITEM DATE SLMBITTED BY HD- 1 Application 3'z ra'4 D-^J/ Lry IJI^} Narrative - j-Aey 01 0'.^r-Lc(erO HD-3 Pictures of Site 3-, t/ -o'7 I{D-4 Posting / Public Notice I.) \\fr oJt tr HD-5 Agenda 4-r"' o1 \'71'a f (e{) * HD-6 Sample of material -groclufu 9l,U'c ]03.^. ^Ld' L "-X HD-7 Certificate of Appropriateness 7')q'c\ FID-8 Meeting minutes q, ) 1 e 1 5L g.ot Ds'^-,.W C-- W M dtJ.,.sl \ ,.o \d :$ \S- +\ "rto \S \.- 6{o,ti ,q, R si. +lF *i s lR srr ttliru ti s{L$lt a E$$Eq,lHs'3: R Fsst-N R$.i"R SRS$t q l$t$ilsISSS Ia e: Gl--EE $[a s+SF ,@ \*.Q* ftD 6,\a 9, 'a B o ti Ho 19 cO o tD E6HI IJ.I @ oet' lD lrlB @o ,Q0 ItsIts. IFHl:t la)llo lI lrElHloE t-l6 IH l@lu l*lo {E I6 lo Etb'ILki l=lokloIH t. CALDWELL HISTORIG PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of April 27,2009 - 6:00 p.m. Caldwell Public Library - ldaho Room Call to Order. Chairperson Chuck Randolph called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Roll Call. Members Present. Chairperson Chuck Randolph, Vice-Chair Lorene Oates, Elaine Carpenter, Elaine Leppert, Gina Lujack, Steve Maughan, Anita Shore, Eileen Davidson. Members Absent. Jan Boles. Others Present. Rob Hopper, City Council Liaison, April Cabello, Planning Technician Others Absent. Brian Billingsley, Planning Director. Approval of Agenda. The foll.owing items were added to the agenda . For the Good of the Commission - News Letter - April C., For the Good of the Commission - Yard Sales - Elaine C' Approval of Minutes. IUOTION TO APPROVE March 23,2009 minutes with the following corrections: Under section Vll., Actions Since Last Meeting, D., correct spelling from plan to plant. Under section X., For the Good of the Commissioh, A., change the wording from that is to !1. MOTION TO APPROVE: Elaine C., SECOND: Anita S.,MOTION ASSED. Gertificate of Appropriateness tnterviews. None. Chairperson Chuck Randolph asked staff if there are any pending or possible C of A's for the next meeting. April C. stated that there is a possible application for the next meeting concerning the property located at 1723 Dearborn Street. Audience Participation. Steve M. introduced Megan Dixon to the Commission. Megan attended the meeting so she could inquire about becoming a CHPC Member or an Alternate Member. Actions Since Last Meeting. Chuck R. stated he signed off on two C of A applications and gave a brief background on both applications: ' CA-128-Og - 1324 Everett Street - C of A issued on 3t24lO9 for a Re-Roof.. CA-129-09 - 1414 Dearborn Street - C of A issued on 3/25109 for a Front Door. il. ilt. tv. V T I v!. vlt. CHPC Meeting Aprll 27, 2009 ffp-r1 Vlll. Old Business A. 2009 CLG Grant. April C. gave an update. B. Reforestation of Cleveland Blvd. Rob H. stated he has been working with the Mayor and the City Forester and suggested this project would be best to launch next spring. Steve M. stated the College of ldaho is in the middle of their own Reforestation project and 300 trees were donated and 49 of the trees have been planted. Steve M. stated there could be another 130 trees donated and would suggest to the college, if there is a surplus of trees, they should be donated to the City for the Cleveland Reforestation of Cleveland Blvd. Action - Steve Ii/I. will bring the tree plan that was laid out for the College of ldaho by lda Gold Nursery to the next meeting. C. Report on The "HAT" Project. Steve M. spoke on behalf of Jan B. whom was absent and gave a brief update. Action - No action was taken by the Commission. D. Caldwell Architectural Award - Christian Science Church. Elaine C. informed the Commission that she submitted the nomination for the Christian Science Church. April C. stated applicants will be notified of the winner, by phone or mail, in May and a public award ceremony will be held in June. Action - No action was taken by the Commission. E. Alternate Commission Member. Chairperson Chuck Randolph explained to [Vlegan the process to become a CHPC [t/lember. Action - No action was taken by the Commission. lX. New Business. None For the Good of the Commission. A. C of A,s - Old Historic Preseruation Ordinance. April C. informed the CHPC members under the old Historic Preservation Ordinance there was no time limit set for the length the C of A was valid but the new Ordinance clearly states the C of A is valid for a p6riod of one year from the date the Commission's action. Action - April C. to confirm the wording on the new ordinance is towards the applicant and the property. lt should be both. B. Caldwell News Letter. April C. informed the Commission that Maggie Colwell publishes a quarterly news letter. lf the Commission had any stories or subjects they wanted printed to call or email April C. Action - Commission to call or email April C' with any suggestions or stories. C. yard Sates. Elaine C. expressed her concern regarding consistent yard sales within the Steunenberg District and the City Ordinance regarding yard sales. Elaine C. stated 1g20 Blaine Street has a yard sale every weekend. Action -April C. will ask the P &Z Code Enforcement to mail a complaint letter with a copy of the Yard Sale Ordinance to the home owner and the resident. x. 2CHPC Meeting Aprll 27,2009 xt D. Other Discussions held throughout the meeting. " 414 18th Avenue - Fencing Violation. " 1313 Dearborn Street - The house next to Boone Memorial Church is being prepped for demolition. The home owner needs to obtain approval from the CHPC for the demolition. This would be a public hearing.. Rice Property on Blaine Street.. Fence between 1510 Blaine and 1504 Blaine.. Repossessions on Blaine and Cleveland.. Curbing - Fillmore and 9th.. News paper article - John Rice House.. Core Meeting - shifting of priorities and financing to get the downtown catalyst project moving.. Tom Carr Bridges.. School District - Van Buren, Lincoln, Washington Schools. Adjournment. [I/OTION to adjourn made by Elaine C., SECOND by Steve tU., MOTION PASSED. tvleeting adjourned at approximalely 7'.15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by April Cabello MINUTES APPROVED AND SIGNED BELOW BY CHAIRPERSON CHUCK RANDOLPH ON THE DATE NOTED BELOW. ,sklz C andolph,atr Date {-?s-o9 ATTEST: Brian Billingsley, P&Z Director Date 5CHPC Meeting April 27, 2009 I. II. III. tv. V. VI. VII. VUI AGENDA Historic Preservation Commission Monday, April27,2009 6:00 P.M. Caldwell Public Library - Idaho Room 1 01 0 Dearborn, Caldwell, Idaho Callto order RollCall Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes . March 23,2009 Certificate of Appropriateness Interviews Audience Participation Actions Since Last Meeting o cA-128 -Og - 1324 Everett Street - C of A issued on3l24l09 for a Re-Roof. o CA-lZ9-Og - l4l4 Dearborn Street - C of A issued on3l25l09 for a Front Door Old Business o 2009 CLG GRANT- update - April o Reforestation of Cleveland Street - Steve / Elaine C / Robb Hopper o Report on bids for The Hat project - update- Jan . caidwell Architectural Award - christian Science church: Elaine c. o Alternate Commission Member - Steve M IX. New Business X. For the Good of the Commission o C of A's - Old Historic Preservation Ordinance - no time limit - April XI. Adjournment Next meeting will be held on TUESDAY May 26,2009 Itp-f I )Ll l t{ \)<},vb=""r r\0' D-^^J"\ q3*cL, rT frx:a;;:il- L-re l tJ I E-.r\ IdL H l rl L ,--l I I il0 I a HP)tqt'1 *b,-J11Dc."..a.11 L 7 n L n I \ tr:i Il \l rA\ ial' -\i- f+ r' if, 4:i,,.' :.1, : hr Ftr-.i'r$,I'A 'Y/'.. .i ..-. i' hirf Mr{$* .\ l ,t. Alri' ffiV featherriverdoor.com Available Styles r Available in Unfrnished Only E Available in Light Oak, Medium Oak. and Unhnished Only . Also Available in T Height - Unfinished Only 7 14- Full Lite Sidelite only available in Brass Caming Caming Options lightOak MediumOak EuqgundyOak UninishedOak Smooth BRASS ZINC #D-k !q \, Application to the City of Caldwell and the Historic Preservation Commission to replace the front entry door on our home Don & Judi Lay 1414 Dearborn Street Caldwell,ID 83605 208 454 t4t4 Dimensions of door: Width 36" Height 80" Materials: Fiberglass door type - Oak wood grain Unfinished and will be painted Fanlight glass with zinc caning Manufacturer: Feather River Product style: Lakewood \., CITY OF CALDWELL 621 Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell,ID 83605 Planning and Zoning Department (208)455-3021 Historic Preservation Commission Application for Certificate of Appropriateness 1. Certificate of Appropriateness Information I,understand that a Certificate of I begin work on any of the items listedAppropriateness must be to me BEFORE below. I am hereby applying for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness for one or more of the following items. (Please check all itemsfor which you are applytng-) 1- Any change or improvement visible from any public right-of-way (which includes streets and alleys), including but not limited to the following: Decks or porches "/ Change in numbe+rize, style, materials e*Jocation of or windows Painting of any brick or masonry surface not previously painted Roofing repair and replacement New or replacement awnings and canopies Fenestration and fascia modifications, including decorative trim Fencing adjacent to a public street (wrought iron and picket fencing are exempt from requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness). Also please note that alleys are NOT streets and thus fencing adjacent to an alley does not required a Certificate of Appropriateness New siding which is not a replacement of the original materials or consistent with the original building profile Walls Step or riser improvements Non-exempt radio towers Page 1 of6 Revised 9/2/08 doors Application for Certifi cate of Appropriateness Fp- I Signs Construction of any new building or structure visible from any public right-of- way (includes streets and alleys) Landscaping that block views of the principle building or structure from any public right-of-way (includes streets and alleys) Demolition, removal or relocation of any residence, building or structure Change in Use (includes special use permits and home occupations) State requested use or home Change inZone State requested zone: 2. Applicant Information Property Owner Name:b^^td + 5,,J; tV Property Owner Address, City, State, Zip lAl4 b.r-[*-.-E d\-a.ld-"I(,TA 83ei Property Owner Phone:2oE, LS 4 AtA- Applicant N <^y9..€--qmP. Applicant Address, City, State, Zip Applicant Phone: Site Address *-"^ Tax ParcelNumber(s) Dimensions of the parcel Page 2 of 6 Revised 9/2/08 Application for Certificate of Appropriateness 3 Attachments The followine items MUST BE SUBMITTED with the application OR THE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED: PeZSl6ft Initials ZlJt-z?lease note: The completeness, quality and details of your attachments willv largely determine the outcome of the decision of the Commission. Please include every detail possible. E/lwritten, bullet-point outline of every single item that is being proposed to bev changed, added, replaced or repaired as part ofthis request. Aoplicant Initials A/ DA \A[ . Include dimensions o Include materials. Include architectural details A site plan of the property on 11 7 paper that shows the following: LJ- f/Cunent photographs of the following: All exterior sides of the house Alldriveways Alloutbuildings All garages, sheds, carports, etc. All landscaping All porches, patios, etc. how they connect with the streets and alleys include all include show everything relating to the proposed changes be clear and legible and readable NN House All dri Must Must Show All sheds, carports, etc landscaping All porches, patios, etc. Label all streets and alleys adjoining the property itectural Drawings of all proposed changes current and proposed proposed symbols, pictures and any type of lighting for signage a p\tr NrtF a h\ \fr req a Must Page 3 of6 Revised 9/2/08Application for Certifi cate of Appropriateness A. \-r. : IF YOU ARE PROPOSING NEW CONSTRUCTION, DEMOLITION OR OF A BUILDING, IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE ITEMS, PLEASE A THE FOLLOWING: Copy of all the Canyon List of property numbers (o County ofthe recorded deed for Recorder's Office on the may be obtained from floor of the County Courthouse if you 't have a m your files) 300 feet of the site with names, addresses and ID County Plat Room on the 3'd floor of the ) s0%copy ofthe assessor'plat map for the entire section, township and resides (must be obtained from the Canyon County lat f the County Courthouse) 4 Acknowledgement of Section 02-17-01through 02-17-33 of Caldwell City Code By initialing each of the items below, I acknowledge that I have read the statement and understand that said statement is a portion of Section 02-17 -01 through 02-17 -33: Applicant There exist within the City of Caldwell residential and commercial buildings having historical and architectural value that contribute to the cultural and economic welfare of its citizens. It is important that an awareness of this heritage be developed and that an effort to preserve these environmental assets is perpetuated by the duly appointed CALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Purposes of the Commission are: to encourage harmony in the planning of new buildings and developments with existing historic buildings in the proximity;to preserve and enhance the environmental quality of neighborhoods; to promote the creation of historic districts;to strengthen the City's economic base by the stimulation of conservation and reuse; engage in a program of Historic Preservation to encourage protection and preservation of historic buildings and sites. Definition of Exterior Features: Shall include the architectural style, general design and general anangement of the exterior of a building or other structure, the kind and texture of the building and type and style of windows, doors, light fixtures, signs and other appurtenant features and natural features such as trees and shrubberies. In the case of outdoor advertising signs, "exterior features" shall be construed to mean the style, material, size and location of such signs. Definition of Historic District: any residential neighborhood or business section determined by City Council to encompass sites, buildings or structures of historical, cultural or architectural value worthy or recording on the localregister of historic property. Page 4 of6 Revised 9/2/08 L9-- sl- Initialso* u$ Application for Certifi cate of Appropriateness Lg &s &d $* s* sg L* \,, Definition of Historic Property: any building, structure, area, or site determined by the City Council to be significant in the history, architecture, archaeology or culture within the City of Caldwell. After the designation by ordinance of a local historic property or local historic district, no exterior feature of any building or other structure which is a part of such a property or district shall be altered or restored nor shall it be moved or demolished until after application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is submitted to and approved by the Caldwell Historic Preservation Commission. Restrictions also apply to appurtenant features of the building such as aboveground utility structures, outdoor advertising signs, walls. A Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required regardless of any other permit, including a building permit that is required by the City. In order to preserve the integrity of historic buildings, structures and sites within a designated local historic district, and to ensure that any new buildings, improvements or structures constructed within a designated local historic district shall be compatible within such district, no exterior portion or feature of any building, site, structure or object within the district shall be demolished, restored or altered; no new construction shall be undertaken; and no site improvement made without first obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness. For improvement or changes that require a building permit, the Certificate of Appropriateness must be granted prior to the Planning and Zoning Department approving an application for a building permit. For improvements or changes that do not require a building permit, a Certificate of Appropriateness must be granted prior to construction of the improvement or change. I, as the applicant, am solely responsible for submitting A COMPLETE APPLICATION AT LEAST FOIJRTEEN (14) DAYS BEFORE THE NEXT MEETING OF THE CALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Applicant's signature Appl icant' s Representative euthorized by the Applicant to represent and speak on behalfofthe applicant Date Page 5 of6 Revised 9/2/08Application for Certificate olAppropriateness Date 3- 24 - zoaq GLOSSARY OF TERMS Arch Mesonry A curved md sometimes Dointed structural member to spm u opening.a mason Balcotry Moldins A raild projecting platfom found above ground level on a building.A continuous drcorative bmd; serues il m ommental devie on both the interior md exterior of a building or structure; also often serues thc function of obscuring the joint fomed when two surfaces meet. Brluster Mullion One ofa series ofshort prllus u other uprigha th Balustradc A vertical membq. r ofstone or wood bctween the lichs ofa window. MuDtln A series of balusters connected on top by coping or a hmdrail md sometimes on thc bottom bv a button rail: ued on staircacs. Dorches, etc. A ba for holding the edges of windows or pmes within the smh. Bav Newcl A sprce protruding from the cxterior wall tlrat may contain a window; a @mpartilent of about 16 feet on a side. A bay window is a projecting window with m mgulr olm. A vcrtical support at thc Hter of a circulil staircse; a post that supPorts a hmdmil at the bottom or at the lilding of a staircre. Brackrts Pane Projecting support members found under eaves or other overhmgs; may be plain or deorated. A single pire of window glros. Windows ue often described aeording to the number of pmes they have. For cmple, a window with eight pmes of glass is callcd m eilt light \eindow. Often a double hung window is desaibed in tems of the number of pmes in ruh of is two sches (e.g., a six-over-six double hung vindow indiatcs that erch sch has six pmes. Casement A window sash that opas on hinges fixcd on its venical edge. A escmmt window contahs two csemmts sp{ated by a mullion (vertical dividing bu). Perapcl Clapboard Siding This type ofsiding cotrsists ofbodds that ue thicker on onc cdge thm the other; the bottom (thick) edge ofone boud overlaps the top (thin) edge of the bord beloq- PerEols Arbor, tellis. A structue uually consisting of pra-llcl colomades supponing m open rmf of qirden & coss raftas. Column PilBaer A pillu, usually circula in plm. The pilts of a colum in clcsical uchitectural arc the bmc, shaft ud qpital. A rectmguln olum or shallow pier anached to a wall; frequently decoratively tseated to rcpresmt a clsic colm. Court Porch Ax open ilea partially or totally smounded by walls or buildings.A covered entrmc€ or semi-enclosed space projccting from the fagade ofa building may be open' sided sreened or slass mclosed. A small oorch my be called a stoop. Dormer Portico A vertical window prcjecting Eom the slope ofa rof; usually providcd with its om roof The specific nmc of a domer is frequently detemined by the shape or tyPc of its rml A covered walk or porch supported by colums or pillus. Doublc hung window Sash A window with two sashes. each moveable by mems of sch cords ad weights.The frmework into which pmes re set. Eavc Shed Roof That portion of the rmf which prcjecs bcyond thc walls. Eaves that ue without sutters ile often refened to as dripping aves. A roof consisting of onc inclined pluc. Unlik€ a lm-to roof, a shed rmf ned not be cmied by a hiehr wall (i.e., it my scrye u the primary roof fom for a building. Facadc Sidine The principal face or front elevation ofa building.Although thc tem siding is smetimcs usd to refer to exterior wa.ll mvuings mde of wood, its meaning may be extendcd to include my type of finish covering on a frme building (with the exception ofmsonry). The tem cladding is often used to desribe my exterior wall covering, including mronry. Gable siI The trimgulu md of m extrior wall in a building with a ridged roof.The framing membs that foms the lowcr side of m opening, such re a dmr sill. A window sill foms the lowcr. usuallv proirctinc. lio on the ouside face of a window. Gable roof Spindlc work A sloping (ridged) roof that teminates at one or both ends in a gable. Also knom u Ditched roof. ddsc roof or omb rmf. Ar omment made widr a lathe; used r gable or porch trim. Also knom r tumed wood omments. Gutter Stucco A chmel of wood ormetal ruming along the eaves of a house; used for catching md carrying of water. An exterior wall mvering consisting of a mixture of portled €men! m4 lime md wata; or a mixture of portlmd @mcnt, md hair (or fiber) md sometimes ffushed stone for texture; this tem is oflen used synonymously with cement plrter. Hin Roof Truss A roof fomed by four pitched rmf surfaces.A tuss is essentially a trimgle fomed by ay one of a combination of srucrural members into a rigid roof frmewort for spming between two load beuing walls. Generally, tusses de used when the spm betwm two such walls exceeds 20 to 35 f@t. Louver Turret A small lmtm or other opening, often with wmd slats, uxd for ventilaring anics or other spaces. A small md somewhat slcnder tower; oftm losted at a mmq of a building, in which me, it is often rcfened to m a coma turet. Veranda A roofed sparc attehcd to the exterior wall of a house md spported by olums, pillrs or poss; callelpiua in eulier litqature. A closely rclated tem is porch, although its mming usually is confned to a covered shclter over m exterior dmr. Page 6 of6 Revised 9/2/08 Application for Certi fi cate of Appropriateness