HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff - Planning & Zoning__._ sFrr - Fl g rreu\DATE SUBMITTED BY SP-1 Hearing Notification CN 7 SP-2 Annexation Ordinance SP-3 Mailing List & Annexation Memo SP-4 Memo to Public Agencies SP-5 Mailing List & Annexation Verified SP-6 Notice to Publish SP-7 Mailing Notice SP-8 Affidavit of Publication SP-9 Posting of Site SP-IO Staff Report SP-l1 Development Agreement sP-12 STAFF - City Council SC-l Hearing Notification Checklist a -ac-o&A*l-s SC-2 Notice to Publish 2-TTotr , SC-3 Mailing Notice ,u/lb SC-4 Memo to Public Agencies I2.n.0( SC-5 Affidavit of Publication @4&o&0 tuj SC-6 Posting of Site Gff#rilnrrn tfu,r:r ?-l\J-il-oir SC-8 Development Agreement D/*t)# -L^A ot, Ap(,qu*w,5-1")4 ( Dt)il-/A frM To: From: Subject: Date: o o BEFORE THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNGIL CITY OF CALDWELL, IDAHO MARGH 17,2008 Mayor Nancolas and Caldwell City Council Anne Marie Skinner, Senior Planner Staff Report - Case No. SUB-57E-00 (Virginia Park time extension) March 11, 2008 i -ll, l,r THE FOLLOWING LAND USE ACTION IS THE PRIMARY FEATURE OF THIS APPLICATION: a REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF VIRGINIA PARK SUBDIVISION. TABLE OF CONTENTS: COURSE OF PROCEEDINGS GENERAL FACTS TESTIMONY FINDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CITY COUNCIL ORDER OF DECISION I COURSE OF PROCEEDINGS 1.1 The Caldwell Planning and Zoning Department issued a notice of Public Hearing on application SUB-114E-04 to be held before the Caldwell City Council on February 19, 2008. Public notice requirements set forth in ldaho Code, Chapter 65, Local Planning Act, were met. On March 2,2008 notice was published in the ldaho Press Tribune. 1.2 Files and exhibits relative to this application are available for review in the Planning and Zoning Department,62l Cleveland, Caldwell, and at applicable public hearings. II GENERAL FACTS 2,1 OWNER/APPLICANT:Dyver Development LLC, P.O. Box 369, Meridian, lD 83680-0369 2.2 ENGINEER: Bailey Engineering lnc., 1472E.lron Eagle Dr., Eagle, lD 83616. REQUEST: The owner/applicant is seeking a one-year time extension on an approved preliminary plat for Virginia Park Subdivision to complete the build-out of the residential lots in said approved preliminary plat. The request would allow the owner/applicant until January 2, 2018 to complete all remaining phases of Virginia Park Subdivision. Case No. SUB-57E-00 (Virginia Park time extension) City Council Staff Report Page I of3 t. [. il. tv. V. vt. 5t,-? o BACKGROUND: Virginia Park was annexed and the preliminary plat was approved January 2,2001. Total acreage: 157.4 acres Total residential lots: 650 o 2.3 Phase #1: Phase #2: Phase #3: Phase #4: Phase #5: Phase #6: 49 lots 58 lots 37 lots 66 lots 53 lots 75 lots Approved May 20,2OO2 Approved July 7, 2003 Approved September 7, 2004 Approved September 19, 2005 Approved August 7,2006 Not yet approved - application submitted July 27,2007 There remains 9 phases to be completed (not including Phase #6) and approved for a total of 312 residential lots (again, this lot figure does not include the 75 lots yet to be completed for Phase 6). The subdivision ordinance requires final platting of the first phase of a subdivision within 24 months of the date of preliminary plat approval. Final platting of all successive phases is to occur within one-year increments following the initial twenty-four month time period. 2.4 LOCATION: The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of KCID Road and Highway 20126. 2.5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A legal description was submitted with the underlying application and was incorporated into the original preliminary plat file for reference purposes. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: The CbmBr'ehensive Plan Map designation for this site is Low Density Residential. 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPONENTS APPLICABLE TO THE REQUEST: Propertv Riohts: The five checklist criteria set forth by the Attorney General in the "ldaho Regulatory Takings Act Guidelines" were reviewed by the planning staff. The criteria is as follows: Does the regulation or action result in a permanent or temporary physical occupation of the land? No Does the regulation or action require a property owner to dedicate a portion of property or to grant an easement? No Does the regulation deprive the owner of all economically viable uses of the property? No Does the regulation have a significant impact on the landowner's economic interest? No Does the regulation deny a fundamental attribute of ownership? No 2.7.2 School Facilities and Transportation: N/A 2.7.3 Land Use: The subject property is partially developed as Virginia Park #1 through Virginia Park #6. Case No. SUB-57E-00 (Virginia Park time extension) City Council Staff Report 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 2 of 3 Direction North South West East o Zone County Ag c-2 County Ag R-1 and County Ag a ilt Use Comorehensive plan Map Ag/Rural residential Low Density Residential Ambassador RV Park Commercial Ag/Rural residential Low Density Residentiat Woodgate Subdivision Low Density Residential Mandalay Ranch (undeveloped) Ag/Rural residential Bishop Ranch (undeveloped) 2.8 General: Ordinances that have changed since Virginia Park Subdivision was annexed in 2001 includethe landscaping ordinance, the block length ordinance, and the minimum lot size/setbackrequirements. TESTTMONY BEFORE THE CtTy COUNC!L,,MAFCIJT, 2008 Reserved for City Council. Aft - u'4 /r r 'u u"f 6.3 The final plat for Virginia Park #6 shall be recorded no later than Janua ry 2,200g. All remaining 312 resjdenlal lots shall befinal platted and thefinal plats shall be recorded nolater than January 2,2p< Z O Lb No further time extensions for any portion of Virginia Park Subdivision shall be allowed. All requirements placed at the underlying hearing shall be met in the development of VirginiaPark Subdivision. 3.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 Case No. SUB-57E-00 (Virginia park time extension) City Council Staff Report Page 3 of3 ,t 1.The this that it bepublic notice requirements were met and'the of, Fact and Conclusions of Law, the City Council by Dyver on o o AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ) ) SS. County of Canyon ) Katherine Holmquist of Nampa, Canyon County, Idaho, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That I am a citrzen of the United States, and at a1l times hereinafter mentioned was over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to the above entitled action. 2. That I am the Principal Clerk of the Idaho Press-Tribune, a daily newspaper published in the City of Nampa, in the County of Canyon, State of Idaho; that the said newspaper is in general circulation in the said County of Canyon, and in the vicinity of Nampa and Caldwell, and has been unintemrptedly published in said County during a period of seventy-eight consecutive weeks prior to the first publication of this notice, a copy of which is hereto attached. 3. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper I time(s) in the regular and entire issue of said paper, and was printed in the newspaper proper, and not in a supplement. 4. That said notice was published the following: FID of m100821 06ss6s75 I Caldwell, City of Legal Account PO Box ll79 Caldwell ID 83606 Community Police Department, 1l nue, Caldwell, ldaho hear the following: Ave- March 2,06556575 inthe y"*orM , personally appeared On the before me,aN of Katherine known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and to me that executed the same. Public at Nampa N, y commission expires April 19,2008 Case Number SUB-57E-00 a re- rquest by Bailey Engineering for a I one year time extension for Virginia I Park Subdivision. This site is locat- ed at the norlheast intersection of I KCID Road and Highway 20"26. I I Crr" Number ANN-170-08 a re- / I quest by George Thomas for the II annexation ol 0.86 acres with C-2 I I Community Commercial zoning, a ' I Comprehensive Plan Map designa- ' I lion of Commercial, and a develop- ' I ment agreement. The site is locat-I ed at 4024 S. Florida Ave. I I Cur" Number OA-94-08, a re- I quest by Caldwell's Planning and I Zoning Director for an Ordinance I Amendment for adoption bl an I amended zoning map. , ' Case files and exhibits relative to- this request are on lile at the Cald- well Planning and Zoning Depart- ment located at 621 Cleveland Blvd. Files are available for review the hours 8:00 a.m. to who .t tr:: t It I t,ns ao MEMO Date: FebruarY 27, 2OOf3 To:Tim King, Engineering DePartment Dennis Wilson, Building Department From:Anne Marie Skinner, Senior Planner Caldwell P &Z DePartment RE:Case No. SUB-57E-00 Attached please find a land use application that you are- invited to review. This case is scheduled to be presented before the Caldwell City Council on ]rlonday, March L7r 2OO8 at 7:OO pm' Case Number SUB-57E-00 a request by Bailey Engineering for a one year time extension for Virginia Park Subdivision. This site is located at ihe nonheast intersection of KCID Road and Highway 20-26. you are welcome to review the attached application and provide written input. I request that you e-mail or fax your comments to this office as soon as posiible but no later than Tuesday, March 11, 2OO8. E-mail: amskinner@ci.caldwell.id.us FAX: 455-3O5O I will assume that you have no objections or concerns if you do not reply to this request. If you have any questions, you can contact me at 455-4662. Note: I woutd realty appreciate any thoughts or comments the Engineering Department and Building Department has regarding time extensionsl City Council has specifically asked for staff comments' g\ {ot 621 Gleveland Blvd. Caldwell, lD 83605 City of 45$.3021 .fax 45$3050 Planning & Zoning Depailment From:To: Fax: Phone: Pages:I 70atez )- 31-U r Re: E Urgent M For Review E Ptease Gomment fl Please Reply E Please Recycte uw n0+1C-a-tr +tt*a ry- 3'11 - 0y .lo b" puHqk-d 0112 t{xrrdn, 2 ) zocY YL,^tc Y* E xCurt^ry t GG: ( oo NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Caldwell City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 17,*2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Caldwell Police Department, 1 1O S. 5h Avenue, Caldwell, ldaho in order to hear the following: Case Number SUB-57E-00 a request by Bailey Engineering for a one year time extension for Virginia Park SuMMsion. This site is located at the northeast intersec{ion of KCID Road and Highway 20-26. Case Number ANN-170-08 a request by Geoge Thomas for the annexation of 0.86 acres with G2 Community Commercial zoning, a Comprehensive Plan Map designation of Commercial, and a devefopment agreement. The site is located al.4024 S. Florida Ave. Case Number OA-9/t-08, a request by Caldwell's Planning and Zoning Director for an Ordinance Amendment br adoption of an amended zoning map. Case files and exhibits relative to this request are on file at the Caldwell Planning and Zoning Department located at621 Cleveland Bfud. Files are available for review during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. Foranyfurtherinformation, please call 455-3021. A person who is visually and/or hearing impaired, or needs an interpreter should contact the Gity priorto the meeting. PUBLISH DATES: March 2,2008. t Sr? oa PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR AGENCY RESPONSE CHECKLIST VP&ZIHE City Council Case Na Hearing SCHOOL DISTRICT ( ) Caldwellschool District School District IRRIGATION DISTRICT ( ) Pioneer Irrigation District ( ) Riverside Irrigation District ( ) Canyon Hill Irrigation Distr.ict ( ) Black Canyon Irrigation District ( ) Golden Gate Irrigation District ( ) Caldwell Lateral Irrigation District ( ) Wilder Irrigation District Irrioation District TRANSPORTATION ( ) CaldwellTransportation ( ) Brown Bus Com nv()Countu ling Date Address List Verified Docket Pubtic Asenry Response" uv 5 - /l-C& f ) Vall Mail Public Agency Memos by If site is in vicinity of water body: ( ) Bureau of Reclamation ( ) Corps. Of Engineers ( ) Department of Water Resources ( ) Idaho Fish and Game If site is in vicinity of Boise River: ( ) Bureau of Land Management If site is a gravel pit: ( ) Department of Lands () Services HIGHWAY DISTRTCT ( ) Canyon Highway District #4 ( ) Namoa Hiohwav District #1()Proiect Board of()District Health ( ) Idaho Department()Power ( ) Intermountain()Maos- Final Plats ( ) Other r) ( ) Other t-JO-\ Publish o".". 1-d{& Post sit" o"t"=3 rb -0&