HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-01 Traffic Commission MinutesAPPROVED Date Caldwell Traffic Commission Minutes Wednesday Feb 1, 2023 @ 2:00 Present: Brent Orton (BO), Robin Collins (RC), Eric Phillips (SRO), Sgt Pelkey (CPD) August Medellin (AM), Alan Perry Deputy Chief Fire, Secretary: Tammy Frans (TF) *MUTCD () *ROW (Right -of -Way) *TC (Traffic Commission) *MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) Old Business — No Items New Business — 1. Caldwell High School - Combined Multiple request were received regarding the Caldwell High School area. They are combined and abbreviated in the agenda. It is agreed this will continue to be a work in progress. There is no 20 mph sign on Indiana Ave o If the speed limit is reduced it lowers capacity causing backups o City Code suggests school be built on collector roads as opposed to arterial roads. Two schools were built on arterial roads Jefferson Junior and Caldwell High o Montana is a collector and the speed limit is reduced • SRO Phillips o Times were different when Jefferson and Caldwell High were built the city was considerably smaller and traffic was less o Peak time now experiences grid lock in front of the Caldwell High o Would be nice to have one specified place to cross o Suggests a mini -HAWK at the south intersection, Indiana and Larch ■ Issue is people get used to looking for one crossing and do not watch further o Community education to encourage crossing at Larch o Add lighting on Indiana; west side between Larch and Fairoaks Drive Shorter lights or Ballard lights would produce better visibility A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to have SRO Eric Phillips, Sgt, Pelkey and City electrician Bob Nelson ask the school to participate financially by purchasing equipment and the City would install a HAWK or pedestrian option at Larch and Indiana Action: SRO Eric Phillips, Sgt, Pelkey and City electrician Bob Nelson will visit school Administration and discuss shared project costs and options. 2. Moss Lane - Combined Multiple request were received regarding the Moss Lane area combined for discussion. Bridget Mix, living at the intersection of Moss and Moon Lake, has the following concerns: ■ Traffic speed and speeding ■ No turn lanes in for Windsor Creek and Klamath Falls subdivision. ■ No school bus pick up in Klamath Falls. Ms. Mix would like the city to consider putting in cross walks and pedestrian crossings signs. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to have Robb MacDonald check the traffic study for Klamath Falls to see if it calls for a crosswalk at the Moon Lake and Moss intersection. Action: RM will review the traffic study for Klamath Falls and report back to the TC. 3. Students parking along So 201h, Dearborn and Everett (Unable to read signature) Issues noted in the letter received are: • Parking too close to intersections and obstructing view of drivers • Parking across crosswalks • Parking too close to fire hydrants • Parking in front of residences obstructing homeowners access • So. 20t" is too narrow from Cleveland to Fillmore for cars to park on both sides of the street TC discussed that College Ave. is a collector street and is narrow. There was a pedestrian vs. car fatality there last November. It is an ongoing issue with students and event goers parking on both sides making it even narrower for drivers. At the request of various property owners red curb painting is in place at trouble areas but does not seem to alleviate problems. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to have Robin Collins (P&Z) and Brent Orton (PWD) meet with the College of Idaho to revisit options. Action: Robin Collins (P&Z) and Brent Orton (PWD) meet with the College of Idaho to revisit options. 4. Pedestrian Crossing on Ustick near Fire Station — Joanna Bartrop Per Ms. Bartrop; children run across Ustick Rd to get to the baseball park or to Walmart. Most of the time Ustick Rd has heavy traffic. Please consider this crossing in the near future. No Action Needed: This crosswalk is in the projected 2024 budget. This has been communicated to Ms. Bartrop. 5. Heritage Charter School not signed as school zone — Bob Nelson on behalf of the Director of Operations of Heritage Community Charter School #481 The biggest issue is that the Ustick Rd. section adjacent to the school is not zoned for a school. City electrician were on site to check on the Hawk and even when flashing Red lights were indicating their need to cross, cars and trucks flew through without even stopping. Ustick is principal arterial road and there would be serious capacity issues if the speed is reduced. It is also a major feed into So. Indiana near Caldwell High School previously discussed during this meeting. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to implement a school zone in front of Heritage Charter School with no speed change. Engineering will design the school zone and Street department will implement. Action: Engineering will design the school zone and Street department will implement the design when complete. 6. 16th Ave between Cleveland and Logan Speeders — Cpl Eldridge via Jake Clinger, August CPD and the TC receive complaints from citizens who live on 16th Ave about speeders. Cpl Eldridge was running lidar on 12-12-2022 and observed an issue. He would like clarification on this if it is supposed to be 20 (non -posted school zone) or 30 mph and if so can we get it posted either way so drivers know what speed they are supposed to go. The school on this section of road is now a district office. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to conduct a speed study and posted accordingly. Action: Engineering will conduct a speed study and Street will post the speed limit accordingly. 7. Request 4-way stop at Linden and Aviation — Jay Gilbert Jay Gilbert is following up on the possibility of installing a 4 way stop at Linden and Aviation way due to the road going over the canal and dropping down to go under interstate 84 the vision of people crossing linden in cars is obscured. This section of Linden is in the runway zone for the airport that will eventually be closed for airport expansion. A motion was made and TC agreed unanimously to have a site -study done at the intersection and additional signage be placed if needed. Action: Engineering will do a site -study and request additional signage if necessary. Resource/ Weather Pending Business: 1. A signal is planned at 24th Avenue and Blaine Street in front of the Simplot Stadium. The signal currently installed at Santa Anna and Ustick Road midblock will be repurposed for this project once the Ustick/Santa Anna RAB is complete. 2. Extend red curbing at 20th & Cleveland — CPD created a package solution for parking and sight issues in this area. The Traffic Commission requested a copy for review before the plan is added to the Council Agenda for approval. Aug 2020 3. Restripe Skyway in late spring or early summer. Nov 2019 4. Engineering to conduct a traffic control and flow study of the greater South Downtown area. Aug 2020