HomeMy WebLinkAboutS09-PP Sunny Ridge AdditionI Deeeraber 1961+
rtr. Ronald IJ. BIakIey
716 Aluany
Caldml}, Idaho
llesr Ron:
LasL n1c'.hu the Planning Corr:rlssion revi-e','red ihe proposed plai of lunny-
ricirre Acldition. f polnteC out the fcllortng bhlni:s about the plert, as it
relates to the SuMivlsion [,rt]inance no:r 1n force:(
a) Block h is longer uhan Lhe naxirmrn o:l 66c feet. Ihls broul:ht,
Lnto discusslon the problem oi Lhe extension of !'[arshalI Aventre
an<1 the reafranf,enent, of r;lre blocl,; such tha1, thc }Iarshall Avci:u'.c
xoulcl 'oe a throu,:h sLrcet. .iris poin,; f vouI,,r llke Lo dil;c'.tss.*
tlth you.
b) In definlng the classificaLion of Lo.ian StreeL, it appears Lnat
it would be elLh.er a collector ol: evenLually an :rrterial sLreet
no,.liiied. i.he North half r,,'ourd ;hen be either l0 or 33 feet of
ri;hL-of-;:ay ;rhicr was consiciore<i a,JequaLe. I Krro'ir lirau Lhe
platbingr !o the irest, ras plar,'Ler ofi 6C feet for r,rie iiorLh half
of the Lo;ian rirht-of-ray. rhis apl-,ears inconsisLenb wlth the
evelopment to ine Easu as uhere:re only trave 5il foeu of ri',irt-
or-way'and houses brii-li such ui1al; it would not be possible Lo
acqrire nore. IL ,,'as the feelinl: of the Flannin6 Corrn:isslon
that a uotal of wicher 60 or 56 feeu would be adequaLe for logan
iLrreeb in Uhis 8r€ao
c) The corner loLs ln olocl<s 2 and 3 both on Logar: and ldorrlson are
nor, larfie enoui;h for a house ;hau would be facini- rriLher ]Iorth or
South. rhese lots should be enlar.-ed.(
A) lhs partial sLreeb orr bhe iiast; half right-of-waYr could be ac-
eepted only if a deed for the ocher half acccmpanied 'bhe plato
ilas l,lrr Hc0leskey been eonsulted ln relarrl Lo the oLher half fo
of thls street?(
e). Str"eet nams prrcbably had not'oeen eonsidercd at, che ti-me of thls
rough dreft rras nade. fs there any sufqestlon as t,o Lhe nanes of
lhe .Etreets?(
f) Do you have topopraphic naps cf i,he area? I assur.e bhe rrra{-na'e
for eaeh st:.eet would go North an,i Lhen into the drain ditch from
the appearance of bhe lanri ltse1f.
f realize Lhat you have trled to make this plai; conform Lo Lhe one that is
iTest of i+.. I an wcnrlerin;' i-f a sLu,jy oi bhe topot Elap !Rir-*tt beuter r]errcIop
the area bo keep Hor@-son or one ln its place, one lot depth aray fz'on the
draln diLch. 'lhls Ea). ceuse many :aore prohlems than the desiSp Jrcu oave
shorn, howeverl in the ful,ure we wor:Id like to got uay from .gfreets
bonded.n-: on dltehesaas tirer"e is no one 'uo assunD the responsiblity of the
1,1r. Ronald M. BIakIey December 1, 196,1r
Page 2
ir4prcverent on the dltch side. In the last fer street dlstrlcts the Councll
has cornented on thts sltuation and have asked ne to try in each easo to
keep the stneets frorn actually borderln.l d:'ain ditclres or canals.. Again,
fhls is only a thought and may not be praclical f,or the'topography inrmIrred.
Consideration has to be qiven Lo bho e>r';ension of Morrlson StreeLr parLicularly
to Lhe Eastl and as I have pointed ouL, it would nob ire consistent withfhsplatalread;r lsserded to the lJest.
Ihc'P1annlng Conmisslon would llke to nore thoroughly conside,r the above
mitter"s beforg na](.ing a reconrendetion to the Councll to apprcrre this plat,.
Yours tmlyy
cc eyor Srnith
t r , r
R0lIALll 3,i" BI*{KLEIf
Caldwell idahg
Arbany Street
T0r 961 Isrlt
Clty nngincer
Caldwel-I, fdaho
Dat,r a*-EgbruefyH965
F ) r'or your actlon ( ) ror yorx' f tr3'oe
1-::_i_ -:#
EYisXosed llereivtthr
tro ooplee of propssed SIIIINY BIffiE ADDfTf0tr to Cal&rclL, Idahr.
tro oopLeg of vl,olatty nape for above oddltlono
For your proJ.funlnrry oonolderetlon.
CCr R. Roark.
Tr"ensm3.ttr,"{ i4r