HomeMy WebLinkAboutM04-PP Mira Loma Manor SubdivisonJanuary 21, Lg?L Caldrcll lrrtgatton Dtatrtot Canyon Htll Ca1d,rell, Id.aho 83605 Dcar Slrr Pursuant to Scotlon 5-8-4. paragraph (C) 5 of thc Clty Cod,e of Caldwel1, Idaho. I an tranenttttng, to you. a oopy of the prcllutnary of,Q propoacd subdlvtston for Uaync BtahopJ to thc CtlI of Ca1drellIdeho. The preltutnary hae been approv"cd by the Planntng Countselon and thc Ctty Counotl. . If no rrttten rcootrucndatlon ta rcoetvcd rlthtn tcn (fO) days of the d,atc of thte lettcr, the prcltutnary p]'at rtl1 bc oonetdered. ag grantcd, by your agenoy. Iours truly, Mclvln G. Lcrts, P.E.ctty Eagtnccr MGLI 1b { Eno. (1) Publtc Ut11lttes Commtsston Bolse, Idaho Mountatn States Telephone Co. Ca1dwe1l, Idaho Internrountatn Gas Co. Nanpa, , Idaho I Idaho Power Co.. Ca1dwell, Idaho Canyon Abstract & Tttle Co., Ltd.. Ca1dwe1l, Idaho Canyon County Zonlng Comntsslon Ca1dwe11, Idaho Caldwe11 Independent School Dtst. Caldwe11, Idaho ctty-County Health Dept. Nampa, Id.aho [D 0 P Y I Ci ty of Cal dwel I rct Feb. 5, l97l rth MIRA L0MA MAN0R - Subdivision 2Fronts&2Backs t)n 4 N Wd t 0 N Rona'l d M. B1 akl ey '!et f't 6 Idahtr T '{'0: X v a )\A I $ t/a,l*^-- Mtllsap between QUrrcLArM DEED 1TIIS INDENIURE, Made this 1.st day of February in the year of our Ircrd one thousand uine hundred and seventy one Lorratne Wallace of ca1dwe11 County of Canyon State of Idaho , the part y of the first part, and Ctty of Ca1dwe1l, a Muntctpal Corporatton of Caldwell State of Idaho County of Canyon , the part, of the second part. WITNF'SSEfiI, That the said par$r of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum ofone__ _____oohoo DoLLASS, lawful money of the United States of America, to her in hand paid by the said'partr; ' of' the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do e s by these presents remis"e, release and forever QUIICLAIM, unto the said part y of the second part, and to t ts heirs and assigns, all that certain lot , piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being inCa1dwel1 , County of Canyon , State of Idaho, bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: A parcel of land sttuated ln the Southeast Quarter of the SouthwestQuarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sectton 1l+, Townshtp 4 North, Range 3 West of the Botse Mertdtan, more parttcular)-y d.escrtbed asfollows: COMI{ENCING at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of theSouthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sectton L4, Townshtp4 North, Bange 3 West of the Botse Mertdtan; thence West along theNorth boundary of sald Southeast Quarter 19B.OO feet to the TruePotnt of Beglnntng: thence South, para1Ie1 to the East boundary of thesatd Southeast Quarter, 25.00 feeti thence West, paralleI to the Northboundary of the satd Southeast Quarter, LjZ.OO feet; thence North,parallel -to the satd East boundary, 25,00 feet; thence East, alongthe satd North boundary, L32.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. - TOGETHER With all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto helonging or in anyrvise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, All and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the part y of the second part, and to tts heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part ha s hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEAI/ED AND DEI/IVERED IN PRESENCE OT 3-,r,*; u4J!aH.)ISeal] lSeall ISeal] ISeal] X l , STATE OF IDAHO,t County of Canyon On this 1st rl : Melvtn G. Lewts 1,., rlay of February in the year 19 /1 , before me a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared Lorralne Wallace known to me to be the person whose name ts acknowledged to me that ihe executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set subscribed to the within instrument, and hand affixed my the day and year in this certificate first above written. for the State of Idaho, Besiding at Ca1dwe11 , Idaho. aIA €oco oo)- .! q il i:iio):FaiAij,.j'otoitr:tr ia,iEi&.:o!O;0,:tri> i€i.o:triql :o).o its i>:E .!-{ tr cq) hoq)oc q) Eo xH o fr]Ha b{alr hI(J Erl-{) @ a I A o o 6l dI Io T o o f!o fr] E< Fa d tHo +) oo a 4 ata