HomeMy WebLinkAboutL07-PP-92 Laura Subdivision1 I I I H q. tn t m E I da pad /ft -x q[q!t'.9-r,.98'* -.- N 00'05 G'063.7.{ s ri o'oa'oa' E ttrl r.cOO atalala tYarul.-..----.-L-3r.oii' 'I I I 32.oer' .ta' {, -.{ :D n '! t, aIc B!TI Igil :f Is i? \-o o-z !t UI E u m E I o a t l-.-..-sr- -I t lu IH IIr..id aq ts\I .lfi ilE.lE ,[, t D F j ) u! bru 1' i+ I I I T t :F *1..: Frh:F,;L.. .: =*- iir - illu t l.r ili I g[i:{[; FaHale:lca3l iiilII; ii[{ti; {lslitl :irEl;l ffilinl t i1,l iFr3l !o B q s -l L rrt\r ? r.U - B H @' (ti+^INis I I ls $ir AI :-t, F I I tp , ffi .h F j r > I !{ December 3,1992 Sylvester Castaneda 119 7th Ave. S. #2 Nampa ID 83651 Dear Sylvester: We have been looking over the application for the Laura Subdivision on Syringa. Jerry Earl called in and requested information as to what the Ciry requires to make this a complete application. The Acting Interim Engineer, Larry Bledsoe, went and looked at the properrywith Assistant Planner, Ed Christopher. Before we cErn proceed with this subdivision we will need full engineering drawings showing hookup to the City sewer, presumably along the southern edge of each lot to hook up in Georgia. There should also be an accurate indication of where the fence on the eastern portion is in relation to the properry line. As a condition of plat approval, we will require a deferral agreement to be signed agreeing to improve Syringa along all four lot frontages if Syringa is improved in the future. We will also require additional dedicated right-of-way on Syringa of 3-4 ft. to make Syringa approved right-of-way width. We will also require a deferral agreement to improve Georgia if that right-of-way is developed in the future. I am sending a copy of this letter to Jerry Earl for his information. Please let me know if you require any further information. tn view of the above referenced stipulations, it will not be possible to process the application until we have the drawings. This may be able to be reviewed by the Commission at its January 21 hearing if all information necessary is provided by December 17. Sincerely, Liz Yeary, Administrative Secretary Planning and Zoning Fax copy to Jerry Earl PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 5,v r-v <-:rrq- C 17 {' a* Ea1 CRlSToffit- Ptru rO o o o Special Use Permit Code Amendment Comprehensive Plan Amendment 6*g st, ([rllrell o 821 CLEVELAND BLVD. CALDWELI- IDAHO 83605 TELEPHONE 45$3006 FAX 45$3003 APPLICATION TO PI.ANNING & ZONING COMMISSION o Rezoning Subdivision Variance H Property Owner: Mailing Address: Applicant: Mailing Describe Proposal: one: Z Ax) Project Location: Legal Description: (Attach if necessary)I Zoning District: -Comprehensive Designation:Acreage: I have reviewed this completed application and the supporting documentation and certify that it is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge I understand that the City may approve, approve with conditions, or deny this application Date ****************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ************ Proposed Zoning Special Use Variance to Other --Do..t7, llqL This application has been reviewed by the Planning Department staff for compliance with the submission requirements and officially accepted for review and processing by the City of Caldwell. ,, hL^ --7-6ate Qz-s-// @ Talophono 455-3006 TO:Larry Bledsoe, Nampa City Engineer FROM:Liz Yeary, Caldwell Planning & Zoning SLTBJECT! Laura Subdivision, Canyon Hill DATE:December 2,1992 Jerry Earl came in yesterday concerning the above mentioned subdivision. He wants to know what street improvements we would require for the subdivision. A copy of the drawing we were given is attached. Sylvester Castaneda in Nampa is the applicant. He was hoping to get it on the December 17 agenda. This is a "short" plat which I am not really accustomed to. We did a short plat for Rojmar Subdivision earlier this year and had the developer agree to an LID for the street improvements. The wording on the Rojmar plat says "All lots in Rojmar SuMivision will participate in an IJD for road improvements on Illinois Ave. at such time as the City of C.aldwell deems it necessary''. Georgia is currently a pasture although we have the right of way and water and sewer are in the street. Syringa is paved but not curb and guttered. Jerry needs to know as quickly as possible what we would require for developments or plans so that he can give some kind of estimate to Mr. Castaneda. Mr. Castaneda is at 467-9490 if you want to talk to him directly. We have not had a pre-application conference with Mr. Castaneda which we usually do, and I could possibly set one up for tomorrow, Thursday, if that fits in with your schedule. I would appreciate your input. 4 5-8-2 G,4) 5=8=Z- (g) Location, dimensions, bearings, radii, arcs and central angles of all sites to be dedicated to the public will be clearly indicated and intended use specified. (h) LocAion of all adjoining subdivisions with data, book and page number of recordation. (i) Any proposed private deed restrictions to be imposed upon the plat or any part or parts thereof pertaining to the intended use of the land shall be typewritten and attached to the plat and to each copy submined. 5. Required Certifications: (a) Certification by the registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor trat the plat is correct and accurae, and trat the monuments described in it have been located as described. (b) Certificate of plat approval by the City Engineer. (c) Certificate of plat approval by the Council. (d) Certificate of plat approval by the County Recorder. (e) Certificate of plat approval by Planning and Zoning Commission. (f) Verification by County Engineer of accuracy of survey with respect to State law. (g) Certification by owner. (h) Sanitary restriction (50-1326, ldaho Code). 6. Short Plat Procedure: The subdivider may request that the subdivision application be processed as both a preliminary plat and final plat as a single process if all of the following exist: (a) The proposed subdivision does not exceed ten (10) lots; (b) No new street dedication or street widening is involved; (c) No major special development considerations are involved such as development in flood plain, hillside development, etc. (d) All required information for both preliminary and final plat is complete and in an acceptable form. Io o ? 388 I I I I I Oil,t.,r, |,'!> srATEoF rdalD .counr! ol Can_\Dn SIA'TE OF IOAHO. COUNIY OF o,rnu jLqpr!!- FebruarY n lho yaar ol -gL-. bclorc mo. lha uno"'srEh'd' r-Nol'tY Plirrc rt aid lor 3ac Sltl!, g.tsonrllv Eoor.tr6 --Ssg}].-1.1. llassev ard Pauli A. l4asEev , €t a.Dl\, C- - r\tIrostr or Ecntdadlo ma loba thrgarlon:9.- wnost nrmS-QI9 il oznlnv Iz Ls rno ,FI<)ovomc .D f\t lJ C,o 3,) 3UD3CrDad rnd rcknowlcdged to me lhal tlEv {.,. t *.r =Af--'o,!h,r,Ptn, F Farrar ltt- ( t D.'nt n, WARRANTY DEED FOR VALUE FECEIVEO RuggeU M. Masrey and Pauli A. !lasse)', husbard ard wife GRANTORS}. OOGSIC'O) hE'EbY GRANT. BARGAIN, SELL ANd CONVEY UNIO Danny L. Daudterty aEd Inura L. Dauglerty, husturd and wife GRANTEE(S,. whose currenl aclclfess ls: lhe lollowrng ocscilbcd ,€al propeny in canyon more ganlcularly desctlbed as lollows, ll wll County. Slsle ol loaho. ItE lbtth 170 feet of tIE lbrth Half of ttr: tlest tlalf of Tract 13, llILlcnESI SUBDMSICN, Caldnell, CanlMl County, IdalD, accordirg to ttE Plat of said Sr.rbdivj'eicn filed Februar)' 13, 1919, in bk 3 of Platg at Page 10, ir t}te offie of ttE County f€corder, Canlut Colsrt)', IdalD. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ths said premrses. wrlh lhelr appuilenancss unto thc tslcl Gr'nlcc(s)' lnd Granteo(s) herrs snct assrgns forsver. Anct the ssid btanro(s) do€s(do) herGby co'rnenl lo lnd wllh thc Beld Grentge(s), thal Granto(s)islare ltre ownc(s) in lee srmpte oi sard premrses; thst seio ptcmlses lrr lrrc lTom tll ancumbranccs, ExCEpT thoso lo whrch lhts conrcyan"i rs oxprossly macte sublect and lhorr macb, Eutttrod or dono by lha Or.nla.(t,, rn6 ruDl.cl lo ,arttvlltont, t.rlrlctronl, ordroaltonr, allam'ntl, ?lghl' Ol wfy lnd teraamanla, ([ any) ot ricord. tnd gantr.t lartt and lifirlrmtnll, (rncludlne |trlgallon ln6 ullllly r'l..rm'nlr' ll .nyl lof tha curr.nt ycr,, *na-n rrolot yrt duo rn6 p"vrt,ri. .nd lh.l Grlntoi(rt wlll wa??ant anl d'ltnC lh' ..m' lrom rll lawful cl8ims whalsoevcr Datect: gg5t,-r, 6, 199€ STEWART TITLE OF IDAHO. Ine'sThrS lolm lurn shect courtesY ol lrtrri.'( r',J.1 m}A ,,ll { t I'r- rr d Ia B'l ?5675 xns : l, i, 'i:D '8t Dt[ il Plt I z3 i ' .' '. ',;1.([R CAi.'i-1, . :'lJii['ER 5''9 m0tm Basis of Bearlng -- Att$t DrO. hh. 81-15 LEGEN) Fqfi D: S Err;lt xt '5/Alulnr cI, Errrt Fqfi 5/l ltst t$r 3"t 5/8 lrri r$rrtr,rtt DoltttrrtrVdrrtrP of not{ I o : (I IIIT Irr- -