HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC June 7 1990 minutesHI PRESERVATION CO!'IIIIISSION
Ucoting of June 7, L99O
The meeting of the Historic Preservation CornrniEsion on June 7,1990, was called to order in the City HalI Conference Room by
Chairman Randolph at 7:05 p.m. Present were: Chairman Chuck
Randolph, Nathel le Oates, Sylvia Robison, Bill Gigray III,
Madeline Buckendorf, Tom Ensley, Dennis Crooks and Teri Brandt-
Minutes from the meeting of April 24, 1990 were presented and
approved as distributed.
Chairman Randolph began the meeting with a review and update ofold business. The photo documentation and survey of the 3 block
expansion area for the College of Idaho lras discussed, It $raE
concluded that this task would have to be completed \rithin thenext two weeks before any of the residences were dieplaced.
Chairman Randolph also took the opportunity to cong'radulate BiIIGigray III and the Greenbelt Civic Leaque on the tremendousprogiress occurring at the Greenbeit park site.
Chairman Randolph then described the main task on the agendawhich was to review the completed survey data and photos
submitted by the historic consultant for the 25 selected historicsites with the purpose of selecting 3 or 4 candidates for theintensive level survey. The Comission members systematically
reviewed the survey data for all 25 sites. Each member then
nominated 5 sites for the intensive level survey. Of all the
nominees, 4 sites accounted for a significant percentage of thevotes and it was the consensus of the Commission that thehistoric consultant be directed to perform intensive IeveI
research on the fol lowing;
101 1
IrIa i n
CIeve I and
two alternate sites were selected which are IistedAdditional Iy,as fol lows:
1615 Cleveland
1422 Cleveland
Dennis Crooks indicated he would fo11ow-up and inform thehistoric consultant of the sites selected for int€nsive Ievelresearch, Chairman Randolph also indicated he would contact Ann
Swanson of the State Historical Preservation Office to set up ameeting to reviev, the conBultant's rrork as prescribed in the
g:rant contract.
A qeneral alucusan period foI Iowed. Ilet ine Buckendorfidentified a neighborhood pattern which surfaced as part of theintensive level selection proceas. It was concluded that this
neighborhood identity and focus should be included as a specificobjective of the Commission. Corridors and blocks along MainStreet and Cleveland Boulevard are older and more transitional incharacter and thus should receive priority over blocks alongEverett Street and Dearborn Street. Sites along the latter twostreets could be more intensively surveyed at a later date in the
near future.
It was also mentioned as a future task to reviev, the provisions
of the ordinance vrhich establ ished the City's HistoricPreservation Counnmission, review the Conrurission's philosophy andfuture goals and objectives and to work on consolidating theCity's inventory of historic data and information into manageablelists and pamphlets for public distribution.
As there was no futher business, the meeting was adjourned at9:30 p.m. It was the consensus of the Conrnission that the nextregularly scheduled meeting would be AugusLLii, 1990 unless thereis a need to schedule a special meeting to meet with the historicconsultant,
Submitted by
Dennis Crooks. Di rec tor
Planning and Zon i ng