HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Nov 29 1984 minuteso
t{ovEtGER 29, Lg8/-
lrleflbers Present: Jan Beckylth, Lorene Thurston, Chuck Rando'lph,
Dave Dorsqy, Gary llee, and Tom Ensley.
Meetlng was called to order by Chalrman Beckwlth.
l,llnutes from 0ctober meetlng were distributed and accepted.
Chalman Beckwlth lntroduced Don l{atts frcm the Strte Preservatlon
0fflce, vho ln turn presented the "Idaho Certlfled Local Governmnt
Program. "
He dlscussed wlth us several polnts ln the program.
The flrst regulrement, before a local government can be ellglble to
be certlfled and enabled to apply for funds, is that lt was establlshed
by ordlnance through the clty councll. There ras conslderable
speculatlon among nembers present about whether or not that was the
case vt{th our connlsslon.
He then led us through the other mlnlmum requlrements, as outllnedln the prcgram.
There was a block grant of $33,000 to the State of Idaho, to be
dlstrlbuted thrnoughout the state, for thls year's fundlng (0ctober'31,
1984 to 0ctober 31, 1985).
Caldwell ls one of only three or four establlshed local Preservatlon
Cornlsslons ln the statr.
Don encouraged us to proceed rlth our appllcatlon, after we have
establlshed a rell deflned proJect. He also vol unteered h{s offlce's
asslstance ln puttlng together the appllcatlon.
After conslderabl e open dlscusslon, and assurance from Don that he
was usually alwqys avallable for counse] , he excused hlmself from the
The mmbers dcclded to deflnltely pursue puttlng together an appllcatlon.
Dave passed out coples of the for he used ln recordlng lndlvldual sltesln the on-golng survey. Furthar fillng order was discussed, ln order
to make the use of our results practlcal and not confuslng.
It was determlned not to neet again untll the January meetlng.o
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