HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Aug 5 1982 minutesI L o N- The meeting was calIed to order by uh. Tom Ensley. ur*nt"fi;r3;rllu, 2 '.unciImen, 5 Gurists and Roger Horton of the chamber of commerce were present' Minutes of the previous meetlng were read antl approved. George Fl0rence and 2 .ther teachers were introduced. Roger Horton was lntro aiuced as a C. of C. Llason officer. PauI Evans reported the cafendar is progresslng. Loulsa Cone, Coordlnator gave the following report: (enclosecl). There was much dlscusslon as to the 1ogo, as the man lilr. Florence had approached has moved to -t"1.rida. r-orene Thurston has asked olen corne11, fo110wlng hls offer, to alesign on. Apparentllr others are interested, so th€ logo 'leslgn opportunity wilr be advertise. in the press-Trlbune. Motlon made and secondeal for same with the deadflne of Thursday Aug. Z0 and no fee--Just communlty servlce. The c of c rs interested ln ser_r-1ng a s11ver medalion. The school group wlshes a cheaper.metal metla110n to attach to other student made artlcr.es. Ivir. El.rence ststed. the school now wlshes to keep anv proflt from thelr sa1es. Jan Beckwlth suggested we figure but next time a policy on perhaps a o$ of proflt on centennlal iten sold wlth the centenniar- motlf. The commlss*on voted voted to recommenai to the clty counclr- that the centennial parade be hercl ln uept. rather than 1n conJunction wrth the tury 4 usual cerebration, as more town:"and area people will- be availabl_e to help and participate l_n Sept. Meeting ad J ourned.Members present:Ensley EvansThurston GilroyBeckwlth RlceDorsey Shaffer Lorene Thurston, Sec.Cowles 0arter a'rg. J-9. 1.982Special me€t ing- -Uallect to ordei by ch 'i'olrl Ensl-ey. Due to press of buslness minutes were not read. Logo discussion: Erlc pa;rne hasdone u deslgn and 6iven it to i;eorge F1orence. It uas moved, seconcied and passed thst the uhamber 01- corrmrerce be allowed to selr preclous metar medalions. Louisa has done cluite a blt of groundwork on same. I rnotion was nade, t (.l,ug. 19, Cont . ) seconded and carried that the commission pol1cy on Centennlal sales wlth the Logo be established at 15% after breakeven point wlth the organlzatlon. If adequate other funding becomes available to carry on the Oentennlal of f lce expenses ' the t 5,]''/o or a part thereof w1II be refunded. It was moved, seconded and passed that the Sroup meet two times a month for a while, as there is too much for once a month' Susan Gi.l-roy, looking to the future, said our City Ha1I funds will be exhausted after October 1. Lorene Thurston w11l prepare a picture displ-ay for Louisa to display at the Clt'y Park in congunction wlth the Retail lvlerchants booths tluring 4 to ? !m each evening before the Rotleo. Loulsa will attempt to slgn up volunteer workers and advertise the Oentennlal . Lorene suggested an update on the {Jity for the back pa8e of the calendar--i s working on lt' I{uch llscussion on the conmisslon to be offered on the sale of caJ-endars. r',lo action. hteeting ad journed. fL Lorene Thurston, Sec.Members present: E nsleyThurston Be c kwi.th Evang Rl ce Ra nd olphShaffer Hort o n C one SePt' 2, 1982 rvleeting catled to order by Ch Ton Enslev' Slx members and the coordinator were present. I'J,inutes were dispensed wlth' It was aoved ' seconded and passed that the commission approlle th€ logo drawlng prepared by Kevin Nelson, subiect to a talk on a change--urith Faul Bvans. ft was moved, seconded and passed that the offlcial theme for the Centennial be [Let The Eeg]-e Scream (theme of the first J uly 4 cel-ebration in 1884. A letter was read from the uity Council approving the Septenber Centennial parad e. !ore!I.J. 'lililrston ;*Qialr::Cal;iie plarrs beiil; ceve looec f or the t olvntol,rn cio.to rrispla;rg. : 4-,et ,Vu"r*- , frr-L",r,"'!- 8*"-,'"- 7 il.t-^-c- \N )rFl'r ').2a.(@ 14.-,;-Akr4 -hfu- 3 p el, h?o..t - 4 4a*-,";/ A-V-., tZ, d4/ .,t &..* 0.74 /L, -Zzz,,-a,. t/" 04-,-1. o./"/r"*t4.-A.e</."ai/ 'g, ooo /uV I/*j t,A -v/. @-J,a* 9a/- /"h -d.;Dz )>-&,r-'a;.,.-, ; ., A )T7a;,.j8 *;4--Vz/.-(v t"- O!-J.v A-4--;,.-h-*",- -.-; L)o'.qooo-, /-..A .-<-a-*-,r/4 -2"'-LL..-r*7 -.114) < lrJ, Qt-..ra. &nt {-.1f.*a , A. {*...wi,*-, r/or;"-r*, /***? o REVENT'E SHARING WANT LIST Telephone converslon Llbrary booka Sldeualk repalr Bulldlng remodel Rodeo (Datchlng) Street llght purchaee Flre truck Alrport rigtrt-away 2l8t & trranklin Irteraectlon North sLde street l-mprovenent RoBe Garden lDtersectlon Vehlcles & heavy equl-pEent Centennlal Rose Garden sprf-nkler Stedlun (rnatchtng) Gol.f sprinkler l,tlc-a-Llght Contlngency l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. t2. 13. L4, 15. t6. 17. 18. o r ,.) k),le/5,0ao.--'t)L // re ,t 7t&L o I I I I t CALDWELL CENTENNIAL OFFICE PROJECTED BUDGET August l, 1982 - 0ctober 30, 1982 Expendltures Balance 6t31l82 . $879.32 3879.32 Salary of Coordi nator Augirst, September, 0ctober ($200 mo.) Tel eohone August, September, 0ctober ($35 nro.) 600 .00 105.00 PostageI 20 00 Total avallable for suppl I es r725.9q. $r54. 32 I