August 5, I981
I dwel I Historic Preservation Cornmi ttee
:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the
presiding and members Dorothy Reynolds,
Ensley and A1 ice Dunlap present. Jan
e were absent. Liaison member Patr was also absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Under old business Alice Dunlap presented the brochure as conceived
by Paul Evans and the estimate of costs as worked out by Richard Pead of
Caxtons. The committee members were enthused and delighted with the cover
which Paul Evans had drawn. Alice Dunlap recorrnended that the higher
quotation be used in figuring a dollar amount to put in the proposa) to
the llhittenberger Foundation. She also suggested that there would be
other expenses outside the printing costs involved in the production,
A1 ice Dunlap reported that the l,Jhittenberger comnittee, members being
Ken Roberts, Dorothy Reynolds and herself, had done little concerning the
proposal but that Ken Roberts was going to write the proposal and needed
the brochure estimate for an amount to request. She also reported that
Ken had talked with the Chamber of Cormerce and that they were receptive
to supporting the Centennial celebration.
Pat Mallea sent word that the revenue-sharing request had been pared
from $5000 to $2000.
Dorothy Reynolds moved we ask $25,000 of the t^,hittenberger Foundation.
Seconded and carri ed.
Under new business Dr, Attebery reminded the members that under the
bylaws when a member had not been attending for four consecutive meetingsthat member would be replaced.
Alice Dunlap moved that Bob Jarboe be replaced. Seconded and carried.
The regular meeting of the Ca
was held Wednesday, August 5, at 5
City Hall with Dr. Louie Attebery
Dave Dorsey, Lorene Thurston, Tom
Beckwith, Paul Evans and Bob Jarbo
Mallea came in later but Les Carte
The members suggested the following names: Roger Horton, AltaI'lilliams, Bill llaish, and Jeanette Rice. These names are to be given to
the nayor after the people have indicated their willingness to serve.
Lorene Thurston reported on the time framework she had done on the
Centenniai which consisted of listing ideas under several headings which
she said she would type and have copies for each member.
Pat Mallea reported that revenue-sharing money would be dispersed
January I and the public hearing would be sometime in August.
o Meeting adjou rned.
Alice Dunl ap, Sec ary
August 12, l98l
Nayor "Al " McCI uskey
704 BIalne
Clty Hall
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Dear Mayor ttlcC luskey:
The bylaws of the Caldwell Historlc Preservation Comnl ttee state
that when a member mlsses four consecutlve rneetlngs, that men6er lsto be replaced. The conmi ttee voted to replace Bob Jarboe rrho hasn't
attended any meet{ngs since his appolntment.
The followlng names aFe of persons who have said they wou'ld bewllllng to serve on the conri ttee:
Jeanette (i,lrs. Ferrol ) Ricc, a retired school teacher who is o natlveof Cal due l I.
BlIl Halsh, a formr manager of Sears. now retired.
The names are recorlrnended for your consideratlon by members of theHistorlc Cormlsslon to flll the vacancy on the eornnlsslon. Slnce you
had nade the appolnfinent of Bob ,larboe, would you also infom him that
he ls belng repl aced. If you don't wish to, I can write to him.
Yours tru ly,
AlIce Dunlap, Secretary
Hlstoric Preservatlon Cormi ttee
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