HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Plat Folderxh t GIt, Cl *,-,.,,^.._8 + oleol,- c{ " trvqb lr-eo-qQ Re_ ,L*.C.- ( / ) A{*) P%-a-UtoLn_.* P o'd@ l/1r,- ALL<n N- r (e 'ir' o C Gr n 3 DiD(uD')cr c6t J\AfV a)qx {t I+- .i\vt-t rpr ( C1r E l*_J ,dl_fr I i I I I I I I I I II I I\, PLAeEp aAJ\u"r,MAY-31-1996 L6|46 FRON TO L2u/8,4553Z/A3 P.Az ,g!ET?, PTANNTNG AI'ID ZONIT{G DEPARTMENT City of Caldwell Suborucer: Fr,trre* G,er;. -.,., -. ( Darrre -L'rrteeuee] , ... NANCY '{UFFPlarfirigtr Zcrdnq Cieqsr 5?1 CLEVEIAAID tsL\'O crLowELL l0 0360s tEiSfiCnG.S€er FAI 4ffiiloG flNAL PLAT APPTJCATION (Minor $ubdivisioo. under 10 tots. may be considered as both a peliminafl and fitttl Pl*) 1, General lnformaton: Name of Sqbdivisiofl (lf Su6division oane rNA *'tu>tv,gloh.! 6 66nged slnce prellminary plal, Plesse note)nb?1 Addrcss: t31l4j.At-*:e- t^tailY*'^rooo t^Jf ' Telephone: btdo'-l.ffi -6A.IRc. fa A E-\r€Property O,mer BA.r"fme c+e' -- .Address;r.r r rr.r i -1'- ''-- _ - - _ *- . }? \\A '}AAB6e . trl6Y, L'(Atlocrr..,lrJfr Tdephone: Elrglneec -karb.ep-,ex C t:{war xt r t sr-Addreas:Iil Legal Deecriptlrn of propertyto be subdivided (Afr8cfi if Generel locatioo of ProPoeed d lp a4.{,-@o ef,<,8, rsFf CF+ F!+rT Ar.Orrr rrA AV€F,c*ra DlxD 2. Subdhdclo,n Features: Gross p,orar,.---?.11o NetAcreage:z.7l [cre-. 3 Num0er orf Bbc{G , .1 . xumber of Lots:z4 b B.rn-oeerE Consrucfor program, tr'dinsl" Famity pfn +.rily I Multi-Family Requlred Informatiorrt (llZmile minimum radius. scale optional) a) Final ptat - qne cppaebtel (vetlum) copy and two blue print coPies ot!!e-[nat plat (sc?le of nd tess tlran 1.'E 1oOi prepared in accordancE with Secdon 11{/247 of the Caldwell Subdivieion Ordinancs and shallinclude the following: 1. ..1P.2 t0'd 69BAZE096 'oil XVJ r3flflHo loi$lc Ezr8t 3nr g8-82-AUt{ NRY-31-1996 L6',t 46 FROM 72AA4553AA3 P.A3 Vnr.t AJ€ Zoning Dircctor- 9L b"@o\ 3"or'1 w-@mJ tf '(rl4lc,'u"tor't t"'l TO o o 1. Scale, date and nottr arrow:2. Topographic daE3. Waterbodhs, cnqrses and flood plalns;4. Street lalout hduding proposed stregt namei;5. Lot dimensicns;6. Numbered lots end bloc&s;7. Public dcdlcations, sdf€€Fr parks, schoob. etc-8. Propced hurHings and improverarents;g. Locatbn. use and lyidft of easam€fitsl10. Surfec€ and subeurhce drainage:11. Stcrm waEr disposat:12- Santtary seuvErlE:13. lniga(on u/are i14. Dqmesfieurdbrsupply. b) Ore 11 x 17 (fiax'mum) photctat copy of Final Plat FEE $60.00 + $5.00 per lot plus actvertising Appropriate fee must be pak, after application acceptance the Ad$er{Eang expenses wtlt bo bilted follofling approval of finEl plat. ,1 Datd fte(@ired I fit,o OF t- *7.41 -lnl nD 07 lut)n't GenTnTannc 'nU urJ.t 111ll,T1un .t tlrln TOTRL P.Z3