HomeMy WebLinkAboutLangley Hall Final Plat Landscape Plan 11-8-22_REVISED12364587910121311161719181514222314131211109876543212021SPRUCE STREET (public)white roseplace (public)mission bell lane(private)fiddleneck lane (pr ivate )12SCALE 1" = 40'NORTH 3. Contractor shall submit representative soil report on imported topsoil proposed for use forapproval. Report shall meet standards below. Contractor is responsible for whatever soiladditives are recommended by the test. Compost will be in addition to other additives andadded regardless of test results.C. Soil Testing1. Soil tests are required for this project (see above for requirements). Test shall be provided asfollows:a. Provide certified analysis at time of sample submitted (three samples imported topsoil).Amend soils per chemist's recommendations and as herein specified unless otherwiseapproved by Architect.2. Test shall include, but not limited to recommendations on chemical distributions, organiccontents, pH factors, and sieve analysis as necessary. Test #1T by Western Laboratories(1-800-658-3858) is required.3. Contractor is responsible for whatever soil additives are recommended by the soil testinglaboratory.4. Contractor shall coordinate, obtain and pay for all soil tests.5. If regenerative noxious weeds are present in the soil, remove all resultant growth including rootsthroughout one-year period after acceptance of work, at no cost to Owner.2.2 pH ADJUSTERSA. When pH does not comply with this specification, commercial grade aluminum sulfate shall be usedto adjust soil pH.2.3 SOIL AMENDMENTSA. Compost: Compost: “Cascade Compost” from Cloverdale Nursery (208) 375-5262 and NuSoilCompost (208) 629-6912 or approved equal in equal amounts by volume.B. Commercial Fertilizer: Fertilizer shall be complete, standard commercial brand fertilizer. It shall befree-flowing and packaged in new waterproof, non-overlaid bags clearly labeled as to weight,manufacturer, and content. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored atsite.1. Commercial fertilizer "A" for trees and shrubs during planting; slow release Agriform Planting5-gram tablets 20-10-5 type or equal.2. Commercial fertilizer "B" for lawn areas, applied to bed prior to seeding or sodding, to be 16-16-17applied at the rate of ten pounds per acre.3. Commercial fertilizer "C" for lawn areas three to four weeks after planting (sod) or after firstmowing (seed). Organic Fertilizer Milorganite (6-0-2) type or equal.C. Herbicide: Pre-emergent for topical application in planting beds. Oxiadiazon 2G brand orpre-approved equal. Use in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation on all planting beds.2.4 PLANT MATERIALSA. Quality: Provide trees, shrubs, and other plants of size, genus, species, and variety shown forlandscape work and complying with recommendations and requirements of ANSI Z60.1 "AmericanStandard for Nursery Stock".B. Deciduous Trees: Provide trees of height and caliper scheduled or shown with branchingconfiguration recommended by ANSI Z60.1 for type and species required. Single stem trees exceptwhere special forms are shown or listed.C. Deciduous Shrubs: Provide shrubs of the height shown or listed, not less than minimum number ofcanes required by ANSI Z60.1 for type and height of shrub.D. Coniferous and Broadleafed Evergreens: Provide evergreens of sizes shown or listed. Dimensionsindicate minimum spread for spreading and semi-spreading type evergreens and height for othertypes, such as globe, dwarf, cone, pyramidal, broad upright, and columnar. Provide normal qualityevergreens with well balanced form complying with requirements for other size relationships to theprimary dimension shown.2.5 GRASS MATERIALSA.Lawn sod: Provide strongly rooted sod, not less than 1 growing season old, and free of weeds andundesirable native grasses. Provide only sod capable of growth and development when planted(viable, not dormant).1.Provide sod of uniform pad sizes with maximum 5% deviation in either length or width. Brokenpads or pads with uneven ends will not be acceptable. Sod pads incapable of supporting theirown weight when suspended vertically with a firm grasp on upper 10% of pad will be rejected.B. Provide sod composed of: Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) from the The Turf Company, Meridian, ID (208) 888-3760 or approved equal.C. Unmown Grass SeedFestuca rubra communtataChewing Fescue8.0lbs/acreFestuce ovina 'Covar'Covar Sheep Fescue8.0lbs/acreFestuca longifoliaHard Fescue8.0lbs/acreTotal24.0lbs/acreD. Dryland Seed Mix:'Sodar' Streambank Wheatgrass (Agropyron riparium) 6.75 lbs/acre'Secar' Bluebunch Wheatgrass (Agropyron sibericum)11.25 lbs/acre Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum)11.25 lbs/acreAlkalai Saltgrass(Distichlis stricta)9.0 lbs/acre Sheep Fescus (Fescua ovina)6.75 lbs/acre Total Seed Mix 45.0 lbs/acre2.6 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE MATERIALSA. Anti-Desiccant: Emulsion type, film-forming agent designed to permit transpiration, but retardexcessive loss of moisture from plants. Deliver in manufacturer's fully identified containers and mixin accordance with manufacturer's instructions.B. Mulch: Mulch for planting beds shall be medium ground bark mulch, free of splinters, consistent inappearance, and shall contain no toxic substance detrimental to plant life.C. Stakes and Guys: Provide stakes and deadmen of sound new hardwood, treated softwood, orredwood, free of knot holes and other defects. Provide wire ties and guys of 2-strand, twisted,pliable galvanized iron wire, not lighter than 12 ga. with zinc-coated turnbuckles. Provide not lessthan 2 inch diameter rubber or plastic hose, cut to required lengths and of uniform color, material,and size to protect tree trunks from damage by wires.PART 3 - EXECUTION3.1 PREPARATION - GENERALA.General Contractor shall be responsible for excavating planting areas to appropriate depths forplacement of topsoil as specified herein.B.Lay out individual tree and shrub locations and areas for multiple plantings. Stake locations andoutline areas and secure Architect's acceptance before start of planting work. Make minoradjustments as may be required.3.2 PREPARATION OF PLANTING SOILA.Before mixing, clean topsoil of roots, plants, sod, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materialsharmful or toxic to plant growth.B.Mix specified compost and fertilizers with topsoil at rates specified. Delay mixing fertilizer if plantingwill not follow placing of planting soil in a few days.Compost: Lawn Areas: 1/4 compost, : 3/4 topsoil.Shrub Areas: 1/3 compost, 2/3 topsoil.Fertilizer: Per soil test and manufacture's recommendations.C.For shrub and lawn area, mix planting soil either prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil andmix thoroughly before planting.3.3 PREPARATION FOR PLANTING LAWNSA.After excavating and removing surface material to proper depth, loosen subgrade of lawn areas to aminimum depth of 4 inches. Remove stones measuring over 1-1/2 inches in any dimension.Remove sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous matter. Limit preparation to areas which will beplanted promptly after preparation.1.Spread topsoil mix to minimum depth of 4 inches for sodded lawns as required to meet lines,grades, and elevations shown, after light rolling, addition of amendments, and naturalsettlement. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of topsoil required. Work into top ofloosened subgrade to create a transition layer and then place remainder of planting soil. Addspecified soil amendments as required and mix thoroughly into upper 4 inches of topsoil.3.4PREPARATION FOR SEEDINGA. Loosen subgrade of areas stripped of topsoil to a minimum depth of 4 inches. Remove stonesmeasuring over 1-1/2 inches in any dimension. Remove sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneousmatter. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted promptly after preparation.1.Spread topsoil mix to required depth to meet lines, grades, and elevations shown, after lightrolling and natural settlement (where required). Topsoil shall be 6" deep minimum in allseeded areas.2.Place approximately ½ of total amount of topsoil required. Work into top of loosened subgradeto create a transition layer and then place remainder of planting soil. Add recommendednutrients, fertilizers and 1-1/2" thickness of specified compost over entire area and mixthoroughly into upper 4 inches of topsoil.B.Fine grade areas to smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll, rake, and dragareas, remove ridges and fill depressions, as required to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading toareas which can be planted immediately after grading.C.Moisten prepared areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture todry before planting. Do not create a muddy soil condition.D.Restore areas to specified condition, if eroded or otherwise disturbed, after fine grading and prior toplanting.E. Maintain and protect all surfaces from wind and water erosion until final acceptance.SECTION 32 90 00 - LANDSCAPE WORKPART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTSA. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and SupplementaryConditions and Division 1 Specification Sections.1.2 SUMMARYA. This Section includes provisions for the following items:1. Trees.2. Shrubs; Ground cover.3. Lawns.4. Topsoil and Soil Amendments.5. Miscellaneous Landscape Elements.6. Initial maintenance of landscape materials.B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements.1. Underground sprinkler system is specified in Section 32 84 00 - Irrigation1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCEA. Subcontract landscape work to a single firm specializing in landscape work.B. Source Quality Control:1. General: Ship landscape materials with certificates of inspection required by governingauthorities. Comply with regulations applicable to landscape materials.2. Do not make substitutions. If specified landscape material is not obtainable, submit proofof non-availability to Architect, with proposal for use of equivalent material.3. Analysis and Standards: Package standard products with manufacturer's certifiedanalysis. For other materials, provide analysis by recognized laboratory made inaccordance with methods established by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists,wherever applicable.4. Trees, Shrubs and Groundcovers: Provide trees, shrubs, and groundcovers of quantity,size, genus, species, and variety shown and scheduled for work complying withrecommendations and requirements of ANSI Z60.1 "American Standard for NurseryStock". Provide healthy, vigorous stock, grown in recognized nursery in accordance withgood horticultural practice and free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such asknots, sun-scald, injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement.5. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with attached waterproof tag withlegible designation of botanical and common name.a. Where formal arrangements or consecutive order of trees or shrubs are shown, selectstock for uniform height and spread.6. Inspection: The Architect may inspect trees and shrubs either at place of growth or at sitebefore planting, for compliance with requirements for genus, species, variety, size, andquality. Architect retains right to further inspect trees and shrubs for size and condition ofballs and root systems, insects, injuries and latent defects, and to reject unsatisfactory ordefective material at any time during progress of work. Remove rejected trees or shrubsimmediately from project site.1.4 SUBMITTALSA. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division 1Specification Sections.B. Plant and Material Certifications:1. Certificates of inspection as required by governmental authorities.2. Manufacturer's or vendor's certified analysis for soil amendments and fertilizer materials.3. Label data substantiating that plants, trees, shrubs and planting materials complyspecified requirements.4. Seed vendor's certified statement for each grass seed mixture required, stating botanicaland common name, percentages by weight, and percentages of purity, germination, andweed seed for each grass seed species.C. Mulch: Submit 1 gal bag of mulch sample for approval.1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGA. Seed shall be delivered to site in unopened container, with seed and inert material contentclearly marked on outside of container. Container shall be stored on site for tally.B. Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within 24 hours after stripping. Protect sodagainst drying and breaking of rolled strips.C. Trees and Shrubs: Provide freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prune prior to deliveryunless otherwise approved by Architect. Do not bend or bind-tie trees or shrubs in suchmanner as to damage bark, break branches, or destroy natural shape. Provide protectivecovering during delivery. Do not drop balled and burlapped stock during delivery.D. Deliver trees and shrubs after preparations for planting have been completed and plantimmediately. If planting is delayed more than 6 hours after delivery, set trees and shrubs inshade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist by covering withmulch, burlap or other acceptable means of retaining moisture.E. Do not remove container-grown stock from containers until planting time.F. Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles during delivery or handling. Avoid any damageto rootballs during deliver, storage and handling.1.6 JOB CONDITIONSA. Utilities: Determine location of underground utilities and work in a manner which will avoidpossible damage. Hand excavate, as required. Maintain grade stakes until removal ismutually agreed upon by parties concerned.B. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such rubble fill,adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify Architect before planting.C. Adjacent Landscape: Protect planted areas adjacent to construction area. Replace orrecondition to prior conditions at project completion.1.7 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULINGA.Planting Time: Proceed with, and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of sitebecome available, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape workrequired.1.Plant or install all plant materials during normal planting seasons from 15 March to15 November.2.Correlate planting with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance fromdate of substantial completion.B.Coordination with Lawns: Plant trees and shrubs after final grades are established and priorto planting of lawns, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. If planting of trees and shrubsoccurs after lawn work, protect lawn areas and promptly repair damage to lawns resultingfrom planting operations.1.8 SPECIAL PROJECT WARRANTYA.Warranty lawns through specified lawn maintenance period, until Final Project Acceptance.B.Warranty trees and shrubs, for a period of one year after date of substantial completion,against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting fromneglect by Owner, abuse or damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents beyondLandscape Installer's control.C.Remove and replace trees, shrubs, or other plants dead or in unhealthy condition duringwarranty period. Make replacements during growth season following end of warranty period.Replace trees and shrubs which are in doubtful condition at end of warranty period; unless,in opinion of Architect, it is advisable to extend warranty period for a full growing season.PART 2 - PRODUCTS2.1 TOPSOILA.If deemed usable, native topsoil shall be stockpiled for re-use in landscape work. Topsoilshall be fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, reasonable free of subsoil, clay lumps,brush, weeds, roots, stumps, stones larger than 1 inch in any dimension, and otherextraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth.1. Contractor shall send a minimum of three (3) representative topsoil samples fortesting. See testing requirements below. Contractor is responsible for whatever soiladditives are recommended by the tests. Submit to Architect for approval. Compostwill be added to other additives and added regardless of test results.B.If quantity of stockpiled topsoil is insufficient, contractor to provide imported topsoil that isfertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush,weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than 1 inches in anydimension, and other extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth.1.Obtain topsoil from local sources or areas with similar soil characteristics to that ofproject site. Obtain topsoil only from naturally well-drained sites where topsoil occurs ina depth of not less than 4 inches. Do not obtain from bogs or marshes.2.Composition: Topsoil shall contain from 1 to 20% organic matter as determined by theOrganic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in USDA Soil SurveyInvestigation Report No. 1. Maximum particle size, 3/4-inch, with maximum 3%retained on 1/4-inch screen.Other components shall conform to the following limits:pH6.5 to 7.5Soluble Salts600 ppm maximumSilt 25-50%Clay10-30%Sand20-50%3.5 PREPARATION OF PLANTING BEDSA. Loosen subgrade of planting areas to a minimum depth of 6 inches using a culti-mulcher or similar equipment.Remove stones measuring over 1 1/2 inches in any dimension. Remove stocks, stones, rubbish, and otherextraneous matter.B. Spread planting soil mixture to minimum 12 inch depth required to meet lines, grades, and elevations shown,after light rolling and natural settlement. Add 1 1/2 inches of specified compost over entire planting area andmix thoroughly into upper 6 inches of topsoil. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of planting soil required.Work into top of loosened subgrade to create a transition layer, then place remainder of the planting soil.C. Apply Pre-Emergent per manufacturer's recommendation.3.6 PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBSA. Set balled and burlapped (B&B) stock on layer of compacted planting soil mixture, plumb and in center of pitor trench with top of ball at same elevation as adjacent finished landscape grades. Remove burlap from sidesof balls; retain on bottoms. When set, place additional backfill around base and sides of ball, and work eachlayer to settle backfill and eliminate voids and air pockets. Place fertilizer tablets in excavated area permanufacture's written instructions. When excavation is approximately 2/3 full, water roughly before placingremainder of backfill. Repeat watering until no more is absorbed. Water again after placing final layer ofbackfill. Remove all ties from around base of trunk.B. Set container grown stock, as specified, for balled burlapped stock, except cut cans on 2 sides with anapproved can cutter and remove can; remove bottoms of wooden boxes after partial backfilling so as not todamage root balls.C. Trees planted in turf area: Remove turf 3' dia around tree trunk. Dish top of backfill to allow for mulching.D. Mulch pits, and planted areas. Provide not less than following thickness of mulch, and work into top ofbackfill and finish level with adjacent finish grades. 1. Provide 3 inches thickness of mulch.E. If season and weather conditions dictate, apply anti-desiccant, using power spray, to provide an adequate filmover trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage.F. Prune, thin out, and shape trees and shrubs in accordance with standard horticultural practice. Prune trees toretain required height and spread. Unless otherwise directed by Architect, do not cut tree leaders, andremove only injured or dead branches from flowering trees, if any. Prune shrubs to retain natural character.G. Remove and replace excessively pruned or misformed stock resulting from improper pruning.H. Guy and stake trees immediately after planting, as indicated.I. Apply approved herbicide to all shrub bed areas at manufacture specified rate. Re-apply as necessary forelimination of weeds.3.7SODDING NEW LAWNSA.General: Install lawn sod in all areas designated on the drawings.B.Soil Preparation1.Any sod lawn areas that may have become compacted prior to sodding must be scarified to a depth ofeight (8) inches by approved means, then finish graded as hereinbefore described.C.Lay sod within 24 hours from time of stripping. Do not plant dormant sod or if ground is frozen.D.Sod Placement1.Sod will be brought onto lawn areas by wheeled means with proper protection of sod beds. Sod layersshall be experienced, or if inexperienced, shall be constantly supervised by an experienced foreman. TheContractor shall insure that the base immediately ahead of sod layer is moist. Sod shall be laid tight withnot gaps. Allowance shall be made for shrinkage. Lay sod with long edges perpendicular to primaryslope.2.Lay to form a solid mass with tightly fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of strips; do not overlap. Staggerstrips to offset joints in adjacent courses. Work on boards to avoid damage to subgrade or sod. Tamp orroll lightly to ensure contact with subgrade. Work sifted soil into minor cracks between pieces; removeexcess to avoid smothering of adjacent grass.3.Sod shall be rolled with a two hundred (200) pound roller after installation to insure proper contactbetween soil and sod. Final rolling must provide a uniform surface. After final rolling, the sod lawn shallbe mowed and watered. Approval of sod lawns shall be based on uniform, healthy and vigorous growthwith no dry or dead spots.4.Add fertilizer "B" at the manufacturer's recommended application rate.E.Water sod thoroughly with a fine spray immediately after planting.F.Sodded Lawn Establishment1.The Contractor shall be responsible for first mowing, subsequent mowings and fertilizing of sod lawnareas until Final Acceptance of the project.2.Mowing shall be done by an approved "reel" type mower. Mower blades shall be set at two (2) incheshigh for all mowings.3.Subsequent fertilizing shall occur three to four weeks after installation. Apply fertilizer as per theManufacturer's recommended application rate. Verify all methods of application. Contractor shall notifythe Architect in writing that the fertilizer applications have occurred and on what dates.3.8SEEDINGA. General1.Seeding for irrigated areas shall be accomplished in the spring (after March 15) or fall (before October 1)of the year and/or when weather conditions are favorable for proper working of the soil and seedgermination.2.Seed shall be spread by approved mechanical (hopper or culti-packer) or hydroseed methods only.3.Seeding shall be done only after topsoil mix placement, finish grading, adjacent construction and plantingshave been completed and approved by Architect.B.Soil Preparation: Any seeded lawn area that has become compacted prior to seeding must be scarified to adepth of eight (8) inches by approved means, then finish graded as hereinbefore described.C.Seeding - Mechanical Method1.Apply fertilizer at the manufacturer's recommended application rate. Thoroughly mix six (6) inches deep,taking care not to incorporate subsoil into topsoil mix. After mixing is complete, remove any debris or rocksover one (1) inch in size. Rake to true grade and roll for firmness. If soil is dry, lightly sprinkle prior torolling. Grades after rolling to be approved by Architect prior to seeding.2.Seed Application Rate: See "Products".3.Seed Application Methoda.Using a hopper type seeder, seeding shall be done on a still day, with one-half (2) of the seed toreach area being sown in a direction at right angles to the other half. After seeding, the surfaceshall be lightly raked parallel to the contours such that half or more of the seed is lightly covered bysoil, then rolled once with a roller weighing not less than one hundred (100) pounds per lineal foot,and finally watered with a fine spray.b.A culti-packer or approved similar equipment may be used to drill, cover, and firm the seed bed inone operation.4.After seeding, raking and rolling, lawn areas shall be covered with a one (1) inch loose layer of cleanwheat or oat straw. Straw shall be kept moist until the lawn is established. Remove loose straw from site.D.Seeding - Hydroseed Method1.No hydroseeding after a rain or when the wind exceeds five (5) miles per hour.2.Use only where slopes exceed 5:1.3.Spray the mixture of water, seed, mulch and commercial fertilizer evenly over the planting area.E.Seeding Areas Establishment1.The Contractor shall be responsible for the first mowing and subsequent mowings, watering and fertilizingof seeded areas until Final Acceptance of the project. Subsequent mowings shall be the Owner'sresponsibility.2.First mowing shall be done when lawn areas are well established; when germination approaches ninetypercent and height exceeds two and one-half (2 1/2) inches as approved by the Architect. Set mowerheight at two (2) inches high for first and subsequent mowings.3.Fertilizing shall occur after the first mowing. Apply fertilizer as per the manufacturer's recommendedapplication rate.4.Seed beds must achieve ninety (90) percent germination and be uniform in appearance, free of weedsand/or other undesirable plant species as approved by the Architect.5.Check for barren areas in seed bed approximately twenty-one (21) days after seeding and overseed asoriginally specified at the time or at such time as weather and season permit for seed germination or asapproved by the Architect. The Architect shall determine and approve the necessity and extent ofoverseeding in order to achieve the ninety (90) percent germination uniformity throughout the seed bedareas necessary for Final Acceptance.6.Seeded areas shall be established as specified above at time of substantial completion.3.9 MAINTENANCEA.Begin landscape maintenance immediately after planting. Maintenance shall continue until Project FinalAcceptance.B.Maintain trees, shrubs, and other plants by pruning, cultivating, and weeding as required for healthy growth.Restore planting saucers. Tighten and repair stake and guy supports and reset trees and shrubs to propergrades or vertical position as required. Restore or replace damaged wrappings. Spray as required to keeptrees and shrubs free of insects and disease.C.Maintain lawns by watering, fertilizing, weeding, mowing, trimming, and other operations such as tolling,regrading and replanting as required to establish a smooth, acceptable lawn, free of eroded or bare areas.D.Maintain lawns for no less than period stated above, or longer as required to establish acceptable lawn. Ifseeded in fall and not given full 60 days of maintenance before Final Acceptance, or if not consideredacceptable at that time, continue maintenance the following spring until acceptable lawn is established.3.10 CLEANUP AND PROTECTIONA.During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition.B.Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by othercontractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods.Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed.3.11 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEA.When landscape work is completed, including maintenance, Architect will, upon request, make an inspectionto determine acceptability.B.When inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continuespecified maintenance until reinspected by Architect and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants andmaterials promptly from project site.END OF SECTION E. Pressure Regulator: Netafim Model PRV075HF35, 3/4", one per zones. F. Flushing Valve: Netafim Model TLFV-1, two per zone (each end). G. Filter: Netafim Model DF075-120, 3/4" filter; one per drip zone. H. Air Relief Valve: Netafim Model TLAVRV,2.5 MISCELLANEOUS A. Chemicals: primer and solvent glue as required by pipe manufacturer. B. Valve box - high impact plastic, green in color. C. Valve cover and frame - compatible with valve box with provision for locking. D. Drainage backfill - clean gravel or crushed stone, graded from 3" maximum to 3/4" minimum.PART 3 - EXECUTION3.1 GENERAL A. Install system to provide for adequate protection against freeze damage. B. Install system in accordance with approved Contractor design drawings. All deviations from the plans must be approved, and clearly recorded on record drawing. C. Install system and components in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Install quick coupler(s) on main supply line, approximately equal spacing, at valve box locations or intervals of approximately 200 feet, whichever is greater. Locate adjacent to paved surfaces, at valve boxes where practical.3.2 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work will be performed. Notify Contractor of conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of Section work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B. Locate all underground utilities and structures and notify Architect of any conflict with Section work. Protect structures and utilities. Repair or replace said structures or utilities damaged by this work at no cost to the Owner.3.3 SLEEVING A. Sleeving installed by others. Coordinate with other trades.3.4 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. Trenching and backfilling shall be per applicable ISPWC Section. B. Cut trenches straight and without abrupt grade changes to allow the following minimum cover: 1. Main Lines and Sleeving: 18 inches. 2. PVC Laterals: 12 inches. C. Surround lines with 2 inches of clean rock-free material on all sides.3.5 MISCELLANEOUS VALVES A. Install manual drain valves up stream. Install devise at mainline tap in accordance with manufacturer requirements for complete operation. Install backflow provision and connect to controller.3.6 CIRCUIT VALVES A. Install in valve box, arranged for easy adjustment and removal. 1. Provide union on downstream side. 2. Adjust automatic control valves to provide flow rate of rated operating pressure required for each sprinkler circuit.3.7 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Lay PVC pipe in accordance with standard and acceptable practice. Thrust blocks to be used at points of intersection and change of direction in main line pipe as per manufacturer's recommended specifications. Install manual drains. B. PVC pipe joints, solvent welded except as indicated. Cut pipe square, deburr, wipe from surface all saw chips, dust, dirt, moisture and any foreign matter which may contaminate the cemented joint. Apply cleaner/primer and solvent cement, make joints in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Use Teflon thread sealant (tape) at all threaded joints. C.Contractor shall size pipe according to schedule provided. Flow velocities shall not exceed 5 feet/second in all cases. Lateral lines shall be laid out and installed per zone to balance the pressure loss and provide minimum fluctuation in system operating pressures. Pipe Size Pipe Section Pipe Size Pipe Section 3/4" 0-9 GPM 1 1/2" 26-34 GPM 1" 10-17 GPM 2" 35-50 GPM 1 1/4" 18-25 GPM 2 1/2" 51-80 GPM D. Techline Drip Line: Place in shallow furrow at 1"-2" below finish topsoil grade, below layer of specified mulch. Lay in uniform grid pattern in groundcover/shrub areas (rows 18"-24" apart max). Coil 20 linear feet at each balled and burlapped tree around base and to allow for tree removal if required. Staple drip line every 36" max. Flush all lines with full head of water prior to installation of flush valves at end of circuit runs. E. Flush Valves: Install flush valve at end of each drip line run.3.8 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Flush circuit lines with full head of water prior to head installation. 1. Install heads at level with mulch 2. Locate part-circle shrubbery heads to maintain a minimum distance of six inches (6") from walls and four inches (4") from other boundaries unless otherwise indicated. Keep overspray to a minimum.3.9 CONTROL WIRE INSTALLATION A. Bury wires beside or below main line pipe in same trench. B. Bundle multiple wires together with tape at ten feet (10') maximum intervals. C. Provide 36 inch loop in wires at each valve where controls are connected and at 100' maximum intervals between. D. Make all electrical joints (splices) in boxes only. Make electrical joints waterproof. Scotch-Lock connectors, or approved.3.10 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Install on site as approved. Verify location with Owner Representative. B. Install typewritten legend inside controller door.3.11 TESTING A. Do not allow or cause any work of this Section to be covered up or enclosed until it has been inspected and tested. B. Pressure testing: 1. Make necessary provision for thoroughly bleeding the line of air and debris. 2. Before testing, cap all risers, and install all valves. 3. Fill all main supply lines with water. Pressurize to 100 psi. Close air supply and test for leakage. Test shall be approved if no greater than 5 psi loss occurs in 15 minutes. 4. Fill all zone lines with water to static pressure. Hold for 15 minutes. Inspect for leakage. 5. Contractor shall provide all required testing equipment and personnel. Test shall be performed in presence of Architect. Contractor shall make notice of test (48) hours in advance. 6. Provide required testing equipment and personnel. 7. Repair leaks, and retest until acceptance by the Architect. C. Coverage inspection: upon completion of all systems, perform a coverage test to determine if coverage of water afforded all areas is complete, adequate and uniform. Change heads, nozzles, orifices and/or adjustment as directed to provide uniform coverage. D. Final inspection: 1. Clean, adjust, and balance all systems. Verify that: a. Remote control valves are properly balanced; b. Heads are properly adjusted for radius and arc of coverage; c. The installed system is workable, clean and efficient. E. Winterization: Winterize system at the end of first season of system operation. Review procedures with Owner Representative.END OF SECTIONSECTION 32 84 00 - IRRIGATION (PERFORMANCE)PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: A. General and Supplementary Conditions, and Division 1 General Requirements.1.2 SUMMARY A. Work included: 1. Provide and install a complete and operating automatic irrigation system for all lawn and planting areas. 2. Connect to main water supply at existing site stubout as provided. 3. Sleeving under paved areas (by others) 4. Obtain and pay for all permits and fees for the work of this section. 5. Perform work on a design/construct basis, subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents, applicable codes, and good design practice. 6. Winterization of system.1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Within 30 days after Contractor's receipt of Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Manufacturer's printed product information and catalog cut sheets for all system components; five copies. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for underground irrigation system including plan layout and details illustrating location and type of head, type and size of valve, piping circuits, circuit GPM, pipe size, controls, and accessories. C. Record Drawings: At completion of this work, submit to the Contractor: 1. Record Drawings; reproducible and five prints. 2. Operations and Maintenance information (2 copies), including: a. Information including descriptive details, parts list, specifications, maintenance schedules and procedures for system components. b. Operation, adjustment of system and components instructions. c. Winterization procedures. d. Schedule indicating required open valve time to produce given precipitation amounts and seasonal adjustments. e. Warranties and guarantees. f. Submit five copies.1.4 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee in writing all materials, equipment and workmanship furnished to be free of all defects of workmanship and materials. Within one year after date of Substantial Completion repair or replace all defective parts or workmanship that may be found at no additional cost to Owner. B. Fill and repair all depressions and replace all necessary lawn and planting which result from the settlement of irrigation trenches for one year after date of Substantial Completion. C. Supply all manufacturer's printed guarantees.1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor shall be licensed in the State in which this work is being performed. B. Contractor shall have at least two years prior experience in projects of equal or larger scope. Provide minimum of three references and list of similar projects with owners' names, addresses, and phone numbers, when requested by Owner. C. Contractor shall employ on site at all times a foreman who is thoroughly experienced and competent in all phases of the work of this Section.1.6 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design requirements: 1. Minimum water coverage: Planting areas - 85%, Lawn areas - 100% 2. Layout system to obtain optimum coverage using manufacturer's standard heads. Spray on walks, walls or paved areas is not acceptable. 3. Zoning shall be designed for optimum use of available pressure and efficient distribution for types of plantings and shapes of planting areas. 4. Design pressures: Install pressure regulating equipment as necessary. 5. Provide/install approved fixed tee or coupling device for air blow winterization. Location shall be on main supply line downstream from main shut off valve. 6. Install approved backflow prevention device in conformance with local or prevailing codes, and in approved site location. Provide for drainage without erosive damage.1.7 EXTRA EQUIPMENT A. In addition to installed system, furnish owner with the following: 1. Valve operating key and marker key. 2. Wrench for each sprinkler head cover type. 3. Two (2) sprinkler head bodies of each size and type. 4. Two (2) nozzles for each size and type used. B. Store above items safely until Substantial Completion. C. Deliver above items at Substantial Completion.PART 2 - PRODUCTS2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. PVC 1120, ASTM D-1784, permanently marked with manufacturer's name, schedule rating, size, type. Solvent-weld type: 1. Pipe: a. Pressure lines: Schedule 40 solvent weld. b. Lateral lines: Class 200 pvc. c. Sleeving: Class 200 pvc. 2. Fittings: Schedule 40 PVC, solvent-weld type. Install threaded joints where required at valves, risers, etc. 3. Risers: Lawn and shrub heads - flexible and damage-resistant plastic "polypipe" riser. 4. Solvent: NSF approved solvent for Type I & II PVC. B. Polyethylene Pipe 1. Pipe: Class 100, 3/4" lateral line, for use on drip irrigation zone(s) where drip tubing is not otherwise used. 2. Fittings: Schedule 80 PVC. 3. Clamps: Stainless Steel. C. Drip Line: Netafim Techline Dripperline, with .6 GPH drippers at 18" spacing.2.2 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Description: Appropriate for application in throw, pressure and discharge. Each type of head shall be of a single manufacturer. 1. Lawn heads: pop-up type. B. Manufacturer: Rainbird, Hunter, Weathermatic Irrigation Company.2.3 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM A. General; Furnish low voltage system manufactured expressly for control of automatic circuit valves of underground irrigation systems. Provide unit of capacity to suit number of circuits as indicated. B. Control Enclosure: Manufacturer's standard wall mount with locking cover, complying with NFPA 70. C. Circuit Control: each circuit variable from approximately 5 to 60 minutes. Including switch for manual or automatic operation of each circuit. D. Timing Device: Adjustable 24-hour and 7 or 14 day clocks to operate any time of day and skip any day in a 7 or 14 day period. E. Wiring: Solid or stranded direct-burial type as recommended by manufacturer of control unit; type AWG-UF, UL approved.2.4 VALVING A. Manual valves: brass or bronze for direct burial, gate valves, 150 pound class, threaded connection with cross type handle designed to receive operating key. B. Automatic circuit valves: high impact plastic with corrosion-resistant internal parts. Low power solenoid control, normally closed, with manual flow adjustment; same manufacturer as control unit. 1. Standard sprinkler valve shall be Rainbird PEB-PRS-B. Use scrubbervalve if not connected to potable water. 2. Drip Control Zone Kit: Hunter PCZ-101. C. Quick coupler valve: brass or bronze construction with hinged top. One per zone or valve grouping. D. Manual drain valves: 1. Bronze construction, straight type, 150 pound class, threaded connections, with cross type operating handle designed to receive operating key. Calco, Champion 100, or approved equal. 2. Size: 3/4 inch.