Due to the COVID-I9 pandemic, we invite interested parties to participate in public meetings either
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Clerk to arrange participation remotely. The City of Caldwell follows the CDC guidelines to allow for
distancing in the public meeting area and provide masks/trand sanitizer on site.
Written Comments and/or Virtual Particioation: Written comments for consideration regarding the "Public
Comments" portion of the agenda or requests for virtual participation associated with items on the agenda must
be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Please email the Caldwell City Clerk at:
c itJrc lerk@ciUofcal dwell. org
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September 12,2022
6:00 P.M.
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONa- Destination Caldwell: Downtown Caldwell lYryfinding & Parking Signoge
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Members of the public may address items of concern !!q!lig!gg!, on the agenda.)
CONSENT CALENDAR lAll Consent Calmdar items are considered action itemsJ
1) Approve minutes from the Urban Renewal Agency Regularly Scheduled Meeting held on August 8,2022, and the
minutes from Special Urban Renewal Agency Meetings held on August 1,2022, August 15,2022, and August 19,
2) Approve Resolution ratifuing the execution of the Access Agreement with the Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ) for the property located at 5 16 and 0 Main Street;
3) Approve Resolution granting Idaho Power a permanent and perpetual easement across a portion of Lot 13 and 17,
Block I I of the Revised Map of Caldwell to allow power to relocate underground.
l) Economic Development Activity Report from Steve Jenkins (August 2022).
2) Economic Development Activity Report from Ofelia Morales (August2022).
3) ACTION ITEM: Consider approval of a request from Ball Ventures Ahlquist regarding North Ranch mitigation.
4) ACTION ITEM: Consider termination of negotiation with Aaec Development, Inc. for the RFP at Arthur and Kimball,
and, if terminated, instruct City staffto issue a new RFP for the property.
l) ACTION ITEM: Consider approval of the RFP for property located at 510 Arthur Street.
2) ACTION ITEM: Consider invoices for payment from the Urban Renewal Agency Treasurer:
3) Treasurer Reoort:
ACTION ITEM: Approve Monthly Cash Reconciliation Reports.
4\ Attornev Reoort:
a) Update: 213,215 &217 S. Kimball (RFP)
b) Update: Creekside DevelopmentatTn & Main Street
c) Update: Notice of Exercise of Extension Option - LPC West, Inc.
d) Discussion item: Steps to form a new allocation area within specific pockets of the central city where areas
ofslum and blight continue to exist.
5) CommissionerReports
6) Chairman Report
7) Motion to adjourn
Date of the next Resularlv Scheduled Urban RenewalAsencv Meetins: October 10,2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the
Community Room - Caldwell Police Station at I l0 South Fifth Avenue. Any person needing spe,cial
accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the Secretary to the Urban Renewal Agency at
41 1 Blaine Street or call #208-455-4656 prior to the meeting. The entire agenda packet may be viewed on the
City of Caldwell's website: https://www.citvofcaldwell.oru/vour-sovernmenUcitv-commissions-and-
Cualquier persona que necesita arreglos especiales para participar en la reuni6n debe comunicarse con el
Secretario de la Ciudad en 41 I Blaine Street o llame al # 455 a4656 antes de la reuni6n.
CiW of Caldwell - Economic Development $ 18,000.00 Seotember Economic Development Contribt
Hamilton. Michaelson & HilW $ 6.500.00 Ausust Attornev Services
Canyon County $23,565.68 Fair Expo Site Improvement Cost
lulv 2022
Canyon County $82,495.82 Fair Expo Site lmprovement Cost
DeChase Development $638,685.00 Creekside Mixed Proiect Cost - Draw #5
TOTAL s769.246.50
6:00 P.M.
Monday, September 12, 2022
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Caldwell Police
Department Community Room with Chairman Porter presiding.
The URA Secretary called the roll. Present: Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Doty, Commissioner Warwick,
Commissioner Moore, and Commissioner Allgood. Absent: Commissioner Ramirez.
Destination Caldwell: Downtown Caldwell Wqiinding & Parkins Sisnase.
Sabrina Minshall, CEO ofDestination Caldwell, provided a PowerPoint with information concerning proposed signage
for the downtown area. She gave an overview of integrating wayfinding and current signage within the downtown
area. She addressed what a five-minute walk radius would include for visitors, noting that the vision is for Caldwell to
be a premier destination place in Idaho.
Proposed Phases: Phase I: Parking Signage; Phase II: Priority Motorist Signage & Downtown Gateway Signs; Phase
III: Pedestrian Wayfinding; and Phase IV: Secondary Motorist Information;
She indicated that the Destination Caldwell Board has committed $55,000 to Phase I signage. They would work with
the Engineering and Public Works Departments for placement and maintenance of the signage. They are working on
creating a business directory that would to be updated as needed.
Commissioner Allgood stated his support for a uniform sign policy.
Commissioner Doty stated his support for the project.
Commissioner Warwick indicated her support for such signage.
Commissioner Moore commented that parking signage would be helpful and would encourage use of additional parking
areas that are not directly located in the downtovrn perimeter.
Ms. Minshall recommended that the Indian Creek Festival be expanded to cover more areas and making it pedestrian
friendly. She noted that she would request an action item on the October agenda for consideration ofthe project.
Mr. Senga inquired about accommodations in the downtown for the elderly who are walking a distance in the winter
months. He noted potential injuries if snow is not cleared from the sidewalks and streets in a timely manner.
Robb MacDonald, City Engineer reported that the Street Department is assigned snow removal in the downtown area.
It is a priority along with major intersections. The city does not plow sidewalks. That is the responsibility of property
Sabrina Minshall expressed the need to keep pushing people out to the outer parking areas (especially business
employees) to allow parking for visitors. She provided information on requirements of the American Disabilities Act
and noted that the appropriate ADA parking standards have been met by the City of Caldwell.
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(CONSENT CALENDAR) lAll Consent Calendar items are considered acTion itemsJ
l) Approve minutes from the Urban Renewal Agency Regularly Scheduled Meeting held on August 8,2022, and the
minutes from Special Urban Renewal Agency Meetings held on August 1,2022, August 15,2022, and August 19,
2) Approve Resolution No. 22-48 ratifiing the execution of the Access Agreement with the Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) for the property located at 516 and 0 Main Street;
3) Approve Resolution No.2022-49 granting ldaho Power a permanent and perpetual easement across a portion of Lot
13 and 17, Block I I of the Revised Map of Caldwell to allow power to relocate underground.
MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Doty to approve the Consent Calendar as printed.
Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick, Moore, Allgood, Porter, and Doty. Those voting no: none. Absent
or not voting: Ramirez
Current Projects
Miscellaneous Updates:
Project Pepper- working with a national burrito chain that has secured a building on Caldwell Blvd. They are moving
quickly with plans and will be retrofitting a building near shopping and services.
Working closely with Federated OrdinanceA{emo Arms facility. We have been discussing plans for the scope of their
overall project.
Project Goat: manufacturer that will be occupying an existing building in Caldwell. This group will be adding onto the
building with an immediate expansion, along with hiring skilled labor to fulfill some of the roles needed. This lead came
from BVEP and the Dept. of Commerce.
Project NY: Working with a developer that is proposing an upscale venue for downtov',n Caldwell and/or the Sunnyslope
Wine region. Focused on production within the venue that will help create a relaxing environment for patrons.
Working with Phelan Development to assist with their project needs. They're closing in on the final details of their due
LPC West continues to make progress on their property in Sky Ranch. They are working toward a groundbreaking later
this year.
D & B Supply will be breaking ground on their warehouse and corporate headquarters in North Ranch next week.
Working closely with Triple Dot Development on The Charles project on Lake Ave and Karcher. Working with
restaurants, grocers, and service providers to attract users to this growing area of the community.
North Caldwell URA:
Project Jazz; ift616s1ed in a large site within North Caldwell. This site falls outside the boundary of the URA, but its
adjacency will provide benefits to this prospective user. This use will contain a medical focus.
Project 26: continue working with the developers on a large site in north Caldwell. This group is looking to attract users
that would occupy speculative industrial space.
Project PNW: Gearing up for an additional site visit later this month. They are engaging with utility partners to recognize
the timelines for utility improvements to accommodate their project.
Caldwell Housing Authority: working closely with CHA's staff to understand their development plans for the region.
They plan to install more units and amenities for the area. Looking to go beyond what has been accomplished so far.
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Project Grizzly: Commercial sales user that is working closely with our team to better understand the utility upgrades
coming to the area.
Project Imagine: working closely with their team to fnalize the details of their planning efforts.
Project 600: Project 600: moving forward aggressively with plans. Conducted a Traffrc Impact Study and are working on
the utility needs for their site.
Delivered letters for annexation and have been in contact with one of the property owners. The next step is to further
engage with each recipient via personal visits. Commissioner Moore commended Mr. Jenkins for taking the time to go
door to door with this information.
Downtown Updates:
Project Twin: Hoping to open by Winter Wonderland. Boutique retailer.
Project Cut: Working with a downtown retailer that is looking for locations in downtown Caldwell. This lounge concept
will add to the vibrancy and activity occurring in downtown Caldwell.
Project Maze: working with an entertainment venue with locations across the Treasure Valley. They are hoping to secure
a 5000-6000 sf building in downtown Caldwell.
Working closely with deChase Miksis and their hotel partner to establish an RFQ for the downtown hotel. The hotel
consultant is the same group that conducted a hotel feasibility study for the City of Caldwell months ago. They are
prepared to provide me with a draft in the coming weeks.
Project Smoke: Treasure Valley lounge that is looking at a second location in downtown Caldwell. They are proceeding
with making an offer on a building.
RFP for 5 l0 Arthur - Prepared to disseminate. We've already received interest and we believe this will be an impactful
project for the downtown core.
Project Flighf mixed use project proposed for the downtown core. This project will have adjacency to the creek and
extend beyond the Plaza.
516 Main Steet- Application has been submitted to DEQ for their review. We hope to conduct an environmental
assessment to provide assurance for the next user to occupy the space.
Moore: great that you are going door to door with the annexation information. Steve: informational
outreach is key.
Downtown Updates:
Proiect Goat (update): ZCYoga, this will be their third location in Canyon County. They will occupy space at 901
Main St
Proiect Steam (update): Lead from Commerce. This unique beverage business is looking at spaces in downtown.
This concept currently does not exist in the Treasure Valley. We have identiff a few building in our downtown that
would fit this model. The owner did an in person visit and we were able to identify promising space in
downtovvn and around dovrntown.
Proiect Office Working with an individual that is looking to relocate his office to downtown.
Proiect Cheese: Downtown Business Owner that is seeking space in downtown to open a food concept that is
currently not offered.
Proiect Burgundy: Business in downtown that is seeking larger space and wants to stay in downtown.
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Proiect Care: This business is looking to offer services to parents that is currently not available in Canyon County
A few spaces have been identiff.
Business updates:
Downtown businesses hosting an end of Season Sidewalk Sale.
Creekside Mallow, won best 10x10 space at Mid States Rendezvous trade show, they were among large brands,
Ariat International, Dewalt Tough, Carhartt, and many others.
In preparation for the 20s annual Indian Creek Festival in September, the Creek was cleaned up by many
volunteers to include Just Serve, Kelli fenkins, Rachel fohnson, Caldwell High students, Vallivue High students,
Centennial Baptist Church students, the Mayor, Steve |enkins, Sonda Boyum, and myself.
Business opening in September:
Mesquite Creek Outfitters,TLZ Main SL Grand opening October 1"t and Craft Lounge, 801 Everett Street will open
on October 24th.
In response to questions from Commissioner Allgood, Ms. Morales provided an update on current renovations of
the upstairs portion ofdowntown properties and interest by renters.
Garret Nancolas of BVA a12775 W. Navigator, Meridian, commented on the positive relationship between Ball Ventures
and the City of Caldwell, and commended City staff for the continued coordination efforts. Mr. Nancolas gave a brief
history of the high interest in development of the area, infrastructure improvement concepts, and partnerships over the
last several years.
Mr. Nancolas continued by noting that the transportation impact study resulted in a list of required mitigation projects
within the North Ranch area. Ball Ventures Ahlquist has committed to completing the mitigation projects for the area.
Two ofthe projects identified are roads that have already been constructed by the Urban Renewal Agency. The company
is requesting that the two road project, which have already been completed (amounting to approximately $308,000) be
removed from their mitigation commitment as an incentive. This would be similar to the procedure followed with other
projects in the area. He noted that they are asking the Urban Renewal Agency to recommend to City Council the removal
of these projects from the TIS mitigation requirements.
Commissioner Doty expressed concern regarding reducing mitigation costs by an amount paid for by the Urban Renewal
Agency and is funded essentially by taxpayers. He noted his opposition to the request.
In response to questions from Commissioner Allgood, Mr. Nancolas clarified that the infrastructure required by the
transportation impact study is currently in place.
Discussion followed concerning the executed Development & Disposition Agreement with BVA.
Commissioner Warwick inquired if the streets within the North Ranch Development are City-owned. Mr. Nancolas
responded that all right-of-way at the site would be dedicated to the City of Caldwell.
It was noted that supporting documents were inadvertently eliminated from the agenda packet. Mr. Nancolas reviewed
information which was previously submitted to the Urban Renewal Agency secretary for the agenda and provided the
documents to the commissioners for their review.
Mr. Nancolas, in consultation with other representatives present from Ball Ventures Ahlquist, explained that it was not
their intent to place the Urban Renewal Agency in a difficult position; therefore, they are withdrawing the request.
MOVED by Allgood, SECONDED by Doty to close this item with the acknowledgement that the request has been
withdrawn by the applicant.
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Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Allgood, Porter, Doty, Warwick, and Moore. Those voting no: none. Absent or not
voting: Ramirez.
Steven Jenkins provided a brief history ofthe previous development attempts for the subject property. The project would
be a mixed use development with the first floor used for commercial and second/third floors residential. The original plan
to construct underground parking at the site is cost prohibitive. The developer would like another avenue for parking to
accommodate the residential part of the project.
Mr. Ken Senga, Aaec Development, Inc. noted that he is trying to save the project by requesting an alternative parking
option for the residential units. lt was recommended by staffto allow .75 parking spaces per unit. He requested parking
passes from the City in order to meet that parking requirement. He was encouraged by the City and the City Attorney's
office to buy the adjoining property for underground parking but noted that it is not a viable parking option,
In response to questions from Councilor Dot5i, Mr. Senga reported that 25 parking permits are requested to move the
project forward.
Commissioner Allgood noted that the project started with 12 apartments. He inquired if Mr. Sanga was under the
impression by staffthat he should expand to more units?
Mr. Senga explained that it was not required; however, it was suggested that ifthe project was extended to the new parcels,
parking might be able to be worked out. The original RFP requested a2.5 floor development The DDA outlines a 3.5
floor at the site.
Commissioner Moore inquired about changing the plan and offering office space at the site.
Senga commented that his firm does not develop office space. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Doty reported on the discussion that was held with the City Council Members regarding the issuance of the
parking permits at a recent meeting.
Mr. Senga clarified that the development has been classified as mixed-use development. They are desirous of creating a
respectful project. They are currently waiting on the re-use appraisal, but are planning to break ground in2023.
City Attorney Doug Waterman reported that a City Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, and the
agenda would include an action item for consideration regarding the parking permit request. There is a pending DDA
ready for signature and; therefore, the re-use appraisal should already have occurred. If Council denies the request, staff
would move forward with the issuance of a new RFP for the site. He recommended that an extension be granted until
Friday, September 16,2022. If the permits are approved by City Council, then there is an obligation by the developer to
sign the DDA on Friday, September 16, which creates a guarantee that the project moves forward.
Mr. Senga expressed concern if his legal counsel is able to meet the deadline to sign the DDA on Friday. He suggested
the cut-offdate forMonday, September 19,2022.
MOVED by Doty, SECONDED by Warwick to extend the negotiation period with Ataec Development for the RFP at
Arthur & Kimball Avenue untilMonday, September 19,2022 and direct staffthat if the DDA is not signed as of 5:00
p.m. on September 19,2022, they are able to pursue issuing a new RFP to dispose of the property.
COMMENTS TO THE MOTION: Commissioner Allgood suggested that some of the residential units be transformed
into office space.
Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Doty, Warwick, Moore, Allgood, and Porter. Those voting no: none. Absent
or not voting: Ramirez.
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Mr. Jenkins summarized the history of the proposed development of the property and recommended an expeditious RFP
to be distributed and submittals due within 30 days. The boundary of the parcel would be extended into Arthur Street to
consume a portion of the right-of-way thus allowing creek frontage for a proposed development. This allowance would
add value to the property and be a factor that would draw interest to the site. There has already been some interest
concerning the site.
Commissioner Allgood commented on the prime location of the property. He inquired about other locations for a parking
structure and available funding mechanisms.
In response to questions from Commissioner Porter, Mr. Jenkins reported that the site is somewhat larger than the 5 l6
Main site at approximately 0.75 of an acre in size.
Commissioner Dot5r expressed his concern with having additional requests for parking permits. He recommended that
the RFP include requirements for ground floor or upper floor parking allowance and other floors could be mixed use.
Discussion followed regarding the feasibility to sale the property as being part of the RFP. Mixed use/office space/parking
needs were all part of the discussion. The "Call to Offer RFP" process was explained by Mr. Jenkins and addressed by
Mr. Waterman in relation to the sunset requirements of the UttA appropriation area. It was determined that parking is
of primary concern with the proposal. Mr. Waterman emphasized that an addendum may be offered, as needed.
MOTIONED by Warwick, SECONDED by Moore to direct Mr. Jenkins to create and distribute a "Call to Offer RFP"
for property located at 5 l0 Arthur Street as soon as possible based upon discussion tonight by the Urban Renewal Agency
Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick, Moore, Allgood, Porter, and Doty. Those voting no: none. Absent
or not voting: Ramirez.
MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Allgood to approve the invoices for payment as presented.
Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick, Moore, Allgood, Porter, and Doty. Those voting no: none. Absent
or not voting: Ramirez.
Rachelle Castleberry, Interim URA Treasurer, was not available to provide the report. Commissioners opted to table
the finance report until the October meeting.
Banner BankTOTAL
Banner Bank, CD
City of Caldwell - Economic Development $ 18,000.00 September Economic Development
Hamilton. Michaelson & Hiltv s 6.s00.00 Ausust Attorney Services
Canyon County $ 23,s65.68 Fair Expo Site Improvement Cost
Julv 2022
Canyon County $ 82,495.82 Fair Expo Site Improvement Cost
DeChase Development $638,68s.00 Creekside Mixed Proiect Cost - Draw #5
TOTAL $769'246.s0
Page 6 of8
Banner Bank Operating Account $ 11,544,349.94
Restricted TOTAL
Restricted - Projects
Restricted - URA TVCC
Restricted - URA Job Creation
Tabled until the next meeting due to the absence of Ms. Castleberry
a) Uodate: RFPfor 213. 215 & 217 Kimball Properties (Disposition & Development.Agreement\
Doug Waterman, Agency Aftomey, reported that a meeting is pending with the developer's legal counsel to outline
elements of the DDA.
b) Update Report: Creelcside Development
Doug Waterman, reported that construction has started at the site. There were impacted soil elements and the
developer asked for $3 1,000 to cover the costs. The request was granted due to the conditions within the DDA
indicating that the site was clean at the time of closure.
c) Updale Report: Notice qf Exercise of Exlension Option - LPC llest. Inc.
Doug Waterman reported that LPC West, Inc. has exercised two extensions options. Their legal counsel has
reported to Mr. Hilty that they plan to waive the due diligence period, proceed to closing and start construction in
October 2022.
d) Discussion llem: Steps to form a new allocation area within soecilic pockets o.f the central citv where areas of
slum and blisht contirue to exist
Commissioner Moore commented on the possibility of specifoing a new allocation area (12th & l3th Avenue and
east) to allow for updates and additional parking to the downtown. Discussion followed about the need to finish
the work within the downtown before addressing other particular areas.
Mr. Waterman clarified that URA allocation areas cannot overlap. He outlined the steps necessary and the timeline
necessary to include and qualifu specific properties for an urban renewal area, creating the plan and the approval
Commissioner Doty commented on the need for lighting at the GALS Quad and suggested that financial assistance be
considered for this project.
Commissioner Moore reminded everyone about the Community Outreach event on September l3th at Lions Park and
encouraged attendance at the event.
Chairman Porter expressed appreciation to the URA Commissioners for their involvement and dedication.
MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Doty to adjourn at 9:48 p.m.
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lth day ofApproved as written
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