HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-19 URA Meeting Minutes (Zoom)001Cald,rell U rhan eneival Agen cy Urban ffenctoa,l Agency ol lhe Cilg ol Caldrnll 4l I Blaine Stteea Ca.ldtwll. fdaho 4'367.5 SPDCIAL DTDETING Galdwell Urban Renewal Agency FRIDAY August 19,2022 10:00 a.m. ZOOM MEETING CaldwellGity Hall Gonference Room 411 Blaine Street AGENDA 1) ACTION ITEM: Consider appointment of Rachel Castleberry as the interim treasurer for the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency effective upon approval. Posted: August 16,2022 CALDWELL T]RBAN RENEWAL AGENCY M INUTES Special Meeting August 19, 2022 l0:00 a.m. (ROl_r_ ('rLL) The special meeting ofthe Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom in the Caldwell City Hall Conference Room (411 Blaine Street) with Chairman Porter presiding. The agency secretary called the roll, Present: Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Doty (via Zoom). Commissioner Warwick (via zoom), Commissioner Allgood (via Zoom), and Commissioner Ramirez (via Zoom). Absent: CommissionerMoore. Staffpresent: Rachelle Castleberry (via Zoom), Doug Waterman (via Zoom), and Debbie Ceyer' (ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER APPOTNTMEYI OF R.{CHEL CASTLEBERRY AS THE INTERIM TREASURER FOR THE CALDWELL L RBAN RE.\-EWAL ACENCY EFFf,CTIVE UPON APPROyAL) Chairman Porter reported on the need to appoint Ms. Castleberry as the UR,{ lnterim Treasurer in conjunction with the recent resignation ofCarol Mitchell asthe City ofCaldwell Finance Director and URA Treasurer. This appointment would allow Ms. Castleberry to move for*ard with processing invoices. as necessary' MOVED by Dot), SECONDED by War\aick to appoint Rachelle Castleberry as the URA lnterim Treasurer, Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Doty. Warrvick. Allgood, Ramirez. and Porter. Those voling no: none. Absent and/or not voting: Moore. (AD.tOtrRN \tENT) MOVED by Warwick. SECONDED by Doty to adiourn at l0:05 a.n1. \1()Tto\ ('ARRlI-]L) 2'h day ofSeptember, 3022 onlnltsS orter Debbie Geyer. URA S r\' ()- ('om sioner \\ arn ick (tr lgood tfez Commissi Moore s$t$frz ziry,i,ksSs as written this Co m m rsslo Dotv Page I of I \EW BI'SINESS: