HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-15 URA Meeting MinutesIlrha.n franoual Agencg ol the Citg ol Caldtell 4I I Bhtine Straea Caldtmll. Idaha 886o.5 SPECIAL DTEDTING Galdwell Urban Renewal Agency Monday August 15,2022 4:00 p.m. TO BE HELD AT: Caldwell Police Department Community Room 110 South 5h Avenue AGENDA 1) AGTION ITEM: Consider acceptance of the Request for Proposals for property located 516 Main Street. 2) AGTION ITEM: Consider termination of negotiations with Aztec Development, lnc. for the RFP at Arthur and Kimball. 3) DISCUSSION ITEM: Proposed parking structure at 510 Arthur Street. Caldvrell U rhan RenewalAgency Posted: August 10,2022 CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MINUTES Special Meetirg August 15, 2022 4:00 p.m. (ROLL CALL) The special meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at4:00 p.m. in the Caldwell City Hall Conference Room (41 I Blaine Street) \.vith Chairman Porter presiding. The agency secretary called the roll. Present: Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Doty, Commissioner Warwick, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Allgood, and Commissioner Ramirez. Staffpresent: Steye Jenkins, Ofelia Morales, Rachelle Castleberry, Tayler Yett, and Debbie Geyer NEW BUSINESS: (ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 516 MAIN STREET) Steve Jenkins, Economic Deyelopment Director, presented the staff report- He noted that three proposals were received in response tothe RFP issued for 5l6 Main Sheet: The Commons at Creek Crossing, Amano Restaurant, and the Darsons Group. He outlined the contents ofeach ofthe proposals. Stafls recommendation it to accept the proposal from Amano and move forward with establishing an exclusive Development & Disposition Agree4ment. Commissioner Doty noted that the submittal fiom Amano does not include parking on site. ln response to questions from Commissioner Allgood, Mr. Jenkins confirmed that the proposal from Amano includes two restaurants and office space at the site. Staffsupports the development proposal in consideration of business retention of a high-performance restaurant, forecasting of new employees and retaining cunent employees, quality ofthe design, and the ability to continue with the "restaurant row" concept along Main Sneet. Chairman Porter indicated the need for increased parking options in the downtown. Judy Subia, Owner ofVem's Tavem located at l20 South 7'h Avenue, expressed concern with the lack ofparking for their downtown business. Mr. Jenkins noted that he would meet with Ms. Subia separately regarding her parking concems. Commissioner Doty posed questions about the property being "shovel ready". Mr. Jenkins reported rhat the ldaho Department of Environmental Qualiry (DEQ) has been contacted regarding an environment review of the site. Currendy, it appears liom documentation that the site is environmentally clear. There are funds within the URA budget to assist with environmental clean-up issues, ifnecessary. Ken Sangha of Darsons Group provided comments conceming their RFP submittal. He clarified that the hotel referenced within the proposal wou)d not be a separate facitity. ln response to questions liom Commissioner Allgood, Mr. Jenkins confirmed that staff reviewed all three proposals with the many outstanding features within each submittal. Staff determined that the submittal fiom Amano would be the recommended proposal. MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Ramirez to proceed with the proposal as submifted by Amano and instruct staffto move forward with the appropriac Development and Disposition Agreement document. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those yoting yes: Warwick, Doty, Allgood, Ramirez, and Porter. Those voting no: Moore. Absent and/or not voting: none. MOTION CARRIED Page I of3 (ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER TERMINATION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH AZ;|EC DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR THE RFP AT ARTHUR AND KIMBALL) Steve Jenkins, Economic Development Director reported that the RFP has been awarded to thrse different groups within the past few years for the subject location. The mosr recent award to Aztec Development, Inc. took place October 2021. The goal for the site was ro commence with development in the summer of2022. lt was noted that Mr. Sangha provided an update report to the commissioners at the August 8, 2022 URA meeting conceming the status ofthe project and concems about insufficient parking to pursue his development plan. Commissioner Allgood commented that Mr- Sangha indicated at the August URA Meeting, there was difficulty in seeking a high-end restaurant and a bar at the site due to the parking concerns and he had exhausted parking options. Mr. Sangha reported that he was surprised when he was notified about the potential termination of his Project being considered tonight. He reported that he is in the process ofpurchasing the accompanying parcel from a private party. Commissioner Doty expressed his concem that no solutions have been brought forward by Mr. Sangha addressing on-site parking. A plan by the City to construct a parking garage should not be dependent upon Mr. Sangha moving forward with the development. Mr. Sangha requested rhat parking permits be issued by the City to allow potential residents to park offsite without being ticket€d for ovemight parking. He referenced that the City of Boise follows this practice for downtown residential units where onsite parking is not feasible. Discussion followed conceming the need to meet deadlines concerning the subject site in respect to the Agency's sunset requirements. Agency Attorney, Tayler Yett, reported that determinations concerning Development & Disposition Agreemenl for the site must be finalized by September 12,2022. Mr. Sangha reported that he has explored parking options ircluding renting spaces fiom the bookstore owners with no success. It was noted by Commissioner Allgood that parking issues would not be addressed or resolved by the Urban Renewal Agency. Downtown parking plans will be addressed by City Council. Commissioner Warwick expressed the need for a solid plan to be put in place by the developer. In response to questions from Commissioner Doty, Mr. Sangha reported that use of the first floor for parking is not a viable option for the site. He emphasized that parking permits issued by the City of Caldwell would be needed for the future residential development. In response to questions fiom Chairman Porter, Mr. Sangha reported that 22 studio apartments units are being planned at the site. He reported that the original plan was for eight units, which would have required l6 parking stalls. Ms. Yefi expressed concem with the ongoing extensions that have been allowed for the developer. The commissioners cannot commit to future parking. She recommended that the residential plans be removed fiom the proposal in order to move forward with finalization ofthe development. Mr. Sangha stated that he is looking for flexibility and is desirous in keeping the residential units as part ofthe development plan. MOVED by Allgood, SECONDED by Moore to continue this item to September 12, 2022 pursuant to discussion with the City Council regarding the issuance ofparking permits at their meeting scheduled for Septembet 1,2022. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Allgood Doty, Warwick, Ramirez, Moore, and Porter. Those voting no: none Absent and/or not voting: none MorroN .ARRIED Page 2 of 3 (DISCUSSION ITEM: PROPOSED PARKINC STRUCTURE AT 510 ARTHUR STREET) Steve Jenkins reponed that building at 510 Anhur Street would be demolished within the next 30 days. The parcel will be used for surface parking at this time. He reported that the property has inherent value due to its creek frontage as well as being in close proximitv to the Indian Creek Plaza. He recommended that 5 l0 Anhur be possibly considered for future development through an RFP process and not for a parking structure. Discussion followed regarding the possible use ofthe TVCC Parking Lot to construct a parking structure. He noted options to possibly integrate retail units on the ground-level floor ofthe parking garage. He referenced similar designs used in urban areas. (ADJOURNM ENT) MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Doty to adjourn at 5:07 pm. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick. Doq. Allgood, Ramirez, and Poner. Those voting no: Moore' Absent and/or not voting: none' MorroN .ARRIED pproved as this l2'h day of September, 2022 Commissi Poner Debbie Geyer. URA S ioner \l'aru'ick C ISS C o s::it:lr:ili.-"2 4r,*,t*$ lgood lrez Co ner Moor€ C lss lo Dot), ISS IO Page 3 of 3 Z//-