HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-01 URA Meeting MinutesLrrba.n llenetottl Agloneg of lho l[fu91 ol Culduell 4l I Blaine Slroet Calduell. Ida.ho 8J6/,l,5 AGENDA 1) ACTION ITEM: Consider acceptance of the Request for Proposals for properties a|213,215, and 217 South Kimball Avenue. 2) UPDATE REPORT: Receive information concerning the proposed development at Arthur/Kimball Avenue in Downtown Caldwell. Posted: July 26,2022 SPECIAL LTRDTING Galdwell Urban Renewal Agency Monday August 1,2022 4:00 p.m. TO BE HELD AT: Caldwell Police Department Community Room 110 South Sth Avenue CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MINUTES Specitl Mecting August l, 2022 4:00 p.m. (ROLL CALL) The special meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency convened at4:00 p.m. in the Caldwell City Hall Conference Room (41 I Blaine Street) with Chairman Porter presiding. Thc agency secretary called the roll. Pres€nt: Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Doty, Commissioner Warwick, Commissioner Moore, Commissioner Allgood, and Commissioner Ramirez. Staffpresent: Mark Hilty (via Zoom), Steve Jenkins, Ofelia Morales, Carol Mitchell, and Debbie Geyer NETTY BUSINESS: (ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROPERTIES AT 2I3,215, AND 2I7 SOUTH KIMBALL AVENUE) Steve Jenkins, Economic Development Director, presented the staff report. He noted that two proposals were submitted in response to the RFP issued for 213,215, and 217 South Kimball Avenue. Proposals ',vere received liom Mussell Construction and RRC Contractors, Inc. Staffhas reviewed the two proposals and recommends lhe acceptance to RRC Contractors. The existing structures would be demolished. The conceptual plan includes a restaurart on the first floor (all local- no national brands). The second floor will be professional office space. The third floor design (ifoIT-site parking can be secured) will include eight (8) condominium units. In response to questions fiom Commissioner Warwick, Mr. Jenkins noled that staff is in favor of the residential condo units, ifoff-site parking can be located. At this time, Mr. Cooper ofRRC Contractors is working to locate parking but has indicate.d that sharcd parking is not available by other business owners. Discussion followed conceming the need for designated parking for the proposed rcsidential units. Commissioner Moore reported that the financial package submifted by RRC Contractors is a strong component oftheir RFP subminal, Commissioner Warwick suggested that contact be made wilh the owners ofRediscover Books conceming a long-term parking arrangement. Mr. Jenkins reported that the owners are interested in the "for pay" parking lot to address only shon+erm parking needs. Commissioner Ramirez expressed appreciation to RRC Contractors for submitting an attractive proposal but noted the critical need for off-site parking for the residential units. The lack of downtown parking is of concem. Brent Orton, Public Works Director, reported on conversations being held with Canyon County and their interest in a Local Improvement District to improve parking areas on theirparcel. Such improvements would assist the public to connect to the downtown by use ofa pathway. MOVED by Doty, SECONDED by Allgood to proceed with the thee-story building corcept as submitted by RRC Contracors, lnc. pursuant to the developer securing private parking to accommodate the resid€ntial units, with the provision that ifparking is not secured, the two-story building would be accepted. COMMENTS TO THE MOTION: Mr. Jenkins indicated that the timeline for the developer to secure the off-site parking plan would be in coordination with the DDA and the start date of March 2023. Mr. Hilty reported that funding has been allocated for the prcject within the URA budget Page I of2 Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Doty, Warwick. Allgood. Ramirez, Moore, and Porter loting no: none. Absenl and/or not \oting: none. I\.lOTION CARRIED (UPDATE REPORT: RECEM, INFORMA'I ION CONCERNINC THE PROPOSEI) DEVELOPI\IENT AT ARTHLIWKIMBALL AVENTIE IN DOWNTOWN CALDWELL) Kanwal Sanga ofAaec Development, Inc. provided an update repon conceming the proposed development at Arthur & Kimball Avenue. He noted that on-site parking is not feasible at the subject site, noting that all options have been exhausted for altemate locations. He provided suggestions for possible valet{ype parking options at the site and emphasized the need for a partnership with the city of Caldwell concerning the dorlntown parking issues. (ADJOURNNIENT) MOVED by Allgood. SECONDED by Doty to adjourn at 4:50 pm \TOTIO\ CARRIED proved l2'r' day of September, 2022 ntnISs Porter Debbie Ge1'er, URA AL,J,LV Com ioner Wanvick Those ('om ton .{llgood Com sloncr rez lz Com l]er \loore (o t) r$i&ea#ffi written thi stongr Page 2 of 2