HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning and Zoningao ZONINGPLANNING AND ITEM DATE SUBMITTED BY 11\,l4tbrtr-(7-z=-z b B-""r..e Pz '(3-a I Z Z.8-ts-7E (,ZI I aa*i BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMN{ISSION CITY OF CALDWELL,IDAEO IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NORTITWEST Df,VELOPMENT FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL OF SUIYRIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION T]NIT 3 l.l t.2 2.1 2.2 L.5 2.4 ?.5 2.6 2.7 CASE NO, SI]8.25f.98, COURSE OF PROCEEDINGS, GENERAL FACTS, TESTIMOI{Y, APPLICABLE LEGAL STAIIDARDS, FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND RECOMMEhIDATION TO TIIE MAYOR AIID CITY COUNCIL ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I On April 7, 1994, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the preliminary plat for Sunridge Subdivision, a tfuee-phased development for 64 residential lots. Unit No. I (24 tots) and Unit No. 2 (17 lots) received final plat approval and have been recorded. The Applicant is requesting final plat approval ofUnit 3 (23 lots). The Caldwell Community Development Deparfinent issued a notice ofpublic hearing on application SUB-26F-98) to be held on July 23, 1998, before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Public notice requirements set forth in Idaho Code, Chapter 65, Local Planning Act, were met. On July 6, 1998, notice was published in the ldaho-Press Tribune; on July 2, 1998, notice was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site and to those political subdivisions providing services to the site; and, on July 16, 1998, notice was posted on the site. 1.3 Files and exhibits rclative to this application are available for review in the Commmity Development Deparhnent, Caldwell City Hall, and were available for review at the applicable hearings. II GEITERAL T'ACTS APPLICANT (S): Northwest Development, P.O. Box 1447, Caldwell, ID. OWNER (S): Same as Applicant. PROPOSAL: The Applicant seeks final plat approval of Unit No. 3, Sunridge SuMivision, to develop the remaining phase of23 residential lots. LOCATION: The southeast comer ofthe intersection of Airport Avenue and Beech Sreet. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of the SW 1/4 NE l/4, Section 33, Township 4 North, Range 3 w.B.M. NATLIRAL RESOURCES AND IIAZARDOUS AREAS: The project site is not within the near vicinity ofthe Boise River or Indian Creek, and is not within a floodplain. LAND USE: The project site is zoned R-1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential.2.8 ft'.)- COURSE OF PROCEf,DINGS ,ao). 2.8.1 Low Density Residential is defired as an area "suitable primarily for single-family residences. Other uses characteristic of low-density residential areas such as churches, schools, neighborhood parks, comparable public facilities and essential utility installations are appropriate. The residential density will be from I to 6 dwelling unis per acre, group day care facilities, public facilities and limited neighborhood commercial uses are appropriate. Mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions may be located in designated and selected medium density areas. The residential density will be fiom 7 to 9 dwelling units per net acre." 2.9 AREA OF CITY IMPACT: The project site is not within the Area of City Impact. 2.IO PUBLICFACILITIES: 2.1 0. I Fire Protection - The City's Fire Chief, in a memorandum dated July 9, 1998, noted tlnt the final plal appears to comply with the requirements set forth under preliminary plat review 2.10.2 Utilities - Water/Sewer - The project will be served by City services. The Applicant has submined an estimate for construction costs, which include water/sewer systems. The estimate of costs was reviewed by the Engineering Departnent and the Applicant was requested to submit a revised estimate. The revised estimate is in the sum of $207,448. 2.10.3 2.10,4 ln a memorandum dated July 2, 1998, Gordon Law noted that the following items needed to be addressed: l) written approval from Pioneer Irigation must be rec€ived; 2) storm drainage design is to be completely approved; 3) an agreement between Sunridge, Manchester Park, and CopperRock developers regarding the sharing ofcosts for construction of improvements in Airport Avenue is to be executed before final plat approval; and, 5) the storm drainage retention or detention area should be designated as a common lot; a note is to be added to the plat indicating that the lot cannot be used for construction ofa residence. Mr. Law also requests that the maintenance of the lot lie with the homeowners' association. (NOTE: A homeowners' association was formed at the time of approval of Unit No. l) Irigation - The site is within the jurisdiction of Pioneer Irrigation District. As noted under section 2.10.3, approval from Pioneer is to be received before the plat is recorded. 2.ll TRANSPORTAnON: Access to the lots will be from Beech Street, Golden Sun Avenue, Sunridge Drive, and Sunday Place. 2.t2 PARKS. RECFGATON AND OPEN SPACE: No parks, recreation, or open spaces were provided at the time of preliminary plat approval. As noted in section 2.10.3, item 5 ofthis report, the City Engineer is requesting the stormdrainage retention or detention area to be designated as a cornmon lot. 2.13 HISTORIC AREAS: The site is not within the City's area of historic sigrificance. 2.14 HOUSING: When firlly dweloped, Unit 3 of this subdivision will provide 23 buildable lots. Single- family dwellings are permitted outright in an R-l zone; duplexes may be pennitted through the special use permitting process. 2.15 COMMLNITY DESIGN: The subdivision does not face arterial sheets III TESTIMOI{Y Linda James presented the staff report and noted for the record that the estimate of costs for completion of construction had been revised upward, as requested by the City's engineering 3.1 ao 3.2 departnent. She noted that developer of Sunridge would have to sign the constuction agreement, as rcquested by Gordon Law, before the Commission's recommendation for final plat approval is placed on the City Council's agenda. Constuction plans for CopperRock will not receive the City Engineer's approval until the developer has signed the agreement, and the next phase for Manchester Park will not be scheduled for a public hearing on final plat approval until the developer has also signed. Ms. James indicated that she and Gordon Law do not have a problem with Sunridge receiving a recommendation for final plat approval. Becky Bowcutt, Appticant's representative, testified that Bettie Pilote (Applicant) has agreed to sign the agreement with the developers of CopperRock and Manchester Park regarding the sharing of certain construction costs. IV APPLICABLE LEGAL STANDAR,DS City of Caldwetl Subdivision Ordinance No. 1758 City of Caldwell Zoning Ordinance No. 1451 City of Caldwell Comprehensive Plan Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, Local Planning Act 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 V FINDINGS OF FACT 5.1 Accept the general facts outlined in the stalf report and include the following facts taken fiom testimony: Gordon Law has required the developer to sign the construction agreement with two other dwelopers before the final plat can be forwarded to City Council; Bettie Pilote, Sunridge Developer, and the other two appticable devetopers, has agreed to sign the agreement; the developer did submit a revised construction cost estimate as requested by Gordon Law. VI CONCLUSIONSOFLAW 6.1 The Commission has the authority to hear this final plat request and to make a recorffnendation to the Mayor and City Council; public notice requirements were met; the hearing was conducted within the guidelines applicable Idaho Codes and City ordinances. VII RECOMMENDATION TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 7.t Based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law, and for the reasons stated, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to the Mayor and City Council that Case No. SUB-26F-98 (Sunridge No. 3), a request by Northwest Development for final plat approval to develop 23 residential lots on approximately 6.38 acres located in an R-l zone, be approved. T}IE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AT A PUBLIC MARING I]ELD JULY 23, 1998 APPROVED FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE MAYORAND CITY COUNCIL. WRITTEN FINDINGS OI FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION WERE APPROVED BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMSSION MEMBERS AT A REGULARLY MEETING HELD AUGUST 13, 1998. ATTEST: Atl Community Director L* Charles Murphy, Vi6e Chirman oa NAME OF CASE BEING HEARD: PUBLIC HEARING COMMENT SHEET (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) (-{/6 U 0,tt 7T /e&5 6"d, L/. I /*-+,+^/ r> fo 8"70{ atpaE c# 2 NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP:I Check the appropriate line: NeutraU wish to speak_ do not wish to speak_ Opposed/ wish to speak_ do not wish to speak_ f z-, G ./-'= Applicant or Representat *"4 ln favor/ wish to speak-1f do not wish to speak_ I I I I I I I I Written comments may be attached to this form or you may write them in below.