HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-11 URA Workshop MinutesVIRTIAL P UBLIC ]VIEETING INF R\{ATION Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we invite interested parties to participate in public meetings either electronically or in person. Ifyou have a cough, fever, or are not feeling well, please contact the Caldwell City Clerk to arrange participation remotely. The City of Caldwell follows the CDC guidelines to allow for distancing in the public meeting area and provide masks/hand sanitizer on site. llritlen Comntents a d/ot Virlud Porticinution Written comments for consideration regarding the "Public Comments" portion ofthe agenda or requests for virtual participation associated with items on the agenda must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Please email the Caldwell City Clerk at cityclerk@ci(vofcaldwel l.ore Live Slrcam Viewinfi lfyou are not planning to speak, members ofthe public are encouraged to view the meeting via the live stream option: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCciTS l A0UJNK6asXxxugLGA CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY J|tly 11,2022 6:00 P.M. WORKSHOP WORKSHOP FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BUDGET FOR FY-2023 CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING July 11,2022 7:00 P.M. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION SPECIAL PRESENTATION: A. Presentation by BVA (Ball Ventures Ahlquist) regarding development within North Rqnch Business Park. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Members of the public may address items of concern 49!-!!q[g! on the agerds.) CONSENT CALENDAR l,{l/ Cazsez t Calendar iterns are considered actlon itemsl t ) Approve minutes from the Urban Renewal Agency Regularly Scheduled Meeting held on June 13, 2022 and the Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting held on JuJy I ,2022;2) Approve Resolution authorizing the execution of the Agreement for Agency Legal Services with Hamilton, Michaelson & Hilty, LLP; 3) Approye Resolution accepting the Warranty Deed for prop€rty located at 213 South Kimball Avenue; 4) Approve Resolution authorizing the Award ofBid for the Apparent Low Bidder to construct a n€w Pickleball 8-Court Complex in Luby Park. eneviiii Agency E CaldwellUrbin , Cald$/ellUrban ene,,\,.r1 AEency N OLD BUSINESS 1) Economic Development Activity Report from Steve Jenkins (June 2022). 2) Economic Development Activity Report from Ofelia Morales (June 2022). I\[EW BUSINESS I ) ACTION ITEM: Request to call for a public hearing at the Regularly Scheduled Urban Renewal Agency meeting to be held on August 8 ,2022 at 7:00 p-m. pursuant to Idaho Code 50-1002 for consideration ofthe proposed budget for the fiscal year that begins October l, 2022 and ends September 30, 2023. 2) DISCUSSION !TEM: Consider potential changes to the Bylaws ofthe Urban Renewal Agency ofthe City ofcaldwell, Idaho regarding meeting day and time. 3\ ACTION ITEM: Consider invoices for payment from the Urban Renewal Agency Treasurer: VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION City of Caldwell - Economic Development s 18,000.00 July Economic Development Contribution Hamilton, Michaelson & Hilty $ 6,500.00 June Attorney SerYices DeChase Development s3 13.979.00 Creekside Mixed Project Costs: Draw #3 Canyon County s675.304.83 Fair Expo Site I Cost{une 2022 TOTAL sl,0r3,783.83 4) Treasurer Reoort: ACTION ITEM: Approve Monthly Cash Reconciliation Repons. 5) AttortreY Report:a. Update:213,215 & 217 S. Kimball (RFP) b. Update: Creekside Development at 7'h & Main Street c. Update: 516 Main (RFP) d. Update: Arthur and Kimball e. Update: 7ll Venue Parking Lot lmprovements (306 Kimball) 6) Commissioner Repofis7) Chairman Report 8) Motion to adjoum Dale of the nefr Reeularlv Scheduled Urban Renewal Asencv Meetine:Ausust 8. 2022 7:00 n.m. in the Communitv Room - Caldwell Police Station at I t0 uth Fifth Avenue.Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the Secretary to the Urban Renewal Agency at 411 Blaine Street or call #208-455-4656 prior to the meeting. The entire agenda packet may be viewed on the City of Caldwell's website: boards/urban-renewal-asencv httDs:/ r'rt'rY .citvofcaldr* ell.ors/vou ment/citv-com ns-and- Cualquier persona que necesita arreglos especiales para participar en la reuni6n debe comunicarse con el Secretario de la Ciudad en 4l I Blaine Street o llame al # 455 a 4656 antes de la reuni6n. CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY WORKSHOP 6:00 P.M, Monday, JulI I l,2022 (WORKSHOP FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BUDGET FOR FY. 2023) Carol Mitchell, URA Treasurer, presented that contents ofthe proposed FY-2023 budget. All B.l.G. (Business Improvement Grants) funding has been expended as of July 2022- She provided information about the existing project to bury electrical lines in the downtown at an estimated cost of5200,000. She outlined the proposed projects for the coming year:. Economic Development Support. LID 17-01 Downtoun Streetscape. Demo & Cleanup - Bennett Machine Shop. Festive Street - Arthur Street. Tiger Build Grrnto lndian Creek Plaza Maintenance . TVCC Gypcrete and Tile Floor Repairo TVCC Building o 6h & 7e Avenue Pedestrian Bridges (repair or rebuild)o Norman Parking Lot. Fencing along RR Right-of-Way (Norman/OK Livestock). Hotel Site lmprovements. Blue Bird Car Wash She noted that she is awaiting estimates of the demolition project at 5 l0 Arthur Street and the relocation of City offices into the TVCC building. Robb MacDonald clarified that estimate for demolition of 5 l0 Anhur Street was recently received at $58,000. Commissioner Allgood inquired regarding the use of URA fund balance. Ms. Mitchell stated that the available amount offunding (when the URA Allocation Area sunsets) would be approximately $3 million. Those funds would be used for URA operational costs. MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Allgood to close the workshop at 6:46 p.m MOTION CARRIED CALDWELL URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Monday, July I l, 2022 (ROLL CALL) The regularly scheduled meeting of the Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency conyened at 7:00 p.m. in the Caldwell Police Department Community Room with Chairman Porter presiding. The URA Secretary called the roll. Present: Commissioner Porter, Commissioner Warwick, Commissioner Fultz, Commissioner Allgood, Commissioner Doty, Commissioner Moore, and Commissioner Ramirez. (CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION) None. Page I of 8 (SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS) A. Presenlation by BVA (Ball Ventures Ahlquis) resurdinp development within Norlh Ranch Business Parkl Carret Nancolas ofBall Ventures Ahlquist introduced Rob Sunderlage, Civil Engineer with BVA and provided a review of development history at Sky Ranch Business Park over the past twenty years during his tenure as Mayor with the City of Caldwell. He noted that the North Ranch Master Plan effectively has mirrored the Sky Ranch Business Center. The initial plans for North Ranch also included right-of-way improvements coordinated by the City of Caldwell to accommodate the new school facilities for the Vallivue School District along Aviation, Mueller, and Smeed Parkway. The original development agreement with BVA for North Ranch Business Park outlined requirements for traffic impact mitigation costs to include the same improvements already completed by the City of Caldwell along Ayiation, Mueller. and Smeed Parkway. The initial mitigation costs quoted to BVA were estimated al approximately $900,000. The completed right-of-way improyements completed by the City ofCaldw€ll totaled approximately 5300,000. He requested that BVA be allowed to apply the $300,000 towards the BVA mitigation requirement; thus leaving a remaining balance of S600,000 to be submitted by BVA. Discussion followed concerning the request. Mr. Nancolas clarified that BVA is asking this to be considered as an action item before the URA Commissioners at the next URA Regularly Scheduled Meeting to be held on August 8, 2022. ln response to questions from Commissioner Ramirez, Mr. Waterman r€ported that the request would require an amendment to the Development Agreement drafted by legal counsel. This request could be considered by the URA Commissioners at the August meeting with their recommendation to move forward to City Council for final consideration. In response to questions ftom Commissioner Allgood, Mr. MacDonald noted that ifthe URA Commissioners required the full amount of$900,000 to be paid in traffic mitigation fees by BVA, the funding would possibly be used for right- of-way improvemenls not directly tied to the subject site. (PUBLIC COMMENTS) CONSENT CALENDAR l.4rl Crxserrt Calendat items are considercd action itemsl I ) Approve minutes from the Urban Renewal Agency Regularly Scheduled Meeting held on June 13.2072 and the Urban Renewal Agency Special Meeting held on July 1,2022; 2) Approve Resolution No. 2022-35 authorizing the execution ofthe Agreement for Agency Legal Services with Hamilton. Michaelson & Hilty, LLP;:) nppreve neselutio lVOlD - DUPLICATE ACTION * Warranty Deed wxs approv€d by URA on 613-202214) Approve Rosolution authorizing the Award of Bid for the Apparent Low Bidder to construct a new Pickleball 8-Court Complex in Luby Park lMoved to New Business ltem #l-Al MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Ramirez to amend the agenda by moying Consent Calendar Agenda Item #4 to New Business as ltem #l-A. Reason for the amended Consent Calendar: This action was requested by staff for further discussion and clarification. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwicl<. Allgood, Ramirez, Moore, Porter, Doty, and Fultz. Those voting no: none' Absent and/or not voting: none MorroN .ARRIED MOVED by Warwiclq SECONDED by RamLez to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes; Warwiclq Allgood, Ramirez, Moore, Porter, Doty, and Fultz. Those voting no: none. Absent and./or not voting: none. MOTION CARRIED Page 2 of 8 None. OLD BUSINESS: (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT FROM STEVE JENKINS IJUNE 2022I) Current Proiects Miscellaneous Updates: Business View Publishing has contacted me concerning a desire to hiBhlight Caldwell in a forthcoming issue. I've had multiple meetings with this group to articulate Caldwell's history and future plans for growth. Phelan Devefopment has plans underway to move forward with their industrial pro,ect on highway 20/26 and Smeed Pkwy. This will be a multiple building development within the 17 acre site. LPC West continues making strides with their proiect. Plans are underway for construction to commence in october. The site totals 23+ acres and will be a large scale industrial pro,ect. Continue working with Nemo Arms/Federated Ordinance. They have plans to open soon and have started to hire employees for their operation. They're currently moving equipment into the building and preparing the facility for their use. Project Fire: working with a fast casual operator that is interested in multiple locations with Caldwell. This is a two in one brand that will bring much needed restaurant diversity to Caldwell's growing market. Continue working with Triple Dot Development on their development located at Lake and Karcher. We've been connectingwith prospects to occupy some ofthe land for commercial/retail uses. This willcoincide with the multi- family proiect proposed for the 120 acre site. Working with the developer on a site located at highway 20/26 and Middleton Road. This proiect will be a large mixed use site featuring commercial and residential. Project Said: Large scale development company is working on a three building industrial proiect in east Caldwell, They are moving forward with plans to kick offconstruction next spring. Proiect tndy: Moving forward with plans to d€velopment their 23 acre site. The proiect will include a mix of commercial and industrial. Proiect PNW: warehouse/logistics operator that is working through plans to locate to North Caldwell. We're finalizing our local and statewide incentives and we remain hopeful to land this proiect in Caldwell. Prolect 0rizzly: This commercial user is focused squarely on North Caldwell. They are working on two sites that total 60 acres. Project lmagine: working closely with the site selectors on this project. Conversations are ongoing and things are materializing well. Project 600: Continue working closely with this group to assist with their plans for a large industrial facility in north Caldwell. Canyon Springs RV is working on an expansion project that will add more pads to their site. They have submitted for permitting and are working through the development process. Page 3 of 8 Project Grill: fast casual operator that is interested in locating in Caldwell. l'm working with them to identify prospective sites. North Caldwell URA: Downtown Updates: Working with two boutique clothing store brands that would like to locate in downtown Caldwell. They have identified a prospective location and are working through offers, RFP for Kimball and Blaine is due on luly 1sth. RFP for 516 Main Street is due on August 5th (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY REPORT FROM OFELIA MORALES UUNE 2022I) Downtown Updates: Proiect Yellow (Update): They are still interested in our downtown and are looking at the 273/275/277 RFP. Shifted their focus to 516 main. Proiect Local (Update): Successful local restaurant is seeking space to relocate, possible options downtown or otr 20/26-Has fotnd a location West ofwhere they are currently located. Prciect Fork (Update): Successful local restaurant is seeking space to relocate, would like space in downtown Caldwell. Currently being courted by other communities. Will be submitting for 516 Main RFP. Proiect Organic: Working to attract tlis business to our downtown. This is a local business with locations in Ada County. The General Manager states that she has been asked by residents of Caldwell and Mountain home for expansion in their community. We currently do not have this offering. Proiect Hot: Working to attract this business to any area of Caldwell, they offer a unique service. They currently see many Canyon County residents but are curently only located in Ada County. They see a lot of potential off 20/26. New Buslnesses Openin8 ln July: Lit&Co, Soft openingonT /7 /202?, ctand Qpening, T /22/22 Olive and Vyne, 811 Main, 0pening later this month The Twisted Fi& Sandwich Shop, located at Oakes Brothers, space previously occupied by Lucy 13 donut shop Gracie Barra Brazilian ,iu-litsu Martial Arts & SelfDefensg 708 Main, opening later this month Soda Burst, new owner, hoping to activate patio space. NEW BUSINESS ACTION ITEM: REQUEST TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MEETING TO BE HELD ON AUGUST E, 2022 AT 7:0O P.M. PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODf, 5O.I OO2 FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR THAT BEGTNS OCTOBER l, 2022 AND ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 2023) Carol Mitchell, Agency Treasurer at 4l I Blaine Street, provided an overview ofthe budget and recommended a public hearing at the next Regularly Scheduled URA Meeting on A,uPIrst8,2022 al7:00 p.m. She noted that the budget indicates $19,966,194 of proposed expenditures. $1,200 of proposed non-tax increment revenue, and proposed tax increment revenue of $ 10,941,163 for a total revenue amount of $ 10,942,376. MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Allgood to set the date of the public hearing on August 8,2022 at 7:00 p.m. MOTION CARRIED Page 4 of 8 (APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2022.36 AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF BID FOR THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER TO CONSTRUCT A NEW PICKLEBALL E-COURT COMPLEX IN LUBY PARK) Robb MacDonald, City Attorney at 621 Cleveland Blvd., provided the staff report and outlined the contents ofthe bid proposals from Diamond Contractors, LLC and Desert View Construction. He recommended that the bid from Diamond Contractors in the amount of$764,350.00 be accepted with Altemates # l-3 only. He noted that the lighting option was only included on the bid &om Desert View Construction and should be eliminated. James Leo (via Zoom), Archilect from Land Croup, provided comments conceming the lighting design for the court area and noted that competition lighting is q?ically 30 ft. in height. ln response to questions Aom Commissioner Ramirez, Mr. MacDonald clarified that conduit for the lighting is included in tbe bid fiom Diamond Contractors. The poles and lighting fixtures may be added at a later date, after the court is constructed. He noted that sfeet lighting is typically installed by City employees, however, installation of th€ court lighting features may require outsourcing. ln response to questions from Commissioner Warwick, Mr. MacDonald addressed questions concerning the difference between the types ofconcrete indicated within the bid documents. He noted tlat Diamond Construction has built similar courts within the area. ln response to questions from Commissioner Moore, Mr. MacDonald reported that pressurized irrigation improvements at Luby Park are scheduled for completion before construction ofthe courts. Mayor Wagoner stated his suppon of construction ofthe new pickleball courts including lighting, post-tension concrete, furniture and other amenities. He noted the popularity ofthe sportandthe draw ofsuch facilities v/ithin other communities. He referenced the pickleball court that he recently observed in Twin Falls and it use by youth and adults, even during the evening hours. He addressed the economic benefit ofhaving pickleball toumaments within the City of Caldwell. Don Denton from the Caldwell Pickleball Club spoke in favor ofacceptance ofthe bid to construct the pickleball couns at Luby Park. He reported that approximately 40-50 persons play on the courts during the morning hours. He noted that the Pickleball Club is grateful for consideration ofthe construction bids. ln response to questions from Commissioner Ramirez, Mr. Denton noted that the Caldwell Pickleball Club as 100 members and their oldest member is 88 years old. They are a non-profit organization. Ms. Redmond expressed her gratitude for consideration ofa new court. Commissioner Doty stated his support of construction ofthe pickleball courts. H€ recommended delaying the lighting element until later. Mr. MacDonald concurred that "exceptional" lighting can be added later. Mike Dory referenced the pickleball court in Bend, Oregon, noting that there were items not included in that design that should be considered such as a grass buffer area. The new Karcher Mall residential units will include a nine-coun pickleball area. He expressed the appreciation for consideration of the court construction and agreed that toumaments would be scheduled in Caldwell. Commissioner Allgood expressed concern for the project, noting the ne€d to identiry a strong nexus to the request and the prerequisites to using URA funding. Commissioner Warwick noted that URA funding is available to eliminate blighted area. Luby Park is an older park site and the current courts are in desperate need ofrepair. Carol Mitchell, URA Treasurer, concurred with statements fiom Commissioner Warwick regarding the use of U RA funds to eliminate blight at the subject site. She noted that the design also allows for a sidewalk section, which will connect to theparking lot, as wellas other upgrades at the site. The budget allocates $l.5 millionforall improvements at Luby Park. These improvements will address the current blighted area and enhance economic conditions for local businesses. Robert Abraham spoke in favor ofthe request. Page 5 of8 Gary McMillan of Meridian spoke in favor ofthe rcquest and reported that the restaurants in Twin Falls are well utilized by participants of local pickleball tournaments. ln response to questions liom Chairman Porter, Mr. Waterman outlined provisions within the State Code for accepting the base bid with altemates. MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Doty, to approve Resolution No. 2022-37 awardingthe base bid to the apparent lower bidder - Diamond Construction - with the acceptance of only Alternates 1, 2, and 3 only for the construction ofa new pickleball 8-court complex at Luby Park. Commissioner Moore expressed concern regarding the construction expense and conflict with construction and flood irrigation issues at the site. Mr. MacDonald reported that the bid includes reinforced (post-tensioned) court system, which research shows to be a long- term savings due to performance and durability ofthe materials used. He explained that the design for the new irrigation system at the site is already in process and would be completed in conjunction with the project Mr. MacDonald reported that the contractor is bound by the executed confact until completion ofthe project. The contract allow for potential increases of material costs. Commissioner Allgood noted the blighted condition of Luby Park and stated his support in bringing the park up to the standards in comparison ofother park sites within the community. Commissioner Fultz spoke in favor ofthe project and expressed appreciation for the positive economic impact the project could potentially bring to the community. Citizens fiom areas outside ofCaldwell will come to the community and spend funds. He suggested that Ciry staffconsider installing the lighting elements to assist in reducing the cost. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick, Allgood, Ramirez, Moore, Porter, Doty, ard Fultz. Those voting no: none. Absent and./or not voting: none. MOTION CARRIED (DISCUSSION ITEM: CONSIDER POTENTIAL CHANGES TO THE BYLAWS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CALDWELL, IDAHO REGARDING MEETING DAY AND TIME) Jim Porter, Agency Chair referenced the URA Bylaws associated with the set date and time for regularly scheduled meetings. He reported that there y,/as interest brought forward to him to consider a change to the bylaws dealing with the day or time ofthe meetings. Commissioner Allgood recommended keeping the meetings on Monday but changing the time Aom 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE INVOTCES FOR PAYMENT AS PRESENTED BY THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY TREASURER) VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Ciff of Caldwell Economic Development $ r 8,000.00 July - Economic Development Contributions Hamilton, Michaelson & Hilty $6,s00.00 June - Aftorney Services DeChase Development $3 13,979.00 Creekside Mixed Project Costs Page 6 of8 Rardy deJong stated his support for construction ofthe pickleball court. He noted that he travels to various tournaments throughout the region. He attended a pickleball toumament in Spokane last weekend and noted that tie economic benefits within the city by those attending the event were evident. tn Twin Falls, the local businesses provide promotional information about downtown sites to those attending the pickleballtournaments. Discussion to the Motion: Commissioner Ramirez questioned ifthe cost will fluctuate. It was recommended that staffmake appropriate changes to the bylaws reflecting the meeting time change to 6:00 p.m. for consideration at the August meeting as an action item. Draw #3 Canyon County $ l6 t ,860.76 Fair Expo Site Improvement Costs June 2022 Carol Mitchell, URA Treasurer at 4l I Blaine Sreet, presented the monthly invoices for payment. MOVED by Fultz, SECONDED by Ramirez to approve the invoices for payment as presented. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Fultz, Warwick, Moore, Allgood, Ramirez, Poner, and Dory. Those voting no: none. Absent and./or not voting: none. MoTIoN CARRIED (ACTION ITEM: TREASURER'S REPORT) MONTHL Y CASH RECONCI L IA TION REPORTS: Carol Mitchell, URA Treasurer at 4ll Blaine Street, presented the Monthly Cash Reconciliation Report and recommended its approval : Banner Brnk TOTAL LGIP Banner Bank. CD Banner Bank Operating Account Restricted TOTAL Restdcted Projects Rest cted URA TVCC Restricted URA Job Creation $ I16,818.47 $ 250,380.49 $ 7 ,402,620 .09 $ 6,403,700.1 I $ 749,459.12 $ 249,460.86 $7,769,Et 9.05 $7,402,620.09 MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Ramirez to approve the cash reconciliation repon as presented. Roll call: Roll call vote: Those voting yes: Warwick Allgood, Ramirez" Porter, Doty, Fulta and Moore. Those voting no: none. Absent andlor not voting: none. MOTION CARRIED (ATTORNEY'S REPORI) a)Update: RFP for 213, 21 5 & 2 l7 Kimbqll ProDe ies (Disposition & Developme4llliryeu9ll) Douglas Waterman, Agency Attomey, reported that the RFP is due on Friday, July 15,2022 and staffis hopeful regarding the resflonses. b) Update Report: Creekide Development Mr. Waterman reported that construction is underway with no concems c) Updqle Reporl: 516 Main (RFP) Mr. Waterman reported that the RFP is due August 5, 2022 and staff is hopeful regarding the responses. d)Update Repo : Arthur qnd Kimball Mr. Hilty reported that the Development & Disnibution Agreement (DDA) is still pending; however, the developer has been very responsive. N€w renderings have been requested. They are anticipating that the DDA would be available in August lor the URA Commissioners to review. e)UDdale ReDort: 7l I Venue Parki Lot lmDrcvet ents (306 Kimball) Mr. Hilty reported that DEQ is recommending Brownfield Funding for the site. DEQ is hopeful that remediation funding is possible and their agency has assisted in drafting the grant application. He noted that the remediation funding could potentially also cover the environmental review process for the site at 516 Main Street. (COMMISSIONER REPORTS) Commissioner Fultz expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve on the URA Commission. He noted that he recently accepted the position with the City ofCaldwell as the new Planning & Zoning Director, The Canyon County Commissioners will assign a new representative to the URA Board of Commissioners. Page 7 of 8 (CHAIRMAN REPORT) None. (EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE, SECTION 76206, SECTION (IXC) FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING CONSIDERATION PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS IIYVOLVING MATTERS OF TRADE OR COMMERCE IN WHICH THE GOVERNING BODY IS IN COMPETITION WITH GOVERNMENT BODIES IN THE OTHER STATES OR NATIONS) MOVED by Warwick, SECONDED by Doty to cottyene into Executive Session pursuant to ldaho Code, Section 76-206, Section (l)(c) for the purpose ofdiscussing consideration preliminary negotiations involving matters oftrade or commerce in which the goveming body is in competition with govemment bodies in t}le other states or nations at 8:43 p.m. Roll call vote. Those voting yes: Warwick, Allgood, Ramirez, Porter, Doty, Fultz, and Moore. Those voting no: none. Absent and.ior not voting: none. MOTION CARRIED MOVED to Warwick, SECONDED by Fultz to reconvene into Regular Session. MOTION CARRIED (ADJOURNM ENT) MOVED by Doty,to adjoum at 9:43 p.m MOI'ION CARRIED Appro 2022. lss Porter Debbie Geyer,RA A ,,J- ioner Warwick ton llgood trezCom Com Com Commissi day of A ED by loner erF Page 8 of 8 t (DarD s&{L