HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Octomber 3 1991 minutesIo HISTORIC PRESERVATION C0l,tlt{ISSION M]NUTESMeeting of Octobor 3, 1991 Pre6ent r Chairman Chuck Randolph, Carol Burbank' Madei jne Buckendorf, Tom Ensley, BiIl Gigray III, Art Honey' Nathel le Oates, Dennis Crooks, and City Counci I representalive EIaine Carpenter. The October 3, 1991 meeting of Commission was called to order in theby Chairman Chuck Randolph at 7:10 p.m the Historic Preservat i onCity HalI Conference Room Minutes from the September L2, I99t approved unanimously as submi tted . meeting were distributed and The first item on the agenda involved the consideration of avariety of sites for nomination to the National Historic Registerin connection with the 1992 g,rant application. Eight candidates,alI of which were subjects of an intensive historic site survey, were given consideration. Research materials and photographg were distributed among the Commission members. After considerable discussion and del iberation, it was decided that three finai candidates would be selected and forwarded to StateHistorian, El izabeth Egleston, for additional input - The concernof the Comrnission was that the final selection should be the site most IikeIy to be included on the National Historic Register andthat the State Historian would be the appropriate source for such an evaluation. The three final sites were selected as follows: L223 CLeveL and Blvd, 1304 Cl eve l and Blvd. 1615 CIeveIand Blvd. Dennis Crooks indicated he would pass the information along to El jzabeth Egleston and request her attendance and recommendationat either the Commission's November or December meeting. Next, the Commission reviewed some of the recommendationscontained in the R,/UDAT study. Chairman Randolph comrnented that the study confirmed the prestige of the areas already beingsludied by the Historic Preservation Commission. Furthermore 'the study suggested that the Commission begin Iooking into thepossibiilty of forming local historic districts. There was extensive discussion regardjng the concept of local historicdistricts. Dennis Crooks reminded the Commission that the Idaho State Code requires some form of design revjew in connection with the formation of a locaI historic district and that the Corffnission should prepare itself to move into such a role. Dennj.s further indicaled thaL lhe prevalent philosophy of the community and of the Commission concernjng design review appearsto be one of achi.eving harmony and compatibi l ity of design rather than mandating' a replication of period architecture. A1so, it was stated that perhaps the Commjssion's enabl inq ordinance should be reviewed and possibiy revised in order that this purpose and objective can be more clearly stated. Dennis a b c 1 \ t o indicated that Joe Stubbtefieid, historic preservation architect, was going to forward San Antonio's ordinance to City staff and that ordinances from Lewiston and Pocatel Io could also beobtained for revievr, Dennis aiso indicated he HouId contact Bojse city staff for possible input and assistance ' The next item on the agenda was the presentation of the }and use survey j.nvolving ttre area general ly between Cleveland Boulevard' Oregon Street, College Avenue and Thirteenth Avenue. This area contaj.ns a number of signiflcant and historic residences, Furthermore, the land use survey revealed that this area has an establ ished development pattern that js 958 single family residential. It was the consensus of the Commission that such data supports the consideration of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and eventual zone change. a There was some final discussion on the historic horse trough Dennis was directed to contaet BiIl Schwind to find out status on this i tem. and the With no further bus i ness ,to 'Ihursday, November 7, Conference Room. the meeting was adjourned 1991, at 7:00 p.m. in the at 9:40 p.m.City Counci i Prepared by, Arrr;b I oatr Dennis Crooks, DirectorPlanninq and Zoning DC/ eay 2 a PIEMO l"la)/or Da.ka.n 'f er L Ctt-n= t {L 8.. Derrni s Crooks-ro: FREM: RE: DA-TE: Historrc Preservation Commi ss i on October 8. 1991 Due to my corunitments i.n other areas anC the upcomjng time comrnitment involved in RIUDAT I would like to resign from theHistoric Preservation Commission at thls time. They wili needfull-time members to aid in the implementatjon of R/UDAT's recorffnendat i ons . Thanks l Jt^ aO. Historic Preservation Commission 621 CLEVELAND BLVD. CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605 TEL.: (2oo) 4ss-sooo FAX 45$3003 -I-O: Caldwell Depnt Facing Sevenlh Ave- (1906) MEMO Historic Preservation Commission l{embers Planning and Zoning Department Historic Preservation CommisEion Meet ing October 22, L99l FROM: F?E: IfA-l-E: A remj.nderl The next meeting Comrnjssjon $rjIl be on Thursday,City Counci I Conference Room. B)Update on the review ofdesign review guidei inesCities. Please feel free to contactconcerning any of these items. Prepared by of the November Histori c7 at 7:00 Preservat i onp.m. in the The agenda for that meeting js es follows: A)Update on the candi.dates for nomination to the National Historic Register as part of L992 grant proposal.. historic district ordinances and and ordinances for comparable Idaho Begin the selection process of historic sites for the reconnaissance leve1 survey of B1aine Street as part of the 1992 grant proposal. The Commission is reminded that theproject area for reconnaissance level survey is on the north and south si.de of Blaine Street between 21st Avenue and 1Oth Avenue. Each Commission member is requested to survey thearea and select 12 residentjal sites for possible survey and to bring that list to the November 7 meetjng. Please note that sites at 1504 and 1908 Blaine s/ere surveyed jn 1990. me if there are any questions It t *I:fa a!Il-a-tr.i;r itirr=at0t Dennis E. Crooks, Director :