HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC June 6 1991 minutesto
Hiatoric Preaorvation Cormi Bs i on Meeting
A meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission will be held on
August 1, 1991 , aL 7:00 p.m. jn the Caldwel I City Hall Conference
Room, The Historic Consultant, Susan Stacy will be joining us at
the meet i ng .
agenda is schedu I ed
A. Minutes from
Review of compl etedhistoric consultant,
D j.scuss topics forattached).
as fo1lows:
the Meeting of
Susan Stacy.
the 1992
June 6, 1997.
Boulevard site survey with
Grant app l ication (memo4
Prepared by
Dennis Crooks, DirectorPlanning & Zoning
o )
Meeting of Jun€ 6, 1991
Present: Chairman Chuck Rando 1ph,Buckendorf and Dennis Crooks,
NatheI Ie Oates, Madel ine
June 6,
Room by
The meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission of1991 was called to order in the City Hai] ConferenceChairman Chuck Randolph at 7:00 p.m.
The first item of business involved1991. The minutes were unanimouslythe Commission members .
the mi. nutes fromaccepted wi thout Apri I 1L,
chanqie by
The fol lowing item involved property at 1622 Fairview and arequest from the owner Gilbert Hafen. Mr. Hafen expressedinterest in preparing a nomjnation for the National HistoricRegister and lras seeking some assistance and/or direction fromthe Colrunission on how to proceed. After some discussion, it wasconcluded that it was not appropriate for the Commission toactual Iy prepare the application for nomination. Rather, such atask wouid be the responsibil ity of the property owner. Theproperty owner, in turn, could hire an historic consultant tohelp prepare the nomination if desired. The HistoricPreservation Corunission also discussed the possibi l ity offinanciai assistance in certain cases if funds or g'rants were tobe avai 1able.
The next agenda item vras a report on the potential demol jtion ofa residence at 1303 Arlington. After some discussion, the
Commission directed the staff to perform a brief historic surveyon the site and to take some black and white photos of thebui ldings and the property.
Dennis next reported the ldaho Preservatjon Council workshop heldin Boise on ltlay L5, 199!. The theme of the workshop was historicpreservation and the costs associated with historic buildihgrehabilitation. Four specific Boise case studies were examined
and visited.
Dennis also informed the Commission that historic consultant.Susan Stacy, had started the site survey and exp€cted to completethe project in approximately 30 days.
Also discussed was a land use survey of the residentialneighborhood along Dearborn, Everett and Fi I lmore between Twelfthand Twentieth Avenues. The sul'vey revealed over ninety (90)percent of land uses to consist of single family residences,
There was some discussion about whether or not such data mightsupport a change in zoning from R-2 (Medium Density Residentiai )to R-L (Single Family Residentiel ) and whether an R-1 zone wouldheip to stabilize the neighborhood and help preserve the historicintegrity of the area.
There hTas additional discussion concerning theBIaine corridor, the mixed character of thepossible measures might be taken to help improvethe area.
Cleveland andarea and what
and stabi l ize
Final Iy therethe Caldwel Ifacility.
lras ment i onHigh Schoo I
of the Train Depot andArt Exhibit which was
the success ofheld at that
Wjth no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m
Prepared by
Dennis Crooks, DirectorPlanning and Zoning
NOTE: Since the first Ttrursday of the month falls on July 4,Chairman Randolph elected to cancel the July meetinq. The nextmeeting of the Historic Preservation CornrnisEion will be held onAugust 1. 1991 at 7:00 p.m.