HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC June 14 1982 minuteso .!'our members June 14, 1982 and the coordinator met in the Idaho Room. Centennial discussed as they waited for a quorom. ldo actlon. L. Thurston, Sec. activlties werepresent: Thurs ton G11roy R1c e RaDal oIph -J3l v 1. l!!2_The meeting was called to order hy the chairman, Tom Ensley. Six members Pete Cowles, Louisa Cone and one guest George lorence were present. The minutes rnere read and approved. 'r'om announced the resignatj-on for the commlssion of Louis Attebury. he also presenteal a certificate of appointment by the citv Council to Charle.y Shaffer. Louisa introduced George Florence, a local teacher who told of some ideas of how his students could participate in making centennial souvenirs as mone:/ making item for the committee. iie had a sampl-e of a bblt buckle, a Jewelrv desi6..;ner sample. lvir. rflorence wil-l- contact his friend who has offered to design a logo and report back. Lorene Thurston stated GIen t-iornel-I would be happ.y to a centennial- Iogo. The Calendar Committee paul Evans reported is progresslng. Jeanette and Lorene are resoaching dates. Sue Gilro:r reported on the Humanities Grant ap-,l.ication. Due to the fact that u/e have no newspapet, and csntt count on a steady flow of lnformation to the public, it was sutgest nav\ing a neuispaper insert, perhaps nonthoy, if grant motey is secured. Other sentennlal suggestions: a speakers, funo, store front nuseun, 1nvo1vln6 the Sinco de iueyo-Mexlcan American celebration antl also the Japanese/amerlcan League in their pl-ans. Louisa made the following report: (enclosed). School activity, taping oral tLlstory, etc. were discussed. Chuck Randolph and ,f an Beckwlth are pondering the approach. Lorene, liason between Louisa and l,he commission reported working closef\r with Lorrisa. Meeting adjourned. Members pre sent :Ensley Ra nd olphThurston Sha ffei Gi lroyRlce Cow1es $e Lorene Thurston, Sec. a a a CALDWELL CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FINANCIAL STATEI,IENT June 30, l9B2 Revenue (Oct. I, 1981 - Sept. 30, 1982) City of Caldwell . s2,000.00 $2 ,000.00 Expenditures (througtr June 30, l9B2; salary through July) 700.00Sa'lary of Coordi natorApril 15-30, May, June, July ($200 mo.) ephone nstal I ati on $111.20; monthly harge $25.55 Tel I c I 76 .00 20.00 80.00 63 .00 BI ,68 Pos tage Suppl i es Pri nti ng Centennial Sti ckers Total to Date $1 ,120.68 Revenue availab.le as of 6/30/82 $ 879.32 7 22 1 50,.3 u/ll 3.0. 7r0) 7 i28/82