HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC August 1 1991 mintuesa o
Dennis Crooks
DC: eay
fu*ra /rle-
Historic Preservation Commission :
Tom Ensley, Arthur Honey, Chuck Randolph, Nathel leOates, Teri Ottons, Chuck Houchins, Madel ineBuckendorf, William F. Gigray III, Carol Burbank
Dennis Crooks, Planning and Zoning
Change of l{eet i ng Date
August 27 , ,.99L
This memo is to advise members that due to a scheduling conflictwith the Planning and Zoning Conrnission, the next meeting of theHistoric Preservation Conunission wj11 be on Thursday, Septemberf2, L991., at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Counci I Conference Room.
At that meeting the Conunission intends to discuss the L992 CLGgrant proposal to be submitted to the Idaho State HistorjcPreservation Office. A draft of this grant proposal will be gentto each of the Commission members prior to the September fZmeeting date.
Meeting of August 3-, L99t
Pr€E€nt: Chairman - Chuck Randolph, Nathel le Oates, Madel ine
Buckendorf, Art Honey, Tom Ensley, Bill Gigray III, and
Susan Stacy, Historic Consul tant
The August L meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was
cailed to order in the City Hal1 Conference Room by Chuck
Randolph at 7:05 p.m.
The first item of business was a presentation of the completedPhase III historj.c site survey along Cleveland Boulevard byhistorjc consultant, Susan Stacy. Slides of all the houses andproperties were viewed and many of the architectural details,site characteristics and occupants of the residences werediscussed in some detai I . Susan Stacy also sunmarized theproject overview and recormendations and provided some pertinent
background concerning the history and significance of Cleveland
Bou I evard .
Dennjs Crooks added that the Staff would be submitting thecompleted survey project to the State in approximately two weeks
and thal the City should be receiving the grant reimbursementfunds some t ime thereafter,
General discussion among the Comnissi.on ensued. ln conclusion,it was recommended that courtesy copies of the project overview
and site surveys be sent to the respective property owners alongwith a cover letter. Biii Gigray indicated he would prepare the
cover letter. Additionally, a number of preservation options andmethods were discussed which jncluded a possible rezoning,establishment of a local historic district, grants and sources of
revenue for infrastructure improvements. A1i agreed that theproperty owners along the Cleveland Boulevard corridor, includingthe College of ldaho, should be involved.
The next item on the agenda involved the 1992 grant application.
Dennis Crooks indicated that a completed app] ication would haveto be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office by
October 15, 1991, and that topics for the application should be
discussed. It was general Iy agreed that the historic site surveyprogram should continue, at Ieast, in part. T'here was also
discussion about the possibility of preparing a nomination to theNationai Historic Register for a residel'Ice along' CIevelandBoulevard and also beginninqf surveys in other Caldwel l
ia t
Fina I iy, it was tentat ive iy agreed that the L992 g:rant
appl ication should rnclude the completion of Blaine Avenuehistoric site survey (approxlmately 10-1-2 residences) and alsothe preparation of a nomination to the National Historic Regristerfor a residence along CleveIand Boulevard. Dennis Crooksindicated that he would djscuss the feasibility of the grant
app.l ication with the State Grants Manager, Ann Swanson and reportback lo the Commissi.on.
Wilh no further business. the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m
Prepared by
Dennis E
P I ann: ng
Crooks, Director
and Zoningf
DEC ; eay