HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC April 10 1997 minuteslllt I ll ll. I rllait -:1 ,1 luli-i-l oo Historic Preservation Commission 621 CLEVEI-AND BLVD. CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605 TEL: (208) 455-3@1 FAX /t5$3@3 ) 3 Caldwell Depot FacirS Scvcnth Avc. ( 1906) HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA April 10, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. Idaho Room Caldwell City Library I. ROLLCALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 13, 1997 OLD BT]SINESS: A. FY97 GRANT -Status B. CALDWELL DEPOT - Lighting Project C. HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEYS - Compilation Update D. TRAFFIC DESIGN - Follow-up TIME SIIEETS - Make sure you are keep tract of time spent working on the Grant. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: DISCUSSION OF ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA DATE OF NEXT MEETING - May 8, 1997 ADJOURNMENT 4 5 6 7 8 Aid for the hearing or visually impaired available upon 24 hour notice by calling 455-3000 / II l"'jli!1 Ii -!llr.rl. oo Historic Preservation Commission 821 CLEVEI-AND BLVO. CALDWELL, IOAHO 83605 TEL: (208) 455-3021 FAX 4s$3oo3 Caldwell Depot FaciDg Scvcnth Avc. ( 1906) THE IIISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Meeting of April 10, 1991 at the ldaho Room' Caldwell Public Library The l{istoric Preservation Commission meets the second Thursday of every month in the Idaho Room of the library at 7:00 p.m. Present:Rick Wells, Elaine Leppert, Steve Maughan, Chris Nye, Ed Allen, Sylvia Tag, Bill Gigray Itr Ann Marie Reyes, Linda James Melvin McClain, Tom Ensley The April 1Oth meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at the Caldwell City Library, in the Idaho Room, at 7:00 p.m. The first item of business was approval of the Minutes of the March 13, 1997, meeting. Commissioner l.eppert made a Motion to approve the Minutes as written. Commissioner Maughan seconded the Motion which passed unanimously. The next item ofbusiness was the FY97 Grant Contract. Commissioner Nye briefly discussed the meeting that was held on April 2, with Barbara Perry Bauer, Madeline Buckendod Elizabeth Jacox, and Bert Bedeau. They drove around the neighborhood and are thinking about creating a district that starts at Twelfth, over to Everett, down to Sixteenth, over to Fillmore, going over to Blaine, down to Twentieth. Commissioner Maughan stated that when he originally discussed the project with Ivft. Bedeau, this geographical area would most likely be accepted as a historic district. On that line of discussion, and because of the different zoning on Cleveland and Blaine, it was originally decided to leave it out. If it is added, it could potentially lead to more opposition, if these areas are ultimately proposed in the historic district. This area has more implications for properties that are zoned R-2 than it does for properties zoned R-1. This aspect of creating a historic district should be discussed again at a later date, to get it on the books. Commissioner Nye stated the contractors would also be doing a slide presentation as Susan Stacy did in the last survey. The next item of business was the status of the Caldwell Depot lighting project. Since Commissioner Ensley was absent, the Commission tabled this discussion until May's meeting. The next item of business was the status on the compilation of the Historic Property surveys. Historic Preservation 4/1 0/97 Page I Staff: Absent: o o Commissioner Leppert stated that the copy machine has been so busy, she has not had time to do the copying of those surveys. This item would be continued untill May's meeting. Rick Wells briefly stated his concem in replacement regularities ofheights ofcurbs, gutters, and sidewalks. The next item of business was the follow-up on traffic design. Commissioner Gigray stated one thing that needed to be done is check with the State Department of Transportation District 3, as to what plans if any, they have to upgrade Blaine and Cleveland. The traffic report will be very important in terms of what J.U.B. sees as the future of these two roads. Mr. Wells explained in his own opinion that the trafEc report is going to be used in part as a tool to convince the State to do more upon the State roads that are within the City, including getting addition interchange off the interstate, that can probably be used as evidence in this area. The Commission discussed block grants regarding lighting projects or any other improvements. This would be a good time to think about doing something since the Nampa/Caldwell Boulevard is in the process of being upgraded. This corridor needs to be stabilized so there would be a pleasant transition fiom all the commercial to the southeast, going or coming to the downtown area. Linda James mentioned that there are grant monies from either CDBG and Historic Preservation Grant f,mds and between the two of them and some in-kind frrnds there may be something that can be done. She stated that she would do some research regarding those grants. Commissioner Maughan stated that Caldwell has a need for better entry ways. There are three entry ways from the interstate from the interstate and give less of a positive impression of Caldwell to a visitor or those of us in the community. The next item of business was the request for a rezone to locate a coffee/pastry shop at 21st and Cleveland. Linda James and Rick Wells excused themselves since this matter would be coming before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The Commission had many general questions regarding the rezoning ofthe propertSr on the comer of 2l st and Cleveland. Their biggest concem addressed not being able to put any conditions on a rezone, which meant that many ofthe uses on the land use schedule could either be permitted or through a Special Use Permit. Discussion of the items for the next agenda. The date of the next meeting was set for Thursday, May 8, 1997. There being no firther business, the meeting was adjoumed at 8:30 p.m, Ann Marie Reyes, Administrative Secretary Community Development Department Christopher S. Nye Chairman Historic Preservarion 4/10/97 Page 2