\[ill Meet at ?:00 P,M, on ]une 9, 1999
at the
Cddwell PubUc Library
I. Call To Order:II. RoII Call:III. Old Business:
Approval of Minutes: Approve minutes ftom May t2, 1999 meeting.
Approval of Agenda:
Gonsultant Update: Finished sunrey of Blaine with 100 homes. Will
have to do Adhur and/or Main at a later date.
Comprehensive Plal Sub-Group Update: Change the boundary.
Depot: Downtown plan for plaza.
Status of Ff 99 Grarrts: Idaho Historic ltust. Discuss possibilities for
other grants for signs and walking tour brochure. Ann Swanson was
contacted and signs are possible, but will only be accepted if in a
Historic District.
Eistoric Presernation Workshop: Workshop to be held on July 31,
1999 at the Public Library in Caldwell. Discuss walking tour and other
Caldwell historic interests. Lunch.
fV. New Business:
Budget: Response from City?
Reports: 2001 Cleveland/Blaine Corridor.
Historic District Boundaries and Ordinance.
V, Discussion of Presetwalion Issues:
VI. Next Meeting: Jnly 14, 1999.
VII. tr djournment: