HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Agency SUB 31 (1) Power EstatesD I PUBLIC AGENCY SUBMITTED BYITEMDATE Fft-t M!/{tb lD'b'oO Dnlex fr"jrkiI IQ*'z fitun/tP tl-zl-DD ti?^rL frrvalrz"^lA--?A.Z (lrlzyrta 4-g-ol ?k-,+ (v'wva 't-l*ol bvMr-_)c,O ftrtIt-'On a a Memorandum Re To:Joan Holmes From: Gordon Law, City Engineer % SUB-35(l)F-99 (Powell Estates Subdivision Unit No. l) Date: April9,200l The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed final plat for Powell Estates Subdivision Unit # l. The department provides the following comments on the submiued final plat: The construction plans for Powell Estates # I were approved with the understanding that the Florida Avenue bridge would be constructed as part of Phase L Canyon Highway District # 4 and the City of Caldwell have reviewed but not approved the plans for the bridge extension. The preliminary plans have been used to generate an estimate for bonding purposes. 2. Construction for this subdivision is currently nearing completion. Construction security will have to be provided for those items not yet completed prior to approval of the Final Plat. The developer's engineer has submitted an acceptable "Bond Calculation" in the amount of $ 170,400.00. 3. There will be temporary restrictions to the obtaining of building permits until emergency service and infrastructure requirements have been completed:a) Street signs have not yet been installedb) The City of Caldwell has not received a clean water samplec) A all-weather travel surface has been constructedd) The sewer system is not functional 4. Easements must be provided to the City of Caldwell for all off-site improvements, including those that are intended to be incorporated into phase 2, prior to signature of the final plat. Acceptable descriptions for these easements have been provided to the City. 5. Note # 2 on the plat should include public utilities in the side lot line easement usage 6. Note # 5 on the plat should read "Block 4" instead of "Block 5" in the common lot call outs. ,,\s 04i05/2001 09:43 FAX 4504491 PIONEEN IRRIG @ 01/01 a e Pioneer Irrigation DiEttict u,lllrrrJ rrglNg.gaitdl7E,r,la it ttr E tGlllllH*t*tl I**rr F. C l(IGl r OLoTIELL EAIIO ECgf Fil|aErSrT Hs. Linde Jrnes, Dircetor Ce1dwell Cooanaity Developaeat Date: April 5, 2001 Fax: 455-3050 Lonnie J. Srpr=tntendeas L.IE:ntk BE: PO!{ELL ESTATES SUB. dI Dear t{c. Joes: Pleaec be adrrised, it ic che iateat of Pioneer lrrlgetiouDictrict to takc over thc oP.tr,tl.oa and u,elacenesce of the abovr araed eubdlwlsLoa oEca th,c fotlot{ng eon&itioar ATC ECE s l. fne preasurized ttrl.gacl,on, Eygcoto tr ta Lssualiedpcr irr ubE rcasderd-speeifltatious of, th,c Districti ?,. Any coaccEtrg outllaed by the Dfutrlct's euglarertngfira arE addressed; 3. The Optretlou urd H+iuEeraflce Agreeueat hrs beea draur" uP end stgard Ey qll ParcIrc, taeludiag tbe. Ch*f::'oai of ,thr-Borrd'of Diiectors of Ptoaeer lrri- laCion DisErict. If you h,ave any quretions, pleasc feel f,ree to ca1I. SLocaraly, ,b at MEMORANDTryI TO:Gordon Law Douglas Brown \ Linda James \.'- November 2O,2OOO \ Case for Public Heanng l,nton TJ,u de{ ee!@to {76 7','t e Lootct fiN 0@7 ll'il'oo ANO ?p1€' f,or4'?Dur FROM: DATE: RE: The following case has been scheduled to be heard by City Council December 4: Case No. SUB-35(1)F-99, request by Powell Development, LLC for final subdivision preliminary plat approval of Powell Estates Subdivision No. 1, a planned unit development consisting of 57 residential lots and 3 common-area lots located on approximately 1 3. I 1, The site is zoned R-2 (Medium-Density Residential) and is located along a portion of the east side of FloridaAvenue, beginning approximately 700 feet north of the intersection of Florida Avenue and Ustick Road. \-6. (/uS- do need to know the estimate of costs and form of Would you your response, ifapplicable, no later than you in advance. \w' a a Pioneer _ . o,.Irilgatton District { X TOA E. Seaoaty t toastv P. o' 8O((r r ClLOWEll lOAt{O Ero6 @r.6$3617 Date: Occober 30, 2000 DIs. Linda Jatres , DireerorCalduell Comr:rriry Developnenc Fax: 455-3050 RE: POWELL ESIAIES #1 Dear Ms. Jam,es : Please be advised it Ls che iaEenr of pioneer rrrlgacioaDisrricE Eo cake over rhe ope=atioa and maiareaancl ofthe above naned subdi'rrisioa- ouce the folLorring condicionsare EeE: 1, 2. 3. If you The pressrrrized irrigation syscem ls in iustalledper all the scandard specifitarions of che Disrrict; l1y conceras outliaed by che Discricr's engtueeriugfiru are addressed; The Operation and Mal.ucenairce AgreeueuE has been9f"* up and sLgned by all parrles, Lncluding theChairran of .the Board of Diiectrors of Pioneei Irri-gation Discrict. have any quescions, please feel free to call. s €ry, eJintLonni Super . Freeoan endenE LJF:nEk q0 PS This letter aLso advised you that the District approves theconsEruccion drawings as Branped by Mr. Mike shelfiard onSepteraber 18, 2000. I tl I .