HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Respons SUB 03-97 Pal Shaw,a PUBLIC RESPONSE DATE SUBMTTTED BY R.r6u.st t Exarrl ne. Fla ITEM (+,I c->,tQQ1i1,\aLIJ &nts DaKan PR.TEAX:E, R-t-r"*4,lelkl'-Mal\?dPR-3 g.,t4i-lAAa5 D SaaK -lcrQErr, Ma55 Lo, t4t -l ll r.l t Rl*.ite :{-r.,:..' Retur. ru-rlUfiri- Lete.,,pR-+ P R.5 Jul-, I t+, t44rl Gten U.}.*k*ns Ju-0{ | t\qq/1 edJg+, ed4.r6-aeJir.i R-- b UfrLR- W J4 lcs ruzl-\-drA t,Aq1 N\urrh,q, Wl 'firn+ Patt-Lt-S<-hnk u,u bat hto 1' t a REQUEST TO EXAMINE FILES B ia,4B 1998, I visited the Caldwell Community Development Department ( Planning and Zoning)and examined the case files for Case No. S 4 ts - OV 4 -7 I requested copies of the following documents taken from the files: /".a--u etr4 &."-u/s .,f f*' t s )er a'1)J./i, I understand that tlds request to examine files will be made a part of the permanent file regarding this Case. Signed Assisted By YK1 -JI CJa 0itp of Uallurrtl P. O. Box 1 177 Caldwell, ldaho 83606-'1 177 o Edith,Eddins 508 W A,ch S+'a-+ I epolsoe 636osEooRETURN TOEDDINSMOVED LEFUNAB LEEIFTI IEIN TTOTO NO ADDFIESSFORWAFD 6 L7q7 03 06/06/97SENDER A::rr-CrE.rrE l I q hd(> 6itg of (lalhwetl P. O. Box 1 177 Caldwsll, ldaho 83606-1 1 77 Tim & Paula 1307 Savant Caldwell, lD scHt307 63605eO14 1Ec76FoRI^IARD TIME EXP RTN TOSCHINKPO BOX 117HUSTON ID 63630 -O 117 o7 / 06/q7sEND5T 05 o A;r.-EE-?0-12 6E o LINOA JAA4TS Communiry Ocvelopm.d 0irc<tor NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CCi,,tMUNlTY 0EVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o &tv s{ q.alt{rilI 52I CLEVELAND 8TVD. CALOWELI, D 83505 TELEPHONE 155.302I FAX 455-3003 .LL 16 g LEGAL NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN, that the caldwell city council will hold a public r,""ring in the city Hall council chambers,62l cleveland Boulevard, caldwell, ldaho, Monday, July ?1,1997, at 7:30 p.m., to hear the following requests: A recommendation by the caldwell Planning and Zoning commission to approve the request by John and sallie Palleria for final subdivision plat approval_of case No. SUB- 03F-97 (Pal-shaw Estates) to develop 3 residential lots located in the R-1 zone. The site is located on the north side of Hazel street and the east side of Meadow Avenue, and is described as a part of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of section 28, Township 4 North, Rnage 3 W.B.M. copies of any correspondence received from the general public prior to the hearing will be submitted to ihe planning and Zoning Commission at the hearing and will be made a part of the public record. Public testimony will also be taken at the hearing and made a part of the record. Files and exhibits relailve to these requests are on file at city Hall in the community Development Department and are available for review during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thiough Friday. Further information on these requests can be obtained by calling 455-3021. You. or your agency, are receiving this notice because ldaho code, 67-6501 . Local Planning Act oi t SZ'5, requires notice of this public hearing to be provided to political subdivis]ons that provide services within the City's planning jurisdiction and 1o property owners or purchasers of record whose property is located within three hundred feet of the extei'nal boundaries of the subject site. ,N +r., rthh f*k"q o-'-fr/'' d*a* '!'7'-r r) cr&';4t fo7*(-urf"-,. ,A; lU .fur*" t,-:Llo .3""{, 1L,e3*'- *,.[-yt*,* 2,1^O C-rl-q n 9'%* ffi;. rn- a-,?.*J" ,e';+*.rurtA dr,4:r.,Vq? .A( ataffi t*,*tJ, -tro ao !,D<)+ H q'-fl -l?"^ * *"*/.r;4, 1b t';, +'W 'r9) -4, z/.r-rt{ .*,1, y ?fedp ;k-oyJ:in 4-/,,*W 4. 1Zr* n,..&o @: frfu ,{",U;$"-.fry4Q, c-jr #r) -fud -<-*, ,Ua -u,.-bu'":o=._ ./,,8-',--, M ;Jr- Oitu nI Odtturcll P. O. Box 1 177 Caldw€ll, ldaho 93606-1 177 Tim & Paula Schink 1307 Savannah Street Ca SCHI3OTFORWARDSCHINKPO BOX 1HUSTON I o52OO1 1294jEXF RTN TO 111,,,,1,,,,,11,,11,,,1,,,11,,,11,,,11,,,,,,1111,',11,,,11,,,1 636TIME L7D 63630-OLl-7 RETUFN TO SENDER o5/oSEND5 3/97 T05 o a o REQUEST TO EXAMINE FILES 1997, I visited the Caldwell Commrurity Development Department ( Planning 4d l6nirrg) and examined the case files for Case No.5o6 - o3P-q7 I requested copies of the following documents taken from the files: I rurderstand that this request to examine files will be made a part of the permanent file regarding this Case. Si Assisted By (\ ?R., o o REQUEST TO EXAMINE FILES 1997, I visited the Caldwell Community Development Department ( Plarning and Zoning) and examined the case files for Case No.3r-:6 - O3^q-7 I requested copies of the following documents taken from the files: Lor:i<ea at Sit'= Pla',-r. I understand that this request to examine files will be made a part of the permanent file regarding this Case. Assisted By S PR_\ Alr^m)*,-'Pa,\f