HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC September 9, 1998 minuteso I
Meeting of September 9, 1998
Idaho Roorn,
Caldwell Public Library
Eistoric Presersation Comrnission will rneet on Septembet 9, 1998 at ?:00 p.m.
L Call To Order:
II. RolI Call:
III. Old Business:
Approval of Minutes: June meeting.
Approval of Ag,enda:
Gonsultant Update: Presenting of finished report. Report mailed to state.
IV New Business:
Reports: 200 I Cleveland,/Blaine Corridor Update- Status of report.
Historic District Boundaries - Status of report.
Depot: Brick pointing at the Depot - Status. Paintingr. Potential listing.
October Presentationl Establish time for slide presentation.
Status of fY 99 Grants: 1999 suwey? Walking Tour brochure?
V. Discussion of Preservation Issues:
VI. Next Meeting: October 14, 1998
VI[. Adj ournrnent:
I Irllr rllr:i'l :x lr.r,l ar- I
Historic Preservation Commission
TEL: (208) .lss-3021
FAX 4s$3003
Caldwell Depol Fociag Scventh Ave. ( 1906)
Meeting of September 9, 1998
Idaho Room,
Caldwell PubUc Library
The Eistoric Preservation Comrnission met in the Idaho Room of lhe Caldwell
Public Library at 7:00 P,M.
Mem,bers Present: Jan Boles, Elaine Carpenter, Elaine L,eppert, Steve Maughan and
Chris Nye.
Members trbseat: Tom Ersley, BilI Gigay Itr, and Rick Wells
Comrnunity Development Staff: Bud Knickerbocker
Call To Order: The meeting was called to orde! by ChairPerson Leppert at 7:00 P.m.
Old Business:
Approval of Agenda: A motion to aPProve the agenda was made by
Commissioner Nye and seconded by Commissioned Maughan'
Approv-al of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes, with corrections, was
made by Commissioner Maughan and seconded by Commissioner Boles.
Consultant Update: Ttre survey has been completed and al] information has
been mailed to ArLn Swanson. Ttte survey has been accePted as presented.
Bert Bedeau states the this survey "should provide the community with the
necess.iry hformation to pursue a National Regdster district in Washington
New Business:
Report on Gomrnittees:
Cleveland Boulevard Cornmittee: Commissioner Nye will be in
touch with this committee and will dissuss with them in what direction
they plan to proceed. This comrnittee has not met recently.
Eistoric Presenratlon District Boundaries Comrnittee: Mary
Parsons and Jack Carr have provided Chairperson L€pped with
minutes ftom two of their meetfurgs. They have made
recom:nendations on the proposed boundary of the District, Ttrey are
suggestilg I2t Avenue to 206 Avenue and Filmore to Cleveland
Boulevard. Ihe Commission will take this under advisement. The
Commission will approach Linda James for advice on forming an
Hirstoric District overlay,
Repointing: Commissioner Maughan notes that some red paint has
been painted on the mortar of the bricks. Ttris goes to the top of the
building. Ttris is a continuilg project and Commissioner Ensley is
working with some community members on repohting and repainting
the depot.
October Presentatlon: The slide presentation will be October 14,
1998 at City Hall in the upstairs conference room. T}e library is not
available on this date. Chairperson lJeppert will be inviting Am
Swanson, Bert Bedeau, Mayor Nancolas and Linda James to the
Slatus of IT 99 Grants: The Commission has asked the Communiry
Development Department to submit an appucation for an additional
survey for the Arthur and Blaine area between 126 and 2I"'.
Additionally, Chairperson Leppert will approach the Idaho Humanities
Council and Caldwell Community for funds to reproduce the walkirtg
tour brochure. Other futu:e projects discussed a:e signage for the
future DisEict, monutnent for the Steunenberg assassination site and
signage for houses listed on the register.
Discussion of Preservation Issues: None were discussed at this meeting.
Next Meeting: The next meetng is scheduled for October 14, 1998.
Adjournrnent: Ttre meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Elaine Lreppert,
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