HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC September 7 1989 minutesa
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September 7, 1989
The meeting was called to order at TIAA p.m. inconference room by the Chairman, Tom Ensley.NatheIIe Oatesr SyIvia Robisonl Chuck RandolphAbsent were Teri Brandt, Gregg Lovan and Gary t"lee.
the City HaI1Present were
and Art Honey.
Chuck Randolph moved and Nathelle Oates seconded thethe minutes of the JuIy 6 meeting be approved asdistributed. Motion carried.
mot ionwritten that
The secret,ary reported that the amount received from the Statefor the grant match was $t1777.L7. Because of favorable bids,the project I^Ias completed for less than estimated. An attempt\das made to match the entire 92r5aa by having a cardwellHistoric Preservation Commission member attend a Uitional TrustMain street workshop in sioux Fatls, south Dakota, september 5and 6. Art Honey was registered to attendr but at the rastminute the workshop was cancered because not enough peopre hadsigned up. Ann Swanson from the Idaho State Historical Societyhas advised that next time CaldweIt should request more than the$2r5g0r ds there is the possibility of unclaimed grant money thatcould be spent.
Tom Ensley said he had talked with Bob Carpenter about the depotand Bob indicated the Economic Development Committee may havebeen abre to acquire use of the building without some of therestrict,ions originalry imposed by the union pacific Rairroad
The addit.ion of Historic Preservation information into the Citytscomprehensive Pran was then reviewed and approved. A pubrichearing has been scheduled for the september 21 meeting of thePlanning and Zoning Commission to take public testimony on theComprehensive PIan update.
Commiss ion
AppIi cat ions
members discussed t,he project,s to be considered forof a grant apptication for the L99A fiscal year.are due October 1, 1989. priority projects listed
1- Phase 2 of the survey of historic properties which wouldencompass an area generally between 10thr t,he railroadr thecolrege of rdaho and Firrmore (map attached). Approximatery 5asites will be selected by teams of Commission memb..sr with 4 or5 to receive intensive level research. Sites will be chosen onthe basis of architectural featur€sr historically significantevents or historically significant or prominant persons orfami lies.
2. Invest.igategrant eIigible.
Good sources for
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what aspect of railroad sitesr(Sytvia is to call Ann Swanson
if anlr might be
about this. )
3. Compile and print Centennial walking tours:
Downtown Caldwell
North Caldwell residential
Key interest points (e.9., C of I hat, old iron bridger
PEO house, Dairymenrs industrial area, and other places
that can be reached by bicycler c€rE or on foot).
tour material would be oral history and the
A grant application andsubmitted for approval by
As there was no further
p. m.
Respectfully submittedr
Sylvia Robison
tentative budget will be prepared and
the October I date.
businessr the meeting adjourned at B:34