HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC March 2 1989 minuteso o CALDWELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION MEETING REGULAR MEETING Morch 2, 1989 2 ? Minutes from Februory meeting. Reporl on proposol for Consullont. lnvilolion from Gulley's to tour their museum. Further discussion on 1989 gools.4. o HISTORIC PRESERVATION CO}I[.1I SS ION I{INUTES March 2, 1,989 The meeting was called to oraler at 7:6O p.m. by the Chairman, Tom Ensley. Present were Chuck Randolph, Teri Brandt, Sylvia Robison, NathelIe Oatesr and Art Honey. The minutes of the February 2 and distributed.meeLing were approved as written Sylvia Robison reported on the status of the request forproposals to engage a consulEant to complete the survey of properties ident.ified in the grant project. she indicated the Proposal form has been approved by the State Historic Preservation office and a List of consuLtants is being sent from Boise. The request for proposals uill be Eailed out to three or nore individuals who may be interested in doing the Project for the city of Caldwell. Proposals will be due in the office of Engineering and Planning by 5zQA p.m. ttarch 24. since theproject is scheduled to begin April l, 1989, Commission Dembers established a meeting for saturdayr March 25, aE 3:30 p.m. in the City Ha1I conference room to review the proposals submitted. The chairnan then informed Commission members that. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Archie Gul,ley have invited the tlistoric Preservation Conmission to tour the nuseum in their office building at ll22 Main street. The museum contains collectibles, artifacts,ant.iques and menorabilia the Gulleys have been accumulating for many years. The agreed-upon date for the Eour ig Thursdayt tlarch 9r at 7 zAA p.m. Further discussion on 1989 goals: Tom EnsLey said he would get information to Teri Brandt for the walking t,our. chuck RandolPh indicated he had talked r,rith Durand Marcus and found that the Centennial committee is also planning to work with the schooLs inget.ting information for the Centennial. Rather than duplicat.e efforts, the Commission agreed to work more closely with that commitLee. Nathelle oates is the representative from the Caldvell Comniss i on. o As a matter of informationrthe State SchooI Board wantsin Idaho for the Centennial. chuck Randolph further reported that to compile a hisEory of every school Teri Brandt announced that the chamber of Commerce will host another Idahost program on lrtarch 18th for anyone interested in learning more about Idaho and "The Celebration of the century. " As there was no further businessr the meeting adjourned aE 8rOO. Respectfully submittedr SyJ. vi a Robison - Secretary O o HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION UINUTES March 2r 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7.gg p.n. byEnsley. Present uere Chuck Randolphl Teri RobiEonr Nat.helle Oates, and Art Eoney. the Chairman, TonBrandt, Sylvia The minutes of the Eebruary 2 meeting eere approved as vritten and distributed. Sylvia Robison reported on the status of t.he requeat forproposal,s Eo engage a consultant to complete the surveyof properties identified in the grant project. She indicated theproposal form has been approved by t.he State Eistoric Preservation office and a list of consultanta is being sent fromBoise. The request for proposals will be mailed out t,o three ormore i.ndividuals lrho may be interested in doing lhe project forthe City of Cal-dwel1. Proposals will be due in the office ofEngineering and Planning by 5zAA p.m. March 24. Since theproject is scheduled to begin ApriI 1r L989r Comnission Eembersestablished a meeting for SaEurday, t'larch 25, aE 3:30 p.m. in theCj.ty Hall conference room t,o review the proposals submitted. The Chairman then informed Commission members that Dr. and Mrs.Earl Archie Gulley have invited the tlistoric Preservation Commission to tour the museum in their office building aE LL22Itlain Street. The museum contains collectibles, artifacts,antiques and memorabilia the GuIIeys have been accumulat.ing f,ornany years. The agreed-upon date for the tour is Thursday, Iilarch 9r at 7:OA p.m. Surt,her discussion on 1989 goals: Tom Ensley said he rrould get information to Teri Brandt for the walking tour. Chuck Randolphindicated he had t.alked with Durand l,larcus and found that the CentenniaL Committee is also planning to work rdith the schools ingetting information for the Centennial. Rather than duplicateefforts, the Commission agreed to work more closely wit.h thatcommittee. NatheIle Oates is the representative from the CaLdwe11 Commiss ion. As a matter of informationrlhe State SchooI Board vrantsin Idaho for the Centennial- Chuck Randolph further reported thatto compile a history of every school Teri Brandt announced that Ehe Chamber of Commerce wilI hostanother Idahost program on i,larch LBLh for anyone interested inIearning more about Idaho and "The Celebration of Che Century. n As t.here was no further business, the meeting adjourned aE gigo. Respectfully submj. t t ed,Sylvia Robison - Secretary