HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC December 7 1989 minuteI oo I CITT OF CALDTELL HISTORTC PRESERVATION CO}IHISEION HINUTEg Dccclber 7, f989 The meeting was called to order at 7:OCr p.mo in the City HaII conference room by the Chairman, Tom Ensley. Present weres Nathelle Oates, Chuck Randolph, Art Honey, Dennis Crooks and Teri Brandt. Minutes from the November 2, f989 meeting were distributed. Charrman Tom Ensley opened the rneeting wrth an overvlew of the agenda and hrghlighted items that should be accomplrshed. Of slgnrftcance hras the need to update the grant applrcation and consider congultant recommendations to include preparation of a more specific time tablee solicitation of bids, sub-contractor selection, lrmrttng historrcal survey sites to a more manageable number and consrdering walking tours asl a separate prolect. Chairman Ensley next asked for detarled reports survey teans and the results of their findings. from the si te I Art Honey reported on his area and rndrcated there $rere a numtrer of candrdates and that' his list needed addecl ref r nement . Chuck Randolph reported on his area and indicated that there was a wealth of sltes in that particular quadrant. Many of the stgnrf icant sites rrere crted both from an architecturarr/desrgn perspect ive as wel r a9 an historical/ownership perspective. NatheI Ie Oates and Teri Brandt foI lowed wrth a presentation of results of their survey. They crted They cited the problen of Iarge numbers of significant sites and the different perspectives and philosophieg that entered into a specific selection. 4 Tom Ens1ey and Dennis Crooks reported on their area. Within their quadrant, the number of chosen sites hras fairly limited wlth the selction based primarily on external appearance such as architecture, design featureg and promrnent location. Af ter the team presentationsr soll€ discussion occured and it was unanimously decrdect by the committee that the frnal number of historical srtes selected would be l.lmrted to threnty-f ive (25). AdditionaIly, a method and gelection process for achreving the final Irst was drscussed and agreed upon by the committee as fol lows: z I I a o o Each team wag to compile a list of ten (1O) candidateE wrthin their respect ive review areas and submit them to Dennrs at the Planning and Zoning Department as soon asl possible. It was understood that, due to the wealth of srtes withrn therr area , the team of Chuck and Sylvra would have flexrbrlity to submit more than ten (10) cand idates. Dennrs wrII consolirlate the lists into one list of 4O+ potentral grtes and distribute the revrsed cumulatlve list to each of the commrttee members. Armed wrth the revrsed conulative Iist. each comnrttee member was to re-t nspect and re-survey the 4O+ sites throughout the entire survey area (a11 quadrants) and choose twenty-frve (25i historrcal site candrdates from that ltst. Each memtrere' list of ZS ls to be submitted to Dennrs at the Plannrng and Zonrng Department no later than Monday, January B. Dennrs wrll consolrdate lists and tabulate results of the survey and present results to the committee at the next Historical Preservation Committee meetlng. Historical Preservatron Committee will. make selection of final 25 historical sites at the scheduled meeting of Thursday, January 1lth at TzOO p.[I. )( I 2. 3. 4. 5 The meeting concluded with a brref discussion andstatus of the Union Pacific Railroad Depot and a the downtown commercial district. report on d iscussion theof As there was p.Ill. Respectful 1y submitted, no further busrness, the nreeting adiourned at 8:5O Dennis Crook Se Planning and Zoning Director /.